The ‘New’ and the ‘Old’ Socio-Cultural Effects of Informational Impact in the Internet Space

Author: Viktorova E.V., Badaeva E.R.

Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Viktorova Elena Viktorovna, Cand. Sc. (Ped.), associate professor at the department of theory and practice of social work, Penza State University;
Badaeva Elena Ravilevna, asst. chair at the department of theory and practice of social work, Penza State University. Address: 440026, Russia, Penza, Krasnaya st., 40.

Abstract. In this paper we consider the specificity of the functioning of the effects of informational impact on a person in the Internet space. At the same time, the effects are presented as «old», that is, long known to science and widespread in the media, and «new» – for some technical reasons, appearing only in the global network or reproducing the already known ways of influence in new Internet conditions.
Among the effects of informational impact we distinguish «effects-means», «effects-results» and «effects-impressions». We draw a particular attention to the so called «effects-impressions», which by their nature and socio-cultural consequences are close to such a way of social influence on a person, as impressing. Besides, we reveal the conditions for the occurrence of effects, the nature of which can be considered as impressing-caused: situations of emotional vulnerability, critical periods of personal development and a predisposition to certain socio-cultural influences. It is shown that the coincidence of these conditions increases the effectiveness of both «old» and «new» effects of informational influence on the Internet.

Keywords: Internet, information, effects of informational impact, impressing, public consciousness, social environment

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For citation: Viktorova E.V., Badaeva E.R. The ‘New’ and the ‘Old’ Socio-Cultural Effects of Informational Impact in the Internet Space. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1.
DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-100-112.

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