Author: Guylchokhra N. Seyidova
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Seyidova Guylchokhra Nadirovna. Dr. Sci (Philos.), ass. Professor. Chairman of the Branch of UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue in the Northern Caucasus (7, Rzaev St., Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, 368008, Russian Federation); Professor of the Department of Legal Sciences and Humanities of the Derbent Branch of Dagestan State University (11., Heidar Aliyev St., Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, 368600, Russian Federation). Teacher Emeritus of the Republic of Dagestan. E-mail: Mob. +79626178584.
Abstract. In the article an attempt is made to consider issues that initially occupied Muslim thinkers – man, faith and the meaning of being. For this purpose, the phenomenon of religious faith as a cultural value, its manifestations in the life of the Muslim community, questions of the existence of the world of Islam against the background of the global challenges of the present is analyzed. It is shown that the basis of many religious, philosophical and mystical teachings is the call for the knowledge of such a complex being, what a person is. The comprehension of man – human studies in the East has traditionally existed within the framework of religious teachings. It is shown that it is the diversity of approaches to human cognition in the East that reflects the diversity of religions. The necessity of studying a person as the greatest riddle, a vital goal-setting, a religious factor from the point of view of the Koranic dogma, their role and influence on the formation of a new socio-cultural space of the existence of peoples is substantiated.
Keywords: Islam, man, religious faith, spiritual culture, cultural values, human studies, the meaning of being
Text: PDF
For citation: Guylchokhra N. Seyidova . Man, faith and the meaning of being in the culture of Islam. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 4. 2017. P. 147-157 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-4-147-157
1. Mukhammad Taki Misbakh Yazdi. Akyda – islamskoye veroucheniye / per. s pers.
M. Makhshulova. M.: OOO «Sadra», 2016. – 487 s. / Muhammad Taki Misbah Yazdi. Akyda – Islamic doctrine / trans. with the Persian. M. Makhshulov. – M.: OOO «Sadra», 2016. – 487 p.
2. Sharkov F.I. Informatsionno-kommunikatsionnaya paradigma razvitiya gosudarstvennosti: tsivilizatsionnyy nadkul'turnyy i nadreligioznyy aspekty // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. T.11. № 3 / Sharkov F.I. Information and communication paradigm of the development of statehood: civilization supracultural and over-religious aspects // Islam in the modern world. 2015. T.11. No. 3
3. Seidova G.N. Shiitskaya obshchina Dagestana kak primer pozitivnogo musul'manskokhristianskogo dialoga. Mirovyye religii v kontekste sovremennoy kul'tury: Novyye perspektivy dialoga i vzaimoponimaniya. Khristianstvo i islam v kontekste sovremennoy kul'tury: Novyye perspektivy dialoga i vzaimoponimaniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Vostochnoy Yevrope, v Tsentral'noy Azii i na Kavkaze / Otv. red. D.L. Spivak, S. Shenkman. SPb: Sankt-Peterburgskoye otdeleniye Rossiyskogo instituta kul'turologii/Russko-Baltiyskiy informatsionnyy tsentr «Blits», 2011. – 232 s. 3 / Seyidova G.N. Shi`a community of Dagestan as an example of a positive Muslim-Christian dialogue. World religions in the context of modern culture: New perspectives of dialogue and mutual understanding. Christianity and Islam in the context of modern culture: New perspectives of dialogue and mutual understanding in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus / Otv. Ed. D.L. Spivak, S. Shenkman. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Department of the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies / Russian-Baltic Information Center «Blitz», 2011. – 232 p.
4. Spivak D.L., Venkova A.V., Stepanov M.A. Privetstviye uchastnikam Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii «Derbent – gorod trokh religiy» / Derbent – gorod trokh religiy. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Derbent, 25 marta 2015 g.) / otv. red. Seidova G.N. Makhachkala: ALEF, 2015. – 392 s./ Spivak DL, Venkova AV, Stepanov MA Greetings to the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Derbent is a city of three religions» / Derbent is a city of three religions. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Derbent, March 25, 2015) / otv. Ed. Seyidova G.N. Makhachkala: ALEF, 2015. – 392 p.
5. Sharkov F.I. Faktory garmonizatsii etnokonfessional’nykh kommunikatsiy v sovremennoy Rossii // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2016. T.12. № 4. S. 178/ Sharkov F.I. Factors of harmonization of ethnoconfessional communications in modern Russia // Islam in the modern world. 2016. Т.12. № 4. P. 178
6. Akhmadi Akhmad. Glubinnyye sloi poznaniya. – M.: Nauchnaya kniga, 2011/ Ahmadi Ahmad. Deep layers of knowledge. M .: The scientific book, 2011.
7. Osnovy islamskoy filosofii (izbrannoye iz proizvedeniy Murtazy Mutakhkhari) /sost. `Abd ar-Rasul Ubudiyyat; per. s pers. M.: Akademicheskiy proyekt; Sadra, 2014. – 278 s. (Filosofskiye tekhnologii)/ Fundamentals of Islamic philosophy (selected from the works of Murtaza Mutahhari) / comp. `Abd-ar-Rasul Ubudiyyat; Trans. With the Persian. M .: Academic project; Sadra, 2014. – 278
p. (Philosophical Technologies)
8. Korben A. Istoriya islamskoy filosofii: per. s fr. – 3-ye izd. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; OOO «Sadra», 2016. – 367 s. – [Islam: klassika i sovremennost']/ Korben A. History of Islamic Philosophy: Per. With fr. – 3rd ed. M .: Academic Project; LLC «Sadra», 2016. – 367 p. – [Islam: classic and modernity]
9. Chelovek s tochki zreniya islamskoy doktriny / Per. s pers. yaz. Nasima Mirzoyeva SPB.: Peterburgskoye Vostokovedeniye, 2011. – 128 s./ Man in terms of Islamic doctrine / Trans. With the Persian. Yaz. Nasima Mirzoyeva SPB .: Petersburg Oriental Studies, 2011. – 128 p.
10. Dzha`fari Mukhammad Taki. Filosofiya i tsel' zhizni / Per. s pers. yaz. SPb: Peterburgskoye Vostokovedeniye, 2009 / 11. Jafari Muhammad Taki. Philosophy and the purpose of life / Trans. With the Persian. Yaz. – SPb: Petersburg Oriental Studies, 2009
11. Teoreticheskaya kul'turologiya. M.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; Yekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga; RIK, 2005. – 624 s. (Seriya «Entsiklopediya kul'turologii»)/ Theoretical culturology. M.: Academic Project; Ekaterinburg: Business book; REC, 2005. – 624 p. (Series «Encyclopedia of Culturology»)
12. Mukhetdinov D. V. K voprosu o rossiyskom musul'manstve // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. № 4. T. 11/ 13. Mukhetdinov DV To the Question of Russian Islam // Islam in the Modern World. 2015. № 4. T. 11
13. Pelipenko A.A. Nabroski k portretu sovremennosti. Naslediye v epokhu sotsiokul'turnykh transformatsiy: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii / Ministerstvo kul'tury RF, Rossiyskiy institut kul'turologii; redkol. E.A. Shulepova (preds.) i dr. M.: Akademicheskiy proyekt; Al'ma-Mater, 2010 Pelipenko A.A. Sketches to the portrait of modernity. Heritage in the era of sociocultural transformations: Proceedings of the International Conference / Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies; Rare. E.A. Shulepova (pred.), Etc. M .: Academic project; Alma Mater, 2010
14. Smirnov M.YU. Rossiyskoye obshchestvo mezhu i mifom i religiyey: Istoriko-sotsiologicheskiy ocherk. SPb: Izd-vo S.– Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006. / Smirnov M.Yu. Russian society between myth and religion: Historical and sociological essay. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2006.
15. Yefremova N.V. Islam: filosofiya, religiya, kul'tura: uchebnoye posobiye / N.V. Yefremova; In-t filosofii RAN. – M.: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2015. CH.1.: Teologo-filosofskaya mysl'. – 2015.– 183 s./ Efremova N.V. Islam: Philosophy, Religion, Culture: Textbook / N.V. Efremova; Institute of Philosophy RAS. – Moscow: Science – East. Liter., 2015. Part 1. Theological and philosophical thought. – 2015.– 183 p.
16. Roze YA. K novomu chelovechestvu: ot emotsional'nogo poznaniya k dukhovnoy intuitsii // Yedinstvo i mnogoobraziye v religii i kul'ture. Filosofskiye i psikhologicheskiye korni global'nykh protivorechiy. – SPb: FKITS «EYDOS», 2006/ Rosa Ya. Toward a New Humanity: From Emotional Cognition to Spiritual Intuition // Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture. Philosophical and psychological roots of global contradictions. – SPb: FCDC «EIDOS», 2006
17. Kashaf SH.R. Modernizatsiya islamskogo obrazovaniya kak faktor religioznoy i natsional'noy bezopasnosti Rossii // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. № 4. T.11 / Kashaf Sh.R. Modernization of Islamic Education as a Factor of Religious and National Security of Russia // Islam in the Modern World. 2015. № 4. Vol.11.
18. Gaynutdin (Gaynutdinov) R.I. Printsip universal'nosti znaniya kak osnova islamskogo obrazovaniya // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. № 4. Tom 11. / Gainutdin (Gaynutdinov) R.I. The principle of the universality of knowledge as the basis of Islamic education // Islam in the modern world. 2015. № 4. Vol. 11.
19. Yakovlev A.I. O znachenii traditsionnykh tsennostey v obshchestvennom razvitii nezapadnykh obshchestv na rubezhe epokh/ Globalizatsiya i spravedlivost': Sb. statey / Pod red. N.S. Kirabayev, V.I. Yurtayev. – M.: RUDN, 2007 / Yakovlev A.I. On the importance of traditional values in the social development of non-Western societies at the turn of the ages / Globalization and justice: Sat. Articles / Ed. N.S. Kyrabaev, V.I. Yurtaev. – Moscow: RUDN, 2007.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Seyidova Guylchokhra Nadirovna. Dr. Sci (Philos.), ass. Professor. Chairman of the Branch of UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue in the Northern Caucasus (7, Rzaev St., Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, 368008, Russian Federation); Professor of the Department of Legal Sciences and Humanities of the Derbent Branch of Dagestan State University (11., Heidar Aliyev St., Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, 368600, Russian Federation). Teacher Emeritus of the Republic of Dagestan. E-mail: Mob. +79626178584.
Abstract. In the article an attempt is made to consider issues that initially occupied Muslim thinkers – man, faith and the meaning of being. For this purpose, the phenomenon of religious faith as a cultural value, its manifestations in the life of the Muslim community, questions of the existence of the world of Islam against the background of the global challenges of the present is analyzed. It is shown that the basis of many religious, philosophical and mystical teachings is the call for the knowledge of such a complex being, what a person is. The comprehension of man – human studies in the East has traditionally existed within the framework of religious teachings. It is shown that it is the diversity of approaches to human cognition in the East that reflects the diversity of religions. The necessity of studying a person as the greatest riddle, a vital goal-setting, a religious factor from the point of view of the Koranic dogma, their role and influence on the formation of a new socio-cultural space of the existence of peoples is substantiated.
Keywords: Islam, man, religious faith, spiritual culture, cultural values, human studies, the meaning of being
Text: PDF
For citation: Guylchokhra N. Seyidova . Man, faith and the meaning of being in the culture of Islam. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 4. 2017. P. 147-157 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-4-147-157
1. Mukhammad Taki Misbakh Yazdi. Akyda – islamskoye veroucheniye / per. s pers.
M. Makhshulova. M.: OOO «Sadra», 2016. – 487 s. / Muhammad Taki Misbah Yazdi. Akyda – Islamic doctrine / trans. with the Persian. M. Makhshulov. – M.: OOO «Sadra», 2016. – 487 p.
2. Sharkov F.I. Informatsionno-kommunikatsionnaya paradigma razvitiya gosudarstvennosti: tsivilizatsionnyy nadkul'turnyy i nadreligioznyy aspekty // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. T.11. № 3 / Sharkov F.I. Information and communication paradigm of the development of statehood: civilization supracultural and over-religious aspects // Islam in the modern world. 2015. T.11. No. 3
3. Seidova G.N. Shiitskaya obshchina Dagestana kak primer pozitivnogo musul'manskokhristianskogo dialoga. Mirovyye religii v kontekste sovremennoy kul'tury: Novyye perspektivy dialoga i vzaimoponimaniya. Khristianstvo i islam v kontekste sovremennoy kul'tury: Novyye perspektivy dialoga i vzaimoponimaniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Vostochnoy Yevrope, v Tsentral'noy Azii i na Kavkaze / Otv. red. D.L. Spivak, S. Shenkman. SPb: Sankt-Peterburgskoye otdeleniye Rossiyskogo instituta kul'turologii/Russko-Baltiyskiy informatsionnyy tsentr «Blits», 2011. – 232 s. 3 / Seyidova G.N. Shi`a community of Dagestan as an example of a positive Muslim-Christian dialogue. World religions in the context of modern culture: New perspectives of dialogue and mutual understanding. Christianity and Islam in the context of modern culture: New perspectives of dialogue and mutual understanding in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus / Otv. Ed. D.L. Spivak, S. Shenkman. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Department of the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies / Russian-Baltic Information Center «Blitz», 2011. – 232 p.
4. Spivak D.L., Venkova A.V., Stepanov M.A. Privetstviye uchastnikam Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii «Derbent – gorod trokh religiy» / Derbent – gorod trokh religiy. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Derbent, 25 marta 2015 g.) / otv. red. Seidova G.N. Makhachkala: ALEF, 2015. – 392 s./ Spivak DL, Venkova AV, Stepanov MA Greetings to the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Derbent is a city of three religions» / Derbent is a city of three religions. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Derbent, March 25, 2015) / otv. Ed. Seyidova G.N. Makhachkala: ALEF, 2015. – 392 p.
5. Sharkov F.I. Faktory garmonizatsii etnokonfessional’nykh kommunikatsiy v sovremennoy Rossii // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2016. T.12. № 4. S. 178/ Sharkov F.I. Factors of harmonization of ethnoconfessional communications in modern Russia // Islam in the modern world. 2016. Т.12. № 4. P. 178
6. Akhmadi Akhmad. Glubinnyye sloi poznaniya. – M.: Nauchnaya kniga, 2011/ Ahmadi Ahmad. Deep layers of knowledge. M .: The scientific book, 2011.
7. Osnovy islamskoy filosofii (izbrannoye iz proizvedeniy Murtazy Mutakhkhari) /sost. `Abd ar-Rasul Ubudiyyat; per. s pers. M.: Akademicheskiy proyekt; Sadra, 2014. – 278 s. (Filosofskiye tekhnologii)/ Fundamentals of Islamic philosophy (selected from the works of Murtaza Mutahhari) / comp. `Abd-ar-Rasul Ubudiyyat; Trans. With the Persian. M .: Academic project; Sadra, 2014. – 278
p. (Philosophical Technologies)
8. Korben A. Istoriya islamskoy filosofii: per. s fr. – 3-ye izd. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; OOO «Sadra», 2016. – 367 s. – [Islam: klassika i sovremennost']/ Korben A. History of Islamic Philosophy: Per. With fr. – 3rd ed. M .: Academic Project; LLC «Sadra», 2016. – 367 p. – [Islam: classic and modernity]
9. Chelovek s tochki zreniya islamskoy doktriny / Per. s pers. yaz. Nasima Mirzoyeva SPB.: Peterburgskoye Vostokovedeniye, 2011. – 128 s./ Man in terms of Islamic doctrine / Trans. With the Persian. Yaz. Nasima Mirzoyeva SPB .: Petersburg Oriental Studies, 2011. – 128 p.
10. Dzha`fari Mukhammad Taki. Filosofiya i tsel' zhizni / Per. s pers. yaz. SPb: Peterburgskoye Vostokovedeniye, 2009 / 11. Jafari Muhammad Taki. Philosophy and the purpose of life / Trans. With the Persian. Yaz. – SPb: Petersburg Oriental Studies, 2009
11. Teoreticheskaya kul'turologiya. M.: Akademicheskiy Proyekt; Yekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga; RIK, 2005. – 624 s. (Seriya «Entsiklopediya kul'turologii»)/ Theoretical culturology. M.: Academic Project; Ekaterinburg: Business book; REC, 2005. – 624 p. (Series «Encyclopedia of Culturology»)
12. Mukhetdinov D. V. K voprosu o rossiyskom musul'manstve // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. № 4. T. 11/ 13. Mukhetdinov DV To the Question of Russian Islam // Islam in the Modern World. 2015. № 4. T. 11
13. Pelipenko A.A. Nabroski k portretu sovremennosti. Naslediye v epokhu sotsiokul'turnykh transformatsiy: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii / Ministerstvo kul'tury RF, Rossiyskiy institut kul'turologii; redkol. E.A. Shulepova (preds.) i dr. M.: Akademicheskiy proyekt; Al'ma-Mater, 2010 Pelipenko A.A. Sketches to the portrait of modernity. Heritage in the era of sociocultural transformations: Proceedings of the International Conference / Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies; Rare. E.A. Shulepova (pred.), Etc. M .: Academic project; Alma Mater, 2010
14. Smirnov M.YU. Rossiyskoye obshchestvo mezhu i mifom i religiyey: Istoriko-sotsiologicheskiy ocherk. SPb: Izd-vo S.– Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2006. / Smirnov M.Yu. Russian society between myth and religion: Historical and sociological essay. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2006.
15. Yefremova N.V. Islam: filosofiya, religiya, kul'tura: uchebnoye posobiye / N.V. Yefremova; In-t filosofii RAN. – M.: Nauka – Vost. lit., 2015. CH.1.: Teologo-filosofskaya mysl'. – 2015.– 183 s./ Efremova N.V. Islam: Philosophy, Religion, Culture: Textbook / N.V. Efremova; Institute of Philosophy RAS. – Moscow: Science – East. Liter., 2015. Part 1. Theological and philosophical thought. – 2015.– 183 p.
16. Roze YA. K novomu chelovechestvu: ot emotsional'nogo poznaniya k dukhovnoy intuitsii // Yedinstvo i mnogoobraziye v religii i kul'ture. Filosofskiye i psikhologicheskiye korni global'nykh protivorechiy. – SPb: FKITS «EYDOS», 2006/ Rosa Ya. Toward a New Humanity: From Emotional Cognition to Spiritual Intuition // Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture. Philosophical and psychological roots of global contradictions. – SPb: FCDC «EIDOS», 2006
17. Kashaf SH.R. Modernizatsiya islamskogo obrazovaniya kak faktor religioznoy i natsional'noy bezopasnosti Rossii // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. № 4. T.11 / Kashaf Sh.R. Modernization of Islamic Education as a Factor of Religious and National Security of Russia // Islam in the Modern World. 2015. № 4. Vol.11.
18. Gaynutdin (Gaynutdinov) R.I. Printsip universal'nosti znaniya kak osnova islamskogo obrazovaniya // Islam v sovremennom mire. 2015. № 4. Tom 11. / Gainutdin (Gaynutdinov) R.I. The principle of the universality of knowledge as the basis of Islamic education // Islam in the modern world. 2015. № 4. Vol. 11.
19. Yakovlev A.I. O znachenii traditsionnykh tsennostey v obshchestvennom razvitii nezapadnykh obshchestv na rubezhe epokh/ Globalizatsiya i spravedlivost': Sb. statey / Pod red. N.S. Kirabayev, V.I. Yurtayev. – M.: RUDN, 2007 / Yakovlev A.I. On the importance of traditional values in the social development of non-Western societies at the turn of the ages / Globalization and justice: Sat. Articles / Ed. N.S. Kyrabaev, V.I. Yurtaev. – Moscow: RUDN, 2007.