Communication of the participants of urban planning activities in the territorial boundaries of the object of coal mining

Author: Samoylova N.A., Alekseev Yu.V, Zirkov O.A.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
1. Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN). Moscow, Russian Federation.
2. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU). Moscow, Russian Federation.
3. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
Moscow, Russian Federation.

Abstract. The article shows the problems practice of communication of the current urban- planning situation in the domestic and foreign coal mining regions. The necessity of solving the problem of using the territory is concretized areas disturbed by coal mining activities on the example of the Kuzbass is specified. The task of evaluating options of territory-building recourses (ТBR) at the pre-project stage of urban planning with the use of playing technique was formalized. Urban border area of coal mining is the object of playing technique. It is the «space of actual interaction». The evaluation of TBR was aggregated from communicative interaction of four subjects of urban development (authorities, business, communities, people). The results are presented in: mapping schemes, graphic file systems of expert- analytical technologies. The research is based on specificity and features of the evaluation of ТBR in the period of coal mining and after the completion of coal mining, «electronic strategic techno-theater (ESTT)» technology. ESTT is one part of the playing technique.

Keywords: weakly structured problem situation, urban development, territory-building recourses (ТBR), urban border area of coal mining, urban border area, «space of actual interaction», communicative interaction, information and communication technologies, electronic strategic techno-theater (ESTT), relevant factors.

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For citation: Samoylova Nadezhda A., Alekseev Yuri V., Zhirkov Oleg A. Communication of the participants of urban planning activities in the territorial boundaries of the object of coal mining. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 3. 2017. P. 15-33 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-3-15-33

Inf. about authors: Nadezhda A. Samoylova, PhD (Eng.), Adviser of the Russian Academy
of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), Expert of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Yuri V. Alekseev, Dr. Sci. (Arch.), Prof. of the Dept. of Architecture and Urban planning, Institute of Construction and Architecture National research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU). Moscow, Russian Federation. Moscow, Russia.

Oleg A. Zhirkov,PhD (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. of the Dept. of Department of Labor and Social Policy Institute оf Public Administration аnd Civil Service Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).

For citation: Russian educational system in the field of personnel training for advertizing, communications
and media markets. Communicology. Volume 5. No.2. Pp. 232-247 DOI 10.21453/2311-
1. The procedure of professional-public accreditation and independent evaluation is carried out
in accordance with article 96 of the Federal law of 29 December 2012 No 273-FZ «On Education in
the Russian Federation» and its results considered in the state accreditation of the University.
2. The independent assessment and evaluation of the quality of educational programmes are
based on the designed and adopted methodology by an international expert Vl. A. Potapchuk.
3. In accordance with the regulations of ACAR professional-public accreditation of educational
programmes carrying out educational activities in the field of marketing, advertising and public
relations, design, communications and media:; http://www.

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