The Perception of Message in Visual Art Communication

Author: Kulik A.S. 

Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Kulik Anna Sergeevna, bachelor of linguistics, postgraduate student at RANEPA, PR manager at “Koudijs MKorma

Abstract. The paper comprehensively explores the concept of communication. It highlights the relevance of visual images in the context of contemporary information culture and discloses the features of non-verbal messages. The novelty consists in author’s representation of the term “art communication”, based on the analysis of relevant sources. The concept of the “art message” is considered in-depth with particular focus on visual communication. Besides, the author reveals the differences between the visual message and the visual art message, and gives evidence to the importance of art communication within the context of modern communication environment. Special attention is paid to the consideration of aspects of human perception and the way it affects the interpretation of visual messages.

Keywords: art communication, nonverbal communication, visual communication, perception, perception experience, art, recipient, feedback, message decoding, art, modern society

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For citation: Kulik A.S. The Perception of Message in Visual Art Communication. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 41–50. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-41-50.

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