Communication Strategy of a Brand in a Digital Society

Author: Olga P. Malygina, Kristina V. Nikolaeva, Olga V. Nosyrina, Nonna E. Suchkova

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
Institute of World Economy and Business Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Abstract. In the modern world, the information society has gradually evolved into a digital one, finally translating communications into the virtual space of the global Internet. Large amounts of information (Big Data) are both an object of production activity, and a means of production. Under the new conditions, traditional marketing has undergone significant changes related to the cardinal transformation of behavioral characteristics of the consumer in the digital environment. Inevitably, the brand’s communication strategy also changed, as new points of contact with the buyer arose in the course of its product selection. The nature of interactions has moved into the plane of personal and partnership relations. Given the high speed of information dissemination in the Internet, any brand activity becomes a well-known practical instantly. In this situation, the brand’s representatives bear the burden of high responsibility for any action in the digital space. Today, the communication strategy of the brand has become socialized and has become more focused on personal interactive contacts with consumers.

Keywords: information society, digital communications, marketing, branding, communication strategy, social media, e-commerce, Internet.

Text: PDF

For citation: Malygina Olga P., Nikolaeva Kristina V., Nosyrina Olga V., Suchkova Nonna E.
Communication Strategy of a Brand in a Digital Society. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 3. 2017.
P. 35-46 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-3-35-46

Inf. about authors: 
Olga P. Malygina, Cand. Sci.(Techn.), Associate Prof. of Advertising and
Business Communications Department of the Institute of World Economy and Business
(IWEB) Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Director General of the
Internet Agency «Consite». 117198, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Kristina V Nikolaeva., student of a Master`s program of the IWEB RUDN University, specialization «Advertising Management». Moscow, Russian Federation.
 Olga V. Nosyrina, student of a Master`s program of the IWEB RUDN University, specialization «Advertising Management». Moscow, Russian Federation.
 Nonna E. Suchkova, student of a Master`s program of the IWEB RUDN University, specialization «Advertising Management». Moscow, Russian Federation.

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