Career, Stigmatization, and Formation of the Entrepreneurial Potential

Author: Lipai T.P., Tchanturia N.G., Goderdzishvili B.G. 

Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Lipai Tatyana Petrovna, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), professor at the department of management and economics of education, Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education;
Tchanturia Natalia Grigorievna, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), associate prof. at the dept. of business administration, faculty of business technologies, Georgian Technical University;
Goderdzishvili Bella Grishaevna, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), assistant prof. at the dept. of business administration, faculty of business technologies, Georgian Technical University. Address: 220034, Belarus, Minsk, Bronevoj lane, 15А.

Abstract. The first decades of the 21st century, the system of social and labor relations is facing unprecedented challenges from the external environment. These are globalization, economic growth based on the increasing role of knowledge, as well as the revolutionary development of information and communication technologies. On the other hand, the solution of the acute problem of employment of the population is becoming more closely associated with the concept of “self-employment” and “employment according to the demand on the labor market.
It is difficult to find a vacancy in the profile of the received specialty, especially for young specialists due to the high level of competition in the labor market. Many professions that were interesting for young people in “soviet times” lost their social and material status among young professionals. Conversely, some occupations that were in “soviet times” stigmatized (for example entrepreneur), today is the real way to solve the problem of unemployment. Today formation of entrepreneurial competencies among graduates of modern society is one of the most important issues in the development of our education and economy.
Consequently, in the short term, the real way to solve the problem of unemployment is to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises-business entities, which today is the most important direction of economic reforms in 21st century. The effective functioning of these reforms is directly related to the identification and development of entrepreneurial potential among the unemployed young people, with the creation of an appropriate educational base and support for entrepreneurship at the state level. Therefore, the study of the entrepreneurial potential of the population is of great importance for the planning of measures of the entrepreneurial policy of the country as a whole.

Keywords: motivation, social and labor relations, stigma, employment, entrepreneurial potential

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For citation: Lipai T.P., Tchanturia N.G., Goderdzishvili B.G. Career, Stigmatization, and Formation of the Entrepreneurial Potential [Карьера, стигматизация и формирование предпринимательского потенциала]. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-43-52.

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