Spiritual predecessors of «Axial time» and modern culture: philosophical and cultural analysis

Author: Golubeva O. Yu., Fedyaev A. P.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
Olga Y. Golubeva. PhD (psych.), associate professor of department Socially cultural activity and pedagogics of the Kazan State Institute of Culture (Kazan, Orenburg tract, 3), 2595234@mail.ru;
Alexander P. Fedyaev, Dr.Sci. (philos.), prof. of department of history, philosophy and cultural science of the Kazan State Institute of Culture (Kazan, Orenburg tract, 3). E-mail: info@kazgik.ru

Abstract. in this article the content of the processes which led to formation in VIII II century of century BC of culturally world outlook bases of a modern civilization reveals. It is noted that in formation of culture of modern society the special role was played by spiritual heritage of the Ancient East. The attempt of judgment of questions of emergence of Axial time and the subsequent processes of formation and formation of universal cultural values, outlooks, moral standards, philosophical and religious concepts, family values, political movements, economic components, etc. is made. In article of an interpreted a role of such thinkers of antiquity as Moisey, Ekhnaton and Zoroastr. It is proved that the cultural history is history of alternation of uplifts and falling of mankind. Sources of emergence of spirituality as special sociocultural phenomenon reveal. The assumption is made that growth of anti-spirituality in the modern world is temporary and it is caused by the processes happening, first of all, in the European culture defining today the main standards of world culture. Authors come to a conclusion that increase in level of spirituality of modern mankind is possible only on condition of use of spiritual potential of east culture.

Keywords: sense of history, Axial time, Ekhnaton, Zoroastr, culture of the Ancient East, cultural values

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For citation: Golubeva O. Yu., Fedyaev A. P. Spiritual predecessors of «Axial time» and modern culture: philosophical and cultural analysis. Communicology (Russia). Vol. 5. No. 3. S. 121-130 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-3-121-130

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