Author: Toriya (Agrba) J.N.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Toriya (Agrba) Janna Nodarovna, postgraduate student, Department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and civil service, Ranepa, Moscow, the Russian Federation
Abstract. In the modern world, in a world of globalization, almost all countries are faced with the problem of preserving their identity. It is impossible to consider the identification solely through ethnicity, religion, in the largest countries with a multiethnic and multi-religious composition, which is modern Russia. The author expresses the fact that the formation of civic identity should be based on shared values, a Patriotic consciousness, civic responsibility and solidarity, respect for the law, belonging to the fate of the homeland without losing their ethnic and religious roots. It is essential to preserve the unity of the country. The author emphasizes that firstly V. A. Tishkov proposed the idea of the Russian nation and the Russian civil identity in the early 1990s. V. A. Yadov and E. N. Danilevskaya studied social identity, including civil and ethnic, the population of the Russian Federation in comparison with the Polish in 1998 and 2002. The author expresses that the support and strengthening of regional and ethnic communities of Russians is one of the most important conditions of formation of the Russian nation – historical and socio – political community, which represents “unity in diversity”.
Keywords: globalization, the problem of preservation of identity, the formation of civic identity, shared values, a Patriotic consciousness, the unity of the country, the Russian nation, the Russian civil identity
Text: PDF
For citation: Toriya (Agrba) Janna N. Civil identity as an object of sociology and communication studies: the evolution of scientific approaches. Communicology. Vol. 5 No.4. 2017. Р. 103-110.
1. Abercrombie N. Sociologicheskii slovar. Pereod s angl. Yaz./ N. Aberrombie, S. Hill, B. S. Terner/ pod red. S.A. Erofeeva.– 2-e izd., pererabotannoe I dop. – M.: ZAO “Izdatelstvo Ekonomia”, 2004.
2. Bolshoy tolkovii sotciologicheskii slovar (Collins). Tom 1 (A-O): Per. S angl. – M.: Veche, AST 1999.
3. Biujkenen P. Dj. Smert Zapada. M., 2003.
4. Granin Yu. Ot samosoznaniya k identichnosti: Proekt “rossiskaya natciya” doljen bit zavrshen // maya Gazeta.2017. – 29 marta.
5. Danilova E.N. Cherez prizmy sotcialnih identifikatcii // Rossiya refoemiruujayasya. Ejegodnik 2004 / Otvet. Red. L.M. Drobijevа.– М., 2005.
6. Delokarov K.H. Problema identichnosti v epohu globalizatci: spetcifika / Severnii Kavaz v fokuse rossiiskoy identichnosti / Pod objei red. A.Yu. Shadge.– М.: Rossiskoe filosofskoe objestvo; – Maiop: Izdatelstvo Magarin O.G, 2011.
7. Drobijeva L.M. Rijova S.V. Rossiskaya identichnost I mejetnicheskaya tolerantnost. Eletronnii resurs
8. Korolev V. Igor Barinov: kluchevoe slovo dlia nas vseh – Rodina // omsomolskaya pravda. Spetcvipusk «Mnogonatcionalnaya Rossiya. – 2017. – 9 Iun.
9. Kretcul R. Rossiskoy natcii dali opredelenie: Ucenie RAN sozdali slovar poniyatii, v otorom rossiyan oharakterizovali kak politichesuyu, a ne etnicheskuyu obshnost // Izvestiya – 2017. –
20 Apreliya.
10. Kulturologiya. XX vek. Slovar. Sant Peterburg. – Universitetskaya kniga.
11. Nazarova E.A., Toriya J.N. Osobennosti formirovaniya grajdanskoy identichnosti v studenchesoy srede KCHR // Sociologiya obrazovaniya – 2017. – №1. – s..33-42
12. Putin V.V. Vistuplenie na zasedanii mejdunarodnogo diskussionnogo luba Valdai // Vestnik Rossisoy natcii. – 2013.– №6
13. Rossiskaya natciya: stanovlenie I etnokulturnoe mnogoobrazie / Otv. Red. V.A. Tishkov. – М., 2008.
14. Tishkov V.A. Edinstvo Rossii – v mnogoobrazii kultur: Pora dumat ni tolko o drujbe narodov, no I I o drujnom narode // Nezavisimaya gazeta. – 2017. – 30 Maya.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Toriya (Agrba) Janna Nodarovna, postgraduate student, Department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and civil service, Ranepa, Moscow, the Russian Federation
Abstract. In the modern world, in a world of globalization, almost all countries are faced with the problem of preserving their identity. It is impossible to consider the identification solely through ethnicity, religion, in the largest countries with a multiethnic and multi-religious composition, which is modern Russia. The author expresses the fact that the formation of civic identity should be based on shared values, a Patriotic consciousness, civic responsibility and solidarity, respect for the law, belonging to the fate of the homeland without losing their ethnic and religious roots. It is essential to preserve the unity of the country. The author emphasizes that firstly V. A. Tishkov proposed the idea of the Russian nation and the Russian civil identity in the early 1990s. V. A. Yadov and E. N. Danilevskaya studied social identity, including civil and ethnic, the population of the Russian Federation in comparison with the Polish in 1998 and 2002. The author expresses that the support and strengthening of regional and ethnic communities of Russians is one of the most important conditions of formation of the Russian nation – historical and socio – political community, which represents “unity in diversity”.
Keywords: globalization, the problem of preservation of identity, the formation of civic identity, shared values, a Patriotic consciousness, the unity of the country, the Russian nation, the Russian civil identity
Text: PDF
For citation: Toriya (Agrba) Janna N. Civil identity as an object of sociology and communication studies: the evolution of scientific approaches. Communicology. Vol. 5 No.4. 2017. Р. 103-110.
1. Abercrombie N. Sociologicheskii slovar. Pereod s angl. Yaz./ N. Aberrombie, S. Hill, B. S. Terner/ pod red. S.A. Erofeeva.– 2-e izd., pererabotannoe I dop. – M.: ZAO “Izdatelstvo Ekonomia”, 2004.
2. Bolshoy tolkovii sotciologicheskii slovar (Collins). Tom 1 (A-O): Per. S angl. – M.: Veche, AST 1999.
3. Biujkenen P. Dj. Smert Zapada. M., 2003.
4. Granin Yu. Ot samosoznaniya k identichnosti: Proekt “rossiskaya natciya” doljen bit zavrshen // maya Gazeta.2017. – 29 marta.
5. Danilova E.N. Cherez prizmy sotcialnih identifikatcii // Rossiya refoemiruujayasya. Ejegodnik 2004 / Otvet. Red. L.M. Drobijevа.– М., 2005.
6. Delokarov K.H. Problema identichnosti v epohu globalizatci: spetcifika / Severnii Kavaz v fokuse rossiiskoy identichnosti / Pod objei red. A.Yu. Shadge.– М.: Rossiskoe filosofskoe objestvo; – Maiop: Izdatelstvo Magarin O.G, 2011.
7. Drobijeva L.M. Rijova S.V. Rossiskaya identichnost I mejetnicheskaya tolerantnost. Eletronnii resurs
8. Korolev V. Igor Barinov: kluchevoe slovo dlia nas vseh – Rodina // omsomolskaya pravda. Spetcvipusk «Mnogonatcionalnaya Rossiya. – 2017. – 9 Iun.
9. Kretcul R. Rossiskoy natcii dali opredelenie: Ucenie RAN sozdali slovar poniyatii, v otorom rossiyan oharakterizovali kak politichesuyu, a ne etnicheskuyu obshnost // Izvestiya – 2017. –
20 Apreliya.
10. Kulturologiya. XX vek. Slovar. Sant Peterburg. – Universitetskaya kniga.
11. Nazarova E.A., Toriya J.N. Osobennosti formirovaniya grajdanskoy identichnosti v studenchesoy srede KCHR // Sociologiya obrazovaniya – 2017. – №1. – s..33-42
12. Putin V.V. Vistuplenie na zasedanii mejdunarodnogo diskussionnogo luba Valdai // Vestnik Rossisoy natcii. – 2013.– №6
13. Rossiskaya natciya: stanovlenie I etnokulturnoe mnogoobrazie / Otv. Red. V.A. Tishkov. – М., 2008.
14. Tishkov V.A. Edinstvo Rossii – v mnogoobrazii kultur: Pora dumat ni tolko o drujbe narodov, no I I o drujnom narode // Nezavisimaya gazeta. – 2017. – 30 Maya.