Social networks as a new tool of state and municipal management in the Russian Federation

Author: Aleksandr V. Gubanov, Vitaliy V. Zotov

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Gubanov Aleksandr Vladimirovich, postgraduate student of the specialty “management sociology”, State educational Autonomous institution of higher education. Kursk, Russian Federation.
ZOTOV Vitaliy Vladimirovich, doctor of sociological Sciences, Prof., Vice-rector for research and innovation, the State educational Autonomous institution of higher education “Kursk Academy of state and municipal services”. Kursk, Russian Federation.

Abstract. The article details current situation at the moment in the Russian Federation the experience of using social Internet sites for activities of state and municipal officials, as well as the comparative analysis of existing practices of countries in the European Union and the United States. The widespread introduction of relatively new for our country tools of social media involves the formation of a complex of normative-legal acts, aimed at comprehensive regulation of the generated relations. One of the key directions in this field was the development and testing of reporting tool on its virtual activity space.
Russian officials in the period up to April 1 provided the first information about personal accounts, in accordance with the new legal requirements. Despite the fact that competent agencies have yet to give the final assessment of the accuracy and completeness of the information received, the expert community has already identified a number of gaps which have a significant effect on the analysis.
An important issue in the formation of methods of how to use the tools provided by multimedia Internet sites is the actual lack of formalized indicators based on which assessment of the General utility executed by the official’s functions in the virtual space.
One of the key problems in the study area is the distinction between public and private, professional and personal lives of employees. This factor made complicated by the fact that the reporting mechanism is actually formed in a declarative framework. On this basis, in order to optimize control and analytical activities may be the experience developed in the practice of foreign countries.

Keywords: public service, community service, social networking, public administration, HR technology, communication

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For citation: Aleksandr V. Gubanov, Vitaliy V. Zotov. Social networks as a new tool of state and municipal management in the Russian Federation. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 4. P. 83-92 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-4-83-92

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