Author: Delokarov K.H., Kireeva O.F.
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Delokarov Kadyrbech Khadzhumarovich, Dr. Sc. (Philos.), professor of RANEPA.
Kireeva Olga Feliksovna, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), associate professor of the department of trade and commodity studies of the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation.
Abstract. The paper represents a philosophical and sociological analysis of the development of a new interdisciplinary scientific direction “Communicology”, claiming the status of science. The authors note, that at present communicology is intensively constituted as the most important scientific direction, which sets as its task the systematic study of the structure, mechanisms, factors of the effectiveness of social interaction. A set of scientific and organizational measures has been implemented, in particular, the international Academy of communicology established and successfully operating under the guidance of F.I. Sharkov. The Academy regularly holds International conferences on this subject and publishes collections of works, textbooks and manuals from the cycle “Communicology”, included as a basic component in the standards of a number of training areas. Two high-rated journals are widely known in the country and abroad: “Communicology” and “Communicology: electronic scientific journal”.
The article analyzes the information and communication technologies used by the media, set out in the monograph of professors Felix Sharkov and Vladimir Silkin1. The features of functioning of print and electronic mass media in the modern world are considered. Particular attention is paid to the development of the theory of information (mainly mass media) and the practice of journalism.
The authors enter into a productive discussion on the development of theories of communicology and the interpretation of the term “communicology” at the University of Hawaii, as well as with the authors of the Norwegian Institute of Communicology, who consider it possible to describe a set of variables various communications and even all human activity.
Keywords: communicology, communication studies, media, journalism, information analytics
Text: PDF
For citation: Delokarov K.H., Kireeva O.F. The Development of Fundamental Areas of Communicology. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 25–39.
DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-25-39.
Andreeva G.M. (1997). Social psychology. M.: Aspect-press (In Rus.).
Arnold A.I. (1997). Global value of the XXI century // Problems of informationology and the world information community. M. P.81. ( In Rus.).
Catt I.E., Acher-Catt D. (2010). Communicology: a new science of embodied discourse . Fairlie Dickinson Univ Press.
Cooley C.H. (1909). Social organization: the study of the greater mind. New York.
Craig R.T. (1999). Theory of communication as a field. Communication Theory. No.9 (2): 119-161. DOI: 10.1111 / j.1468-2885.1999.tb00355.x.
Culture and cultural studies (2003): the dictionary / ed. A.I. Kravchenko. Moscow (In Rus.). Danakin N.S. (1997). Activity and communication. Belgorod: Center of social technologies (In Rus.). Harris R. (2002). Psychology of mass communications. SPb.: Praym (In Rus.).
Inglehart R. (1997). Postmodern: changing values and changing societies. Polis. No. 4. P. 21-22 (n Rus.).
Lanigan R.L. (1992). The human science of Communicology. Duquesne University Press. Popov V.D. (2001). Information science and information policy. Moscow (In Rus.).
Schramm W.L. (1997). The beginning of communication study in America / eds. Chaffee S., Rogers E. Sage: Thousand Oaks.
Sharkov F.I. (2002). Fundamentals of communication theory. M.: Social relations; Perspective (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2005). Communication theory. Moscow: RIP-holding. P. 9-17 (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2009a). Communicology: Encyclopedic dictionary-reference / F.I. Sharkov. M.: Dashkov and K (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2009b). Interactive electronic communications (the emergence of the 4th wave).
M.: Dashkov and K (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I., Silkin V.V. (2018). Theory and practice of mass information as a fundamental direction of communicology / Ed. F.I. Sharkov. M.: Dashkov and K. (In Rus.).
Van Dijk T.A. (1985). Discourse and communication. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. Zemlyanova L.M. (1999). Foreign communication studies on the eve of the information society.
M.: MSU (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Delokarov Kadyrbech Khadzhumarovich, Dr. Sc. (Philos.), professor of RANEPA.
Kireeva Olga Feliksovna, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), associate professor of the department of trade and commodity studies of the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation.
Abstract. The paper represents a philosophical and sociological analysis of the development of a new interdisciplinary scientific direction “Communicology”, claiming the status of science. The authors note, that at present communicology is intensively constituted as the most important scientific direction, which sets as its task the systematic study of the structure, mechanisms, factors of the effectiveness of social interaction. A set of scientific and organizational measures has been implemented, in particular, the international Academy of communicology established and successfully operating under the guidance of F.I. Sharkov. The Academy regularly holds International conferences on this subject and publishes collections of works, textbooks and manuals from the cycle “Communicology”, included as a basic component in the standards of a number of training areas. Two high-rated journals are widely known in the country and abroad: “Communicology” and “Communicology: electronic scientific journal”.
The article analyzes the information and communication technologies used by the media, set out in the monograph of professors Felix Sharkov and Vladimir Silkin1. The features of functioning of print and electronic mass media in the modern world are considered. Particular attention is paid to the development of the theory of information (mainly mass media) and the practice of journalism.
The authors enter into a productive discussion on the development of theories of communicology and the interpretation of the term “communicology” at the University of Hawaii, as well as with the authors of the Norwegian Institute of Communicology, who consider it possible to describe a set of variables various communications and even all human activity.
Keywords: communicology, communication studies, media, journalism, information analytics
Text: PDF
For citation: Delokarov K.H., Kireeva O.F. The Development of Fundamental Areas of Communicology. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 25–39.
DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-25-39.
Andreeva G.M. (1997). Social psychology. M.: Aspect-press (In Rus.).
Arnold A.I. (1997). Global value of the XXI century // Problems of informationology and the world information community. M. P.81. ( In Rus.).
Catt I.E., Acher-Catt D. (2010). Communicology: a new science of embodied discourse . Fairlie Dickinson Univ Press.
Cooley C.H. (1909). Social organization: the study of the greater mind. New York.
Craig R.T. (1999). Theory of communication as a field. Communication Theory. No.9 (2): 119-161. DOI: 10.1111 / j.1468-2885.1999.tb00355.x.
Culture and cultural studies (2003): the dictionary / ed. A.I. Kravchenko. Moscow (In Rus.). Danakin N.S. (1997). Activity and communication. Belgorod: Center of social technologies (In Rus.). Harris R. (2002). Psychology of mass communications. SPb.: Praym (In Rus.).
Inglehart R. (1997). Postmodern: changing values and changing societies. Polis. No. 4. P. 21-22 (n Rus.).
Lanigan R.L. (1992). The human science of Communicology. Duquesne University Press. Popov V.D. (2001). Information science and information policy. Moscow (In Rus.).
Schramm W.L. (1997). The beginning of communication study in America / eds. Chaffee S., Rogers E. Sage: Thousand Oaks.
Sharkov F.I. (2002). Fundamentals of communication theory. M.: Social relations; Perspective (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2005). Communication theory. Moscow: RIP-holding. P. 9-17 (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2009a). Communicology: Encyclopedic dictionary-reference / F.I. Sharkov. M.: Dashkov and K (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2009b). Interactive electronic communications (the emergence of the 4th wave).
M.: Dashkov and K (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I., Silkin V.V. (2018). Theory and practice of mass information as a fundamental direction of communicology / Ed. F.I. Sharkov. M.: Dashkov and K. (In Rus.).
Van Dijk T.A. (1985). Discourse and communication. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. Zemlyanova L.M. (1999). Foreign communication studies on the eve of the information society.
M.: MSU (In Rus.).