Author: Anatoly А. Krivoukhov, Vitaliy V. Zotov
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Krivoukhov Aatoly Anatolyevich, Cand. Sci (Law), Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kursk State Agricultural Academy “, Kursk, Russian Federation. E-mail: e-mail:;
Zotov Vitaliy Vladimirovich, Dr. Sci (Soc), Prof., Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Work, State educational Autonomous institution of higher education”Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service”. Kursk, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Abstract. In the following article, we look at еhe approaches to define the security of information, which has developed at present in the scientific environment in detail are consider in the article. As the main research method, a logical and meaningful analysis of the definitions of “information security”, published scientific publications are used.
In the opinion of the authors, the concept of information security must be associated with the development of the information and communication environment and considered as an anthroposociotechnical phenomenon. The authors singled out three main campaigns – technical and technological, humanitarian (psychological) and sociocultural, each of which has respectively the object – the information, the personality and the information sphere. Authors consider that information security needs to be connected with a concept of risk. Therefore, information security, according to authors, can be defined as a condition of security from negative information impacts of the information sphere and its subjects, the circulating information at which the risk of deterioration in functioning and development of society and its elements is minimum. It components are safety of the information sphere, the personality, information and information and telecommunication infrastructure.
Keywords: information security, information and communication environment, information, social information, information impact
Text: PDF
For citation: Anatoly А. Krivoukhov, Vitaliy V. Zotov. Information security as anthroposociotechnical phenomenon. Communicology: the electronic scientific journal. Vol. 2. No. 2. 2017. P. 71-81 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-4-71-81
1. Zakon RF ot 05.03.1992 № 2446-1 (red. ot 26.06.2008) «O bezopasnosti» // Konsul’tant Plyus: spravochno-pravovaya sistema – Rezhim dostupa cons_doc_LAW_376/, svobodnyj [Data obrashcheniya 30.04.2017] (Law of the Russian Federation No. 2446-1 of 05.03.1992 (as amended on 26.06.2008) “On security” // Consultant Plus: legal reference system – Access mode, free [Date of circulation 04/30/2017]). (In Russ.).
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 05.12.2016 № 646 «Ob utverzhdenii Doktriny informatsionnoy bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii» // Konsul’tant Plyus: spravochno-pravovaya sistema – Rezhim dostupa, svobodnyy [Data obrashcheniya 30.04.2017] (Presidential Decree No. 646 of 05.12.2016 “On Approving the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation” // Consultant Plus: legal reference system – Access mode, free [Date of circulation
30.04.2017]). (In Russ.).
3. Zotov V.V. Stanovlenie informatsionno-kommunikativnoy sredy sovremennogo obshchestva: sotsiologicheskiy analiz institutsional’nyh transformatsiy. Kursk: Izd-vo KurskGTU, 2007. 232 s. [Zotov
V.V. 2007. The formation of the information and communication environment of modern society: the sociological analysis of institutional transformations. Kursk: Kursk State Technical University, 232 p.]. (In Russ.).
4. Gevorkyan A.V. Rol’ cheloveka v sovremennyh sotsiotekhnicheskih sistemah: Dis. ... kand.
filos. nauk: 09.00.08. M., 2006. 159 s. (In Russ.). [Gevorkyan A.V. 2006. The role of man in modern socio-technical systems: Dis. ... cand. Philosophy sciences: 09.00.08. M., 159 p.]. (In Russ.).
5. Zubrilin A.A. Internet tekhnologicheskiy i sotsial’nyy aspekty // Informatika i obrazovanie. 2001. № 7. S. 53-62. [Zubrilin A.A. 2001. Internet technological and social aspects // Informatics and education. № 7. P. 53-62]. (In Russ.).
6. Strel’tsov A.A. Soderzhanie ponyatiya «obespechenie informatsionnoy bezopasnosti» // Informatsionnoe obshchestvo. 2001. № 4. S.10-16. [Streltsov A.A. 2001. The content of the concept of “ensuring information security” / / Information Society. № 4. P.10-16).]. (In Russ.).
7. Malyuk A. A., Pazizin S.V., Pogozhin N.S. Vvedenie v zashchitu informatsii v avtomatizirovannyh sistemah. M.: Goryachaya liniya-Telekom, 2001. 148 s. [Malyuk A.A., Pazizin S.V., Pogozhin N.S. 2001. Introduction to information protection in automated systems. M.: Hot line-Telecom, 148 p.]. (In Russ.).
8. Yasenev V.N. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ v ekonomicheskih sistemah. N. Novgorod: NNGU, 2006. 253 s. [Yasenev V.N. 2006Information security in economic systems. N. Novgorod: UNN,. 253 p.]. (In Russ.).
9. Gaykovich V.Yu., Ershov D.V. Osnovy bezopasnosti informatsionnyh tekhnologiy. M.: MIFI, 1995. 96 s. [Gaykovich V.YU., Ershov D.V. 1995. Fundamentals of Information Technology Security. Moscow: MEPhI, 96 p.]. (In Russ.).
10. Vasenin V.A. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ i komp’yuternyy terrorizm // Nauchnye i metodologicheskie problemy informatsionnoy bezopasnosti (sbornik statey). Pod red. V.P.SHerstyuka.
M.: MTSNMO, 2004. 208 s. ([Vasenin V.A. 2004. Information security and computer terrorism // Scientific and methodological problems of information security (collection of articles). Ed. V.P. Sherstyuk. Moscow: MCNMO, 208 p.]. (In Russ.).
11. Shobodoeva A.V. Razvitie ponyatiya «informatsionnaya bezopasnost’» v nauchno-pravovom pole Rossii // Izvestiya Baykal’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2017. T. 27. № 1. S. 73-78. [Shobodoeva A.V. 2017. Development of the concept of “information security” in the scientific and legal field of Russia // Izvestiya Baikal State University. T. 27. № 1. P. 73-78]. (In Russ.).
12. Komatsu A., Takagi D., Takemura T. Human aspects of information security: An empirical study of intentional versus actual behavior // Information Management & Computer Security. 2013. Vol. 21 Issue: 1. P.5-15.
13. Grachev G.V. Informatsionno-psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’ lichnosti: sostoyanie i vozmozhnosti psihologicheskoy zashchity. M.: Izd-vo RAGS, 1998. 125 s. [Grachev G.V. 1998. Information-psychological security of the person: the state and the possibilities of psychological defense. Moscow: Publishing house RAGS, 125 p.]. (In Russ.).
14. Zaharov M.Yu. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ – osnovopolagayushchiy element bezopasnosti sotsial’nogo upravleniya // Vestnik Universiteta (Gosudarstvennyy universitet upravleniya). 2012. № 9-1. S. 112-115. [Zaharov M.Yu. 2012. Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). No. 9-1. P. 112-115]. (In Russ.).
15. Astahova L.V. Informatsionno-psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’ v regione: kul’turologicheskiy aspekt // Vestnik UrFO. Bezopasnost’ v informatsionnoy sfere. 2011. № 2. S. 40-47. [Astahova L.V. 2011. Information and psychological security in the region: cultural aspect // Bulletin of the Urals Federal District. Security in the information sphere. № 2. P. 40-47]. (In Russ.).
16. Roshchin S.K., Sosnin V.A. Psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’: novyy podhod k bezopasnosti cheloveka, obshchestva i gosudarstva // Rossiyskiy monitor. 1995. № 6. [Roshchin S.K., Sosnin V.A. 1995. Psychological Security: A New Approach to Human Security, Society and State // The Russian Monitor. № 6]. (In Russ.).
17. Chuprov V.I. Molodyozh’ v obshchestve riska. M.: Nauka, 2003. 230 s. [Chuprov V.I. 2003. Young people in a risk society. Moscow: Nauka, 230 p.]. (In Russ.).
18. Zotov V.V., Kameneva T.N. Sotsiokul’turnyy risk: ponyatie i klassifikatsiya // Riski v izmenyayushcheysya sotsial’noy real’nosti: problema prognozirovaniya i upravleniya: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Otvetstvennyy redaktor Yu.A. Zubok. Belgorod: Izdatel’stvo OOO “PT”, 2015. S. 392-396. [Zotov V.V., Kameneva T.N. 2015. Sociocultural risk: concept and classification // Risks in a changing social reality: the problem of forecasting and management: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Responsible editor Yu.A. Zubok. Belgorod: Publishing House LLC “PT”, P. 392-396]. (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Krivoukhov Aatoly Anatolyevich, Cand. Sci (Law), Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kursk State Agricultural Academy “, Kursk, Russian Federation. E-mail: e-mail:;
Zotov Vitaliy Vladimirovich, Dr. Sci (Soc), Prof., Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Work, State educational Autonomous institution of higher education”Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service”. Kursk, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Abstract. In the following article, we look at еhe approaches to define the security of information, which has developed at present in the scientific environment in detail are consider in the article. As the main research method, a logical and meaningful analysis of the definitions of “information security”, published scientific publications are used.
In the opinion of the authors, the concept of information security must be associated with the development of the information and communication environment and considered as an anthroposociotechnical phenomenon. The authors singled out three main campaigns – technical and technological, humanitarian (psychological) and sociocultural, each of which has respectively the object – the information, the personality and the information sphere. Authors consider that information security needs to be connected with a concept of risk. Therefore, information security, according to authors, can be defined as a condition of security from negative information impacts of the information sphere and its subjects, the circulating information at which the risk of deterioration in functioning and development of society and its elements is minimum. It components are safety of the information sphere, the personality, information and information and telecommunication infrastructure.
Keywords: information security, information and communication environment, information, social information, information impact
Text: PDF
For citation: Anatoly А. Krivoukhov, Vitaliy V. Zotov. Information security as anthroposociotechnical phenomenon. Communicology: the electronic scientific journal. Vol. 2. No. 2. 2017. P. 71-81 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-4-71-81
1. Zakon RF ot 05.03.1992 № 2446-1 (red. ot 26.06.2008) «O bezopasnosti» // Konsul’tant Plyus: spravochno-pravovaya sistema – Rezhim dostupa cons_doc_LAW_376/, svobodnyj [Data obrashcheniya 30.04.2017] (Law of the Russian Federation No. 2446-1 of 05.03.1992 (as amended on 26.06.2008) “On security” // Consultant Plus: legal reference system – Access mode, free [Date of circulation 04/30/2017]). (In Russ.).
2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 05.12.2016 № 646 «Ob utverzhdenii Doktriny informatsionnoy bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii» // Konsul’tant Plyus: spravochno-pravovaya sistema – Rezhim dostupa, svobodnyy [Data obrashcheniya 30.04.2017] (Presidential Decree No. 646 of 05.12.2016 “On Approving the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation” // Consultant Plus: legal reference system – Access mode, free [Date of circulation
30.04.2017]). (In Russ.).
3. Zotov V.V. Stanovlenie informatsionno-kommunikativnoy sredy sovremennogo obshchestva: sotsiologicheskiy analiz institutsional’nyh transformatsiy. Kursk: Izd-vo KurskGTU, 2007. 232 s. [Zotov
V.V. 2007. The formation of the information and communication environment of modern society: the sociological analysis of institutional transformations. Kursk: Kursk State Technical University, 232 p.]. (In Russ.).
4. Gevorkyan A.V. Rol’ cheloveka v sovremennyh sotsiotekhnicheskih sistemah: Dis. ... kand.
filos. nauk: 09.00.08. M., 2006. 159 s. (In Russ.). [Gevorkyan A.V. 2006. The role of man in modern socio-technical systems: Dis. ... cand. Philosophy sciences: 09.00.08. M., 159 p.]. (In Russ.).
5. Zubrilin A.A. Internet tekhnologicheskiy i sotsial’nyy aspekty // Informatika i obrazovanie. 2001. № 7. S. 53-62. [Zubrilin A.A. 2001. Internet technological and social aspects // Informatics and education. № 7. P. 53-62]. (In Russ.).
6. Strel’tsov A.A. Soderzhanie ponyatiya «obespechenie informatsionnoy bezopasnosti» // Informatsionnoe obshchestvo. 2001. № 4. S.10-16. [Streltsov A.A. 2001. The content of the concept of “ensuring information security” / / Information Society. № 4. P.10-16).]. (In Russ.).
7. Malyuk A. A., Pazizin S.V., Pogozhin N.S. Vvedenie v zashchitu informatsii v avtomatizirovannyh sistemah. M.: Goryachaya liniya-Telekom, 2001. 148 s. [Malyuk A.A., Pazizin S.V., Pogozhin N.S. 2001. Introduction to information protection in automated systems. M.: Hot line-Telecom, 148 p.]. (In Russ.).
8. Yasenev V.N. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ v ekonomicheskih sistemah. N. Novgorod: NNGU, 2006. 253 s. [Yasenev V.N. 2006Information security in economic systems. N. Novgorod: UNN,. 253 p.]. (In Russ.).
9. Gaykovich V.Yu., Ershov D.V. Osnovy bezopasnosti informatsionnyh tekhnologiy. M.: MIFI, 1995. 96 s. [Gaykovich V.YU., Ershov D.V. 1995. Fundamentals of Information Technology Security. Moscow: MEPhI, 96 p.]. (In Russ.).
10. Vasenin V.A. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ i komp’yuternyy terrorizm // Nauchnye i metodologicheskie problemy informatsionnoy bezopasnosti (sbornik statey). Pod red. V.P.SHerstyuka.
M.: MTSNMO, 2004. 208 s. ([Vasenin V.A. 2004. Information security and computer terrorism // Scientific and methodological problems of information security (collection of articles). Ed. V.P. Sherstyuk. Moscow: MCNMO, 208 p.]. (In Russ.).
11. Shobodoeva A.V. Razvitie ponyatiya «informatsionnaya bezopasnost’» v nauchno-pravovom pole Rossii // Izvestiya Baykal’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2017. T. 27. № 1. S. 73-78. [Shobodoeva A.V. 2017. Development of the concept of “information security” in the scientific and legal field of Russia // Izvestiya Baikal State University. T. 27. № 1. P. 73-78]. (In Russ.).
12. Komatsu A., Takagi D., Takemura T. Human aspects of information security: An empirical study of intentional versus actual behavior // Information Management & Computer Security. 2013. Vol. 21 Issue: 1. P.5-15.
13. Grachev G.V. Informatsionno-psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’ lichnosti: sostoyanie i vozmozhnosti psihologicheskoy zashchity. M.: Izd-vo RAGS, 1998. 125 s. [Grachev G.V. 1998. Information-psychological security of the person: the state and the possibilities of psychological defense. Moscow: Publishing house RAGS, 125 p.]. (In Russ.).
14. Zaharov M.Yu. Informatsionnaya bezopasnost’ – osnovopolagayushchiy element bezopasnosti sotsial’nogo upravleniya // Vestnik Universiteta (Gosudarstvennyy universitet upravleniya). 2012. № 9-1. S. 112-115. [Zaharov M.Yu. 2012. Bulletin of the University (State University of Management). No. 9-1. P. 112-115]. (In Russ.).
15. Astahova L.V. Informatsionno-psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’ v regione: kul’turologicheskiy aspekt // Vestnik UrFO. Bezopasnost’ v informatsionnoy sfere. 2011. № 2. S. 40-47. [Astahova L.V. 2011. Information and psychological security in the region: cultural aspect // Bulletin of the Urals Federal District. Security in the information sphere. № 2. P. 40-47]. (In Russ.).
16. Roshchin S.K., Sosnin V.A. Psihologicheskaya bezopasnost’: novyy podhod k bezopasnosti cheloveka, obshchestva i gosudarstva // Rossiyskiy monitor. 1995. № 6. [Roshchin S.K., Sosnin V.A. 1995. Psychological Security: A New Approach to Human Security, Society and State // The Russian Monitor. № 6]. (In Russ.).
17. Chuprov V.I. Molodyozh’ v obshchestve riska. M.: Nauka, 2003. 230 s. [Chuprov V.I. 2003. Young people in a risk society. Moscow: Nauka, 230 p.]. (In Russ.).
18. Zotov V.V., Kameneva T.N. Sotsiokul’turnyy risk: ponyatie i klassifikatsiya // Riski v izmenyayushcheysya sotsial’noy real’nosti: problema prognozirovaniya i upravleniya: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Otvetstvennyy redaktor Yu.A. Zubok. Belgorod: Izdatel’stvo OOO “PT”, 2015. S. 392-396. [Zotov V.V., Kameneva T.N. 2015. Sociocultural risk: concept and classification // Risks in a changing social reality: the problem of forecasting and management: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Responsible editor Yu.A. Zubok. Belgorod: Publishing House LLC “PT”, P. 392-396]. (In Russ.).