Structure of the conflict as a negative communication process in the educational space

Author: Dinara M. Shakirova

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
Kazan State Energy University.

Abstract: The study of conflicts in the school environment emphasizes the complex dynamics of change, in which the social formation of modern schoolchildren is taking place. The article reveals the negative communication processes between pupils and teachers as subjects of the educational process. The structure of the conflict is viewed from both theoretical and applied points of view. An analysis of the theoretical aspects of the issue showed that in the first case the structure is the basis for the existence of a conflict that forms it as a dynamically interrelated integrated system. As components of the structure, the following elements are taken: 1) the conflict situation as a concatenation of life circumstances and the intersection of the interests of individuals and social communities, which by their behavior form the prerequisites for a possible clash between them; 2) the conflicting parties, in which both individual individuals and social groups can act; 3) the situation in which the confrontation of the conflicting parties is unfolding; 4) a problem that requires its solution and acts as a determinative cause. The application aspect of the issue was uncovered with the help of the author's sociological research conducted in Kazan in 2016. The volume of the target sample was 345 respondents. The article presents an assessment of the students' socio-psychological situation in the classroom, as well as the availability of classmates with whom the respondents are in conflict relations. A rating of the main socialization agents from the environment of the adolescent who provide direct assistance in difficult life situations and shows the place of the teacher in it. This article discusses the existence and nature of the spread of such forms of conflict as fights, brawls, verbal abuse, beatings. The role of the social environment from which a group of «instigators» is formed is shown. The characteristics of the students who make up this group and the style of their behavior in the conflict situation are given.

Keywords: conflict, educational space, structure, school, pupil, teacher.

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For citation: Shakirova D. M. Structure of the conflict as a negative communication process
in the educational space. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 3. 2017. P. 47-53 DOI 10.21453/2311-

Inf. about authors: Dinara M. Shakirova. Teacher of the chair «Management» of Kazan State
Energy University. Address: Kazan, ul. The queen is 8 sq.15

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