Author: Olga V. Konovalova, Alexander P. Yalanskyi, Marina O. Golubeva
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
Olga V. Konovalova. Dr Sci. (Philol.), Prof., South-Russian Institute – branch of Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration. 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya str., 70/54, R. 802. E-mail: politolog@uriu.ranepa. ru;
Alexander P. Yalansky. Cand. Sci. (Econ.), associate Professor, leading researcher of laboratory of problems of increase of efficiency of state and municipal management of the South Russian Institute of management – branch of Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration. 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya str., 70/54, R. 304. E-mail:;
Marina O. Golubeva, student of the faculty of science at South Russian Institute of management – branch of Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration. 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya str., 70/54, R. 802. E-mail:
Abstract. The article discusses formation in modern conditions of new strategy of developing the country’s popular concept of communicative freedom. In connection with the intensive mediatization the role of media and communication takes on a political significance. Because mediapolitical system involves interaction between the main participants in the process of creative exchange of views, the prognostic result should be a conceptual assessment for socio – due to the reconstruction being discussed. This requires the facts, the results of special projects, political action, dedicated to the formation of the new development strategy of our country. Avant-garde role mediapolitical system to unite all healthy forces of society, no matter what political affiliation they belonged to, the labor idea which is fully shared by the majority and consistent with the aspirations of the General population. The idea of honest work for the benefit of the fatherland is available to all and it could become a basis of the national consolidating idea.
Keywords: mediatization, media, mass media, information policy, freedom of speech, ideology, national idea of consolidating
Text: PDF
For citation: Konovalova Olga V., Yalanskyi Alexander P., Golubeva Marina O. Mediatization of discursive policy – the basis of the formation of the national consolidating idea. Communicology. Vol. No. 3. 2017. P.132-139. DOI 1021453/2311-3065-2017-5-3-132-139
1. Korkonosenko S.G. Kommunikativnaja svoboda: vakantnoe mesto garanta //SMI v publichnoj sfere. M., 2011. P.16-18. [Korkonosenko S. G. 2011. Communicative freedom: a vacant position of the guarantor//media in the public sphere. M. P. 16-18]. (In Russ .).
2. Boton D.M., Brjedford K.N. Global’noe upravlenie: novye uchastniki, novye pravila. Pochemu model’ HH veka nuzhdaetsja v modernizacii? Finansy v razvitii.2007 №1. [Boton D.M., Bradford K.N. 2007. Global management: new participants, new rules. Why the model of the XX century needs modernization? Finance in the development. No. 1]. (In Russ.).
3. Vasil’eva N.A. Filosofskie aspekty mirovoj politiki. Ch.1. Politiko–filosofskij analiz novacij sovremennogo civilizacionnogo razvitija. SPb.2003. [Vasilyeva N. A. 2003. Philosophical aspects of worldwide policy. Ch.1. Political–philosophical analysis of innovations in modern civilization development. Spb.]. (In Russ.).
4. Poslanie Prezidenta Rossii Federal’nomu Sobraniju Rossijskoj Federacii. Rossijskaja gazeta.2005. 16 aprelja.№3755. [President’s letter of Russia to Federal Assembly of Russia. Russian gazeta.2005. 16.04№3755]. (In Russ.).
5. Doktrina informacionnoj bezopasnosti RF. 2000. [Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation. 2000]. (In Russ.).
6. Timofeeva L.N. Mediatizacija politiki v sovremennoj Rossii: dostoinstva i nedostatki.//Vestnik Moskovskogo Un-ta. Serija 12. 2011.№3. З94-96. [Timofeeva L. N. 2011. Mediatization of policy in modern Russia: advantages and недостатки. Messenger of Moscow Un-ta. Series 12. 2011.№3.
Page 94-96].
7. Van Dijk T. 1995. Discourse and Cognition in Society. In: D. Crowley & D. Mitchel. Communication Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity Press. P.107-126.
8. Ryzhkov N.I. O sovershenstvovanii ekonomicheskoj modeli RF. Svobodnaja mysl’.2016. №3. P. 45-56. [Ryzhkov N. I. 2016. About improvement of the economic Russian Federation model//Free mysl. No. 3. P. 45-56]. (In Russ.).
9. Skorobogatyj P. Rostov: proryvnye investicii. Ekspert.2016. 13-19 №24(991). [Skorobogaty P. 2016. Rostov: breakthrough investments. Ekspert. 13-19th No. 24(991)]. (In Russ.).
10. Sharkov F.I. Interaktivnye jelektronnye kommunikacii. M.,2010. [Sharkov F. I. 2010. Interactive electronic communication. M.: ITK «Dashkov and Ko». 260 p.]. (In Russ.).
11. Dobrosklonskaya T. Gю 2000. Questions of studying of media texts. M. (In Russ.).
12. Sharkov F. I., Kireeva O. F. 2015. Communication consulting gender relations in the business world. Communicology. Vol. 3. No. 6. P. 26. (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
Olga V. Konovalova. Dr Sci. (Philol.), Prof., South-Russian Institute – branch of Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration. 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya str., 70/54, R. 802. E-mail: politolog@uriu.ranepa. ru;
Alexander P. Yalansky. Cand. Sci. (Econ.), associate Professor, leading researcher of laboratory of problems of increase of efficiency of state and municipal management of the South Russian Institute of management – branch of Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration. 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya str., 70/54, R. 304. E-mail:;
Marina O. Golubeva, student of the faculty of science at South Russian Institute of management – branch of Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration. 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya str., 70/54, R. 802. E-mail:
Abstract. The article discusses formation in modern conditions of new strategy of developing the country’s popular concept of communicative freedom. In connection with the intensive mediatization the role of media and communication takes on a political significance. Because mediapolitical system involves interaction between the main participants in the process of creative exchange of views, the prognostic result should be a conceptual assessment for socio – due to the reconstruction being discussed. This requires the facts, the results of special projects, political action, dedicated to the formation of the new development strategy of our country. Avant-garde role mediapolitical system to unite all healthy forces of society, no matter what political affiliation they belonged to, the labor idea which is fully shared by the majority and consistent with the aspirations of the General population. The idea of honest work for the benefit of the fatherland is available to all and it could become a basis of the national consolidating idea.
Keywords: mediatization, media, mass media, information policy, freedom of speech, ideology, national idea of consolidating
Text: PDF
For citation: Konovalova Olga V., Yalanskyi Alexander P., Golubeva Marina O. Mediatization of discursive policy – the basis of the formation of the national consolidating idea. Communicology. Vol. No. 3. 2017. P.132-139. DOI 1021453/2311-3065-2017-5-3-132-139
1. Korkonosenko S.G. Kommunikativnaja svoboda: vakantnoe mesto garanta //SMI v publichnoj sfere. M., 2011. P.16-18. [Korkonosenko S. G. 2011. Communicative freedom: a vacant position of the guarantor//media in the public sphere. M. P. 16-18]. (In Russ .).
2. Boton D.M., Brjedford K.N. Global’noe upravlenie: novye uchastniki, novye pravila. Pochemu model’ HH veka nuzhdaetsja v modernizacii? Finansy v razvitii.2007 №1. [Boton D.M., Bradford K.N. 2007. Global management: new participants, new rules. Why the model of the XX century needs modernization? Finance in the development. No. 1]. (In Russ.).
3. Vasil’eva N.A. Filosofskie aspekty mirovoj politiki. Ch.1. Politiko–filosofskij analiz novacij sovremennogo civilizacionnogo razvitija. SPb.2003. [Vasilyeva N. A. 2003. Philosophical aspects of worldwide policy. Ch.1. Political–philosophical analysis of innovations in modern civilization development. Spb.]. (In Russ.).
4. Poslanie Prezidenta Rossii Federal’nomu Sobraniju Rossijskoj Federacii. Rossijskaja gazeta.2005. 16 aprelja.№3755. [President’s letter of Russia to Federal Assembly of Russia. Russian gazeta.2005. 16.04№3755]. (In Russ.).
5. Doktrina informacionnoj bezopasnosti RF. 2000. [Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation. 2000]. (In Russ.).
6. Timofeeva L.N. Mediatizacija politiki v sovremennoj Rossii: dostoinstva i nedostatki.//Vestnik Moskovskogo Un-ta. Serija 12. 2011.№3. З94-96. [Timofeeva L. N. 2011. Mediatization of policy in modern Russia: advantages and недостатки. Messenger of Moscow Un-ta. Series 12. 2011.№3.
Page 94-96].
7. Van Dijk T. 1995. Discourse and Cognition in Society. In: D. Crowley & D. Mitchel. Communication Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity Press. P.107-126.
8. Ryzhkov N.I. O sovershenstvovanii ekonomicheskoj modeli RF. Svobodnaja mysl’.2016. №3. P. 45-56. [Ryzhkov N. I. 2016. About improvement of the economic Russian Federation model//Free mysl. No. 3. P. 45-56]. (In Russ.).
9. Skorobogatyj P. Rostov: proryvnye investicii. Ekspert.2016. 13-19 №24(991). [Skorobogaty P. 2016. Rostov: breakthrough investments. Ekspert. 13-19th No. 24(991)]. (In Russ.).
10. Sharkov F.I. Interaktivnye jelektronnye kommunikacii. M.,2010. [Sharkov F. I. 2010. Interactive electronic communication. M.: ITK «Dashkov and Ko». 260 p.]. (In Russ.).
11. Dobrosklonskaya T. Gю 2000. Questions of studying of media texts. M. (In Russ.).
12. Sharkov F. I., Kireeva O. F. 2015. Communication consulting gender relations in the business world. Communicology. Vol. 3. No. 6. P. 26. (In Russ.).