Author: Vivier V.N.
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Viver Virsaviya Nigmatovna, post-graduate student, dept. of applied international analysis, Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Address: 119454, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 76.
Abstract. The research of Eurasian integration publications is actual in the context of the world order changing and nowadays Russian-American relations. The foreign policy of Russia and the United States in the Post-Soviet countries is the most sensitive issue of bilateral agenda which promoted emergence of crisis in the Russian-American interaction. The survey is aimed to fill the gap in understanding of the nature and features of Eurasian integration from the point of US experts. The research supplements nowadays awareness and systematizes the new information. It is supposed to pursue the descriptive review which is providing essence of current scientific knowledge and trends in development of this knowledge.
Keywords: Post-Soviet region, Eurasian integration, integration projects, Russian policy, American “think tanks”
Text: PDF
For citation: Vivier V.N. Eurasian Integration Coverage in the Scientific and Academic Discourse of the United States. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1.
DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-33-42.
Batalov E.Y. (2014). American political thought of the twentieth century. M.: Progress-Tradition (In Rus.).
Blokhin K.V. (2016). Crusaders of the cold war. American neoconservatism: the ideology and practice of global hegemony. M.: Ves Mir (In Rus.).
Bugajski J., Assenova M. (2016). Eurasian Disunion: Russia’s Vulnerable Flanks. Paperback [access mode]:
Ermakov S.M. (2010). US policy and NATO in the post-Soviet space [el. source]: images/pdf/journal/2010/1/Ermakov_2010_1.pdf (In Rus.).
Goldgair J., McFaul M. (2009). Purpose and means. US policy towards Russia after the cold war. M.: International Relations (In Rus.).
Introduction to the applied analysis of international situations (2017) / 2nd ed., / ed. Shakleinf T.A. M.: Aspect Press (In Rus.).
Istomin I.A. (2015a). Foreign Policy Expertise in the USA. Comparative Policy. Vol. 6. No. 1 (18). P. 111-127 (In Rus.).
Istomin I.A. (2015b). Solve the Enigma: Western expert community in search of an explanation
of Russian politics [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Laruelle M. (2008). Russian Eurasianism: an ideology of empire. Woodrow Wilson Center Press with Johns Hopkins University Press. Нardcover.
Mankoff J. (2011). Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics. 2nd ed. Megatrends: main trajectories of the evolution of the world order in the XXI century (2013) / ed.
Shakleina T.A., Baikova A.A. M.: Aspect-press (In Rus.).
Morozov Y.V. (2016). Strategic projects of China, Russia and the United States for Eurasia // China in world and regional politics. History and modernity. No. 2 [access mode]: article/n/strategicheskie-proekty-kitaya-rossii-i-soedinennyh-shtatov-dlya-evrazii (In Rus.).
Neumann I.B. (2015). Using the “Other”. Images of the East in the formation of European identities. M .: New Publishing. P. 25-70 (In Rus.).
Plokhy S. (2017). Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the Making of the Russian Nation. Hardcover.
Pourchot G. (2008). Eurasia Rising. Democracy and Independence in the Post-Soviet Space. Praeger Security International.
Roberts J., Cohen A., Blaisdell J. (2013). The Eurasian Union: Undermining Economic Freedom and Prosperity in the South Caucasus [access mode]: reports/2013/11/the-eurasian-union-undermining-economic-freedom-and-prosperity-in-the-south-caucasus.
Samuilov S.M. (2005). The evolution of US policy towards the Commonwealth of Independent States. M.: ISKRAN (In Rus.).
Schoen D., Smith E. (2016). Putin’s Master Plan: To Destroy Europe, Divide NATO, and Restore Russian Power and Global Influence. Hardcover.
Shakleina T.A. (2017). Russia and the United States in world politics. 2nd ed. M.: Aspect-Press (In Rus.).
Smirnov P.E. (2009). Eastern Europe in the US foreign policy priorities. M.: ISKRAN (In Rus.). Starr F., Cornell S., eds. (2014). Putin’s grand strategy: the Eurasian Union and its discontents. Monograph.
Starr Fr., Dawisha K. (1996). The End of Empire? Comparative Perspectives on the Soviet Collapse. In: The International Politics of Eurasia. Vol. 9.
Stent A. (2014). The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century. Hardcover.
Trenin D. (2011). Post-Imperium: A Eurasian Story [access mode]: publications/?fa=44447.
Trenin D.V. (2012). Russia in the CIS: a field of interest, not a sphere of influence // Russia in the global world: 2000-2011: Readings in 6 volumes / ed. Ivanova I.S. M.: Aspect Press. T. 5 (In Rus.).
US policy in the post-Soviet space: Collection of reviews and abstracts / ed. Narochnitskaya E.A. (2006). Ser. Social and political problems of Western countries (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Viver Virsaviya Nigmatovna, post-graduate student, dept. of applied international analysis, Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Address: 119454, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 76.
Abstract. The research of Eurasian integration publications is actual in the context of the world order changing and nowadays Russian-American relations. The foreign policy of Russia and the United States in the Post-Soviet countries is the most sensitive issue of bilateral agenda which promoted emergence of crisis in the Russian-American interaction. The survey is aimed to fill the gap in understanding of the nature and features of Eurasian integration from the point of US experts. The research supplements nowadays awareness and systematizes the new information. It is supposed to pursue the descriptive review which is providing essence of current scientific knowledge and trends in development of this knowledge.
Keywords: Post-Soviet region, Eurasian integration, integration projects, Russian policy, American “think tanks”
Text: PDF
For citation: Vivier V.N. Eurasian Integration Coverage in the Scientific and Academic Discourse of the United States. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1.
DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-33-42.
Batalov E.Y. (2014). American political thought of the twentieth century. M.: Progress-Tradition (In Rus.).
Blokhin K.V. (2016). Crusaders of the cold war. American neoconservatism: the ideology and practice of global hegemony. M.: Ves Mir (In Rus.).
Bugajski J., Assenova M. (2016). Eurasian Disunion: Russia’s Vulnerable Flanks. Paperback [access mode]:
Ermakov S.M. (2010). US policy and NATO in the post-Soviet space [el. source]: images/pdf/journal/2010/1/Ermakov_2010_1.pdf (In Rus.).
Goldgair J., McFaul M. (2009). Purpose and means. US policy towards Russia after the cold war. M.: International Relations (In Rus.).
Introduction to the applied analysis of international situations (2017) / 2nd ed., / ed. Shakleinf T.A. M.: Aspect Press (In Rus.).
Istomin I.A. (2015a). Foreign Policy Expertise in the USA. Comparative Policy. Vol. 6. No. 1 (18). P. 111-127 (In Rus.).
Istomin I.A. (2015b). Solve the Enigma: Western expert community in search of an explanation
of Russian politics [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Laruelle M. (2008). Russian Eurasianism: an ideology of empire. Woodrow Wilson Center Press with Johns Hopkins University Press. Нardcover.
Mankoff J. (2011). Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics. 2nd ed. Megatrends: main trajectories of the evolution of the world order in the XXI century (2013) / ed.
Shakleina T.A., Baikova A.A. M.: Aspect-press (In Rus.).
Morozov Y.V. (2016). Strategic projects of China, Russia and the United States for Eurasia // China in world and regional politics. History and modernity. No. 2 [access mode]: article/n/strategicheskie-proekty-kitaya-rossii-i-soedinennyh-shtatov-dlya-evrazii (In Rus.).
Neumann I.B. (2015). Using the “Other”. Images of the East in the formation of European identities. M .: New Publishing. P. 25-70 (In Rus.).
Plokhy S. (2017). Lost Kingdom: The Quest for Empire and the Making of the Russian Nation. Hardcover.
Pourchot G. (2008). Eurasia Rising. Democracy and Independence in the Post-Soviet Space. Praeger Security International.
Roberts J., Cohen A., Blaisdell J. (2013). The Eurasian Union: Undermining Economic Freedom and Prosperity in the South Caucasus [access mode]: reports/2013/11/the-eurasian-union-undermining-economic-freedom-and-prosperity-in-the-south-caucasus.
Samuilov S.M. (2005). The evolution of US policy towards the Commonwealth of Independent States. M.: ISKRAN (In Rus.).
Schoen D., Smith E. (2016). Putin’s Master Plan: To Destroy Europe, Divide NATO, and Restore Russian Power and Global Influence. Hardcover.
Shakleina T.A. (2017). Russia and the United States in world politics. 2nd ed. M.: Aspect-Press (In Rus.).
Smirnov P.E. (2009). Eastern Europe in the US foreign policy priorities. M.: ISKRAN (In Rus.). Starr F., Cornell S., eds. (2014). Putin’s grand strategy: the Eurasian Union and its discontents. Monograph.
Starr Fr., Dawisha K. (1996). The End of Empire? Comparative Perspectives on the Soviet Collapse. In: The International Politics of Eurasia. Vol. 9.
Stent A. (2014). The Limits of Partnership: U.S.-Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century. Hardcover.
Trenin D. (2011). Post-Imperium: A Eurasian Story [access mode]: publications/?fa=44447.
Trenin D.V. (2012). Russia in the CIS: a field of interest, not a sphere of influence // Russia in the global world: 2000-2011: Readings in 6 volumes / ed. Ivanova I.S. M.: Aspect Press. T. 5 (In Rus.).
US policy in the post-Soviet space: Collection of reviews and abstracts / ed. Narochnitskaya E.A. (2006). Ser. Social and political problems of Western countries (In Rus.).