Author: Grishanin N.V., Tulubiev V.B., Lysanova D.V., Lyubetskaya A.G.
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Grishanin Nikita Vladimirovich, Cand. Sc. (Cult.), associate professor at the department of public relations and social technologies of the North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA.
Tulubiev Vadim Borisovich, postgraduate student, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Lysanova Darya Vladimirovna, Lyubetskaya Anna Gennadyevna – students of the North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA, employees of the research and strategic division at “LV Media”communication agency.
Abstract. The article represents an interdisciplinary discussion on advertising and PR activities of the Lermontov Interdistrict PublicLibrary System of St. Petersburg, and reveals the specific communicative features and tools aimed at formation of publicity capital and attraction of young audience. For this purpose, and in order to identify the current image of the library system, the authors have carried out an analysis of the young audience. On this ground, the authors have systematized the resources that facilitate the formation of new image characteristics of the library, and elaborated the recommendations on the development and implementation of image campaigns.
Keywords: library, library image, youth, target audience of libraries, integrated marketing communications, reputation capital, image capital, publicity capital, event
Text: PDF
For citation: Grishanin N.V., Tulubiev V.B., Lysanova D.V., Lyubetskaya A.G. The Perception of Libraries by Young Audience: the approaches to the formation of publicity capital. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 51–65. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-51-65.
Ananyeva E.V., Grishanin N.V. (2013). Cultural dynamics in a mass consumer society. World of science, culture, education. No. 1. P. 234-237 (In Rus.).
Bell D., Inozemtsev V.L. (2007). The Age of Disunity: Reflections on the World of the 21st Century.
M.: Center for Post-Industrial Society Studies (In Rus.).
Buzykina E.A. (2019). Management of public capital as a problem of PR-activity in a modern energy company (for example, TVEL Fuel Company Rosatom) [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Fomicheva I.D. (2017). Media capital and its composition. Mediaskope. Issue 2 [el. journal]: (In Rus.).
Gavra D.P. (2011). PR “2.0”. In: Corporate imageology [access mode]: ru/article/596/pr-dvanol (In Rus.).
Grishanin N.V., Brazhnikov G.A. (2015). Technological trends and their impact on the advertising and public relations market. Modern problems of science and education. No. 1-1 [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Grishanin N.V., Lutsenko Y.V. (2013). Models of urban brand formation. Modern problems of science and education. No.3. [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Kirillina N.V. (2014). The social potential of marketing communication in urban information environment: a sociological analysis. Thesis Diss. ... Cand. Sc. (Soc.). Moscow: RANEPA (in Rus.).
Kirillina N.V. (2017). Symbolic exchange as a system characteristic of communicative practices. In: Behavioral Economics and Future Markets Formation. Materials of the VII International Sociological Grushin Conference, March 15-16, 2017. P. 1701-1703 (In Rus.).
Kudashova Y.V. (2011). Technologies of formation of public capital in the political positioning of the region. Public Administration (e-herald) [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Musikant V.L. (2012). Psychology and sociology in advertising. M.: RIOR; INFRA-M (In Rus.). Reshetnikova I.I. (2011). Reputational capital as a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of
Russian business: theory, methodology for studying the problem of formation and management in the context of globalization of markets: dis. ... dr. econ. sc. Volgograd (In Rus.).
Toffler A. (2003). The Metamorphosis of Power: knowledge, wealth and power on the threshold of the XXI century. Moscow (In Rus.).
Yambushev V.Y. (2012). Public capital of the person as a kind of human capital. Human capital. No. 9 (45). P. 111-115 [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Zharkova M.A., Grishanin N.V. (2015). Youth subcultures as an element of urban visual communicative space and a factor in the development of the economic component of the image of a large city (using the example of St. Petersburg). Modern problems of science and education. No. 1-1 [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Grishanin Nikita Vladimirovich, Cand. Sc. (Cult.), associate professor at the department of public relations and social technologies of the North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA.
Tulubiev Vadim Borisovich, postgraduate student, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Lysanova Darya Vladimirovna, Lyubetskaya Anna Gennadyevna – students of the North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA, employees of the research and strategic division at “LV Media”communication agency.
Abstract. The article represents an interdisciplinary discussion on advertising and PR activities of the Lermontov Interdistrict PublicLibrary System of St. Petersburg, and reveals the specific communicative features and tools aimed at formation of publicity capital and attraction of young audience. For this purpose, and in order to identify the current image of the library system, the authors have carried out an analysis of the young audience. On this ground, the authors have systematized the resources that facilitate the formation of new image characteristics of the library, and elaborated the recommendations on the development and implementation of image campaigns.
Keywords: library, library image, youth, target audience of libraries, integrated marketing communications, reputation capital, image capital, publicity capital, event
Text: PDF
For citation: Grishanin N.V., Tulubiev V.B., Lysanova D.V., Lyubetskaya A.G. The Perception of Libraries by Young Audience: the approaches to the formation of publicity capital. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 51–65. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-51-65.
Ananyeva E.V., Grishanin N.V. (2013). Cultural dynamics in a mass consumer society. World of science, culture, education. No. 1. P. 234-237 (In Rus.).
Bell D., Inozemtsev V.L. (2007). The Age of Disunity: Reflections on the World of the 21st Century.
M.: Center for Post-Industrial Society Studies (In Rus.).
Buzykina E.A. (2019). Management of public capital as a problem of PR-activity in a modern energy company (for example, TVEL Fuel Company Rosatom) [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Fomicheva I.D. (2017). Media capital and its composition. Mediaskope. Issue 2 [el. journal]: (In Rus.).
Gavra D.P. (2011). PR “2.0”. In: Corporate imageology [access mode]: ru/article/596/pr-dvanol (In Rus.).
Grishanin N.V., Brazhnikov G.A. (2015). Technological trends and their impact on the advertising and public relations market. Modern problems of science and education. No. 1-1 [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Grishanin N.V., Lutsenko Y.V. (2013). Models of urban brand formation. Modern problems of science and education. No.3. [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Kirillina N.V. (2014). The social potential of marketing communication in urban information environment: a sociological analysis. Thesis Diss. ... Cand. Sc. (Soc.). Moscow: RANEPA (in Rus.).
Kirillina N.V. (2017). Symbolic exchange as a system characteristic of communicative practices. In: Behavioral Economics and Future Markets Formation. Materials of the VII International Sociological Grushin Conference, March 15-16, 2017. P. 1701-1703 (In Rus.).
Kudashova Y.V. (2011). Technologies of formation of public capital in the political positioning of the region. Public Administration (e-herald) [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Musikant V.L. (2012). Psychology and sociology in advertising. M.: RIOR; INFRA-M (In Rus.). Reshetnikova I.I. (2011). Reputational capital as a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of
Russian business: theory, methodology for studying the problem of formation and management in the context of globalization of markets: dis. ... dr. econ. sc. Volgograd (In Rus.).
Toffler A. (2003). The Metamorphosis of Power: knowledge, wealth and power on the threshold of the XXI century. Moscow (In Rus.).
Yambushev V.Y. (2012). Public capital of the person as a kind of human capital. Human capital. No. 9 (45). P. 111-115 [access mode]: (In Rus.).
Zharkova M.A., Grishanin N.V. (2015). Youth subcultures as an element of urban visual communicative space and a factor in the development of the economic component of the image of a large city (using the example of St. Petersburg). Modern problems of science and education. No. 1-1 [access mode]: (In Rus.).