Ethical aspects of influence Internet communication on the development of consciousness

Author: Victoria L. Izmagurova

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Izmagurova Victoria Leonidovna – the candidate of psychological sciences, the associate professor of department of organizational design of control systems of Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospekt, Moscow, Russian Federation 119571. Ph.: +7(499)956-90-21. E-mail:

Abstract. As a result of the development of modern ICT (infocommunication technologies), communication and, in particular, the exchange of information acquire not only a new form, but also new content. This transformation takes place, first of all, under the influence of communication, mediated by the Internet.
In connection with the active introduction of ICT in private and public life, the actual issue for researchers is the influence of modern Internet communication technologies on the socialization of the subject, which can be called info-socialization.
Specificity of the form of communication on the Internet is as follows: the invisibility and anonymity of the subject of communication; Weak regulation of behavior; The choice of a communication environment, ways of self-presentation, a sense of permissiveness. On the Internet we have social uncertainty of role behavior, violation of the usual subordination, the opportunity to get acquainted with information of a private nature. It is obvious that the new way of communication – the Internet – changes deeply and radically not only the form of communication, but also its content. The openness of a person in the network, and often in the case when he appears incognito, hiding behind a nickname, allows him to declare about his needs, emotions, expressing them directly, in particular, ignoring the norms of ethics and morality.
Productive use of ICT based on the realization of human value system, harmonization of the hierarchy of needs. Including, awareness of the basic need for communication, in action for the Other. This allows us to select and create information on the Internet that contributes to the achievement of the constructive goals; Determine the developing circle of communication, form optimal reference groups.

Keywords: Internet obshenie, Internet communication, development of consciousness, information society, communication risks, content risks, network ethics

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For citation: Victoria L. Izmagurova. Ethical aspects of influence Internet communication on the development of consciousness. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 4. 2017. P. 59-70 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-2-2-59-70

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