Author: TORIYA J.N.

Communicology. 2016. v.4, n.2
TORIYA Janna Nodarovna, the graduate student of the Chair of public relations and media planning, Journalism department, Institute of State Service abd management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Academy and Public Administration (RANEPA).

Abstract: The author addresses necessity to work out the Russian identity (the identity of Russian Federation’s citizens). Also analyzed are concepts “identity”, “civil identity” (Russia), and “ethnic identity”. The author also describes the early Russian philosophical-religious works “The word of the law and the grace” and “The Tale of bygone years”. In the “The word of the law and the grace ”, it was rejected the theory of “ the chosen people” and the idea of equality before God was preached.
Russia is a multinational and multiconfessional state, for many centuries of their common history; the Russians have not lost the main thing, the basis of our existence, namely, national culture, tradition and language. Russians were always proud of this cultural diversity; it is a home to 193 nations and ethnic groups. In this respect Russia is a unique world civilization. Its regional specifics, interethnic
and religious diversity is a subject of pride of its people. The key issues are formulated in the Strategy of State national policy of the Russian Federation: the preservation and development of cultures and languages of nations of Russian Federation, the strengthening of their spiritual community, ensuring the rights of indigenous people and national minorities; the creation of the additional socio-economic and political conditions for lasting national and international peace and harmony in the North Caucasus; and also the support of compatriots living abroad.

Key words: Russian identity, civil identity (national), ethnic identity, he State National policy strategy, the harmonization of inter-ethnic and inter-faith relations.

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