To the origins of the theory and practice of social communication in various spheres of the modern society

Author: Helena A. Nazarova

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Nazarova Elena Aleksandrovna, doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and civil service, Ranepa. E-mail:

Abstract. Today a lot of scientists and specialists pay attention to social communication in various scientific fields. In this article the author considers the tutorial study guide by Averin
A. N. This study guide contains a philosophical analysis of social communication, its role in realization of state social policy, anti-corruption measures in public-private partnership. Understanding of the essence and specifics of social communication helps to make an effective communication mechanisms in solving problems in various spheres of life in modern society.

Keywords: social communication, social communication in local government, social communication in personnel management, social communication in the fight against corruption

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For citation: Helena A. Nazarova To the origins of the theory and practice of social communication in various spheres of the modern society. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 4. P.159-166 DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2017-5-4 – 159-166

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