Author: Sakovich S.M.
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Sakovich Svetlana Mikhailovna, Cand.Sc.(Soc.), associate prof. at the department of sociology, psychological and social technologies, Moscow City Pedagogical University. Address: 129226, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Agricultural Passage, 4/1.
Abstract. The article analyzes the problems of the higher education system in the context of public control. The communication tools used in the sphere of science and education are considered. The conclusion that the mechanism of public control contains the technological parameters of the control system, allowing to carry it out in practice, and includes methods, means and forms of public control influence in the sphere of interests of citizens and organizations. Based on generalization of the knowledge as represented in the scientific literature and results of sociological research the author offers new theoretical positions of public control at the higher school and provides practical recommendations on their implementation in social practice.
Keywords: higher education, social control, higher education system, human capital, problems of higher education, communicative tools
Text: PDF
For citation: Sakovich S.M. Communicative Tools of Public Control in Higher Education. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-77-86.
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Belyaev V.P. (2006). Social control in modern Russia. Constitutional and municipal law. No. 6 (In Rus.).
Blaug M. (2009). 100 great economists after Keynes. SPb.: Ekonomikus. P. 363-365 (In Rus.). Bussel Y.N. (2014). Social and Economic Council of France: the role in the optimization of government programs [el. source]: articles_374.html (In Rus.).
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Cooley H.H. (2001). Human nature and social order / tranl. Smirnova N.M., Zotov O.A. [2nd ed.]. M.: Idea-Press (In Rus.).
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Dobrolyubov N.A. (1956). Writings in 2 vols. SPb (In Rus.).
Dobrynin N.M. (2005). Conceptual approaches to the evaluation of the mechanism of public control over the state public authority in the constitutional and legal reality of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics. No. 9 (In Rus.).
Durkheim E. (1991). On the division of social labor: The method of sociology / Ed. A.B. Hoffman. M.: Science (In Rus.).
Garnett J. (2001). Communicating for Results in Government: A Strategic Approach for Public
Managers (Jossey Bass Public Administration Series). 1st ed., Kindle Edition.
Grib V.V. (2010). Public Chamber of the Russian Federation as an organ of public control. Legal World. № 3. P. 32 -39 (In Rus.).
Kozhuhov A. (2002). On the way to the rule of law. Legal practice. No. 17 (227) (In Rus.).
Makarevich E.F. (2007). Social control of the masses: textbook / ed. E.F. Makarevich, O.I.
Karpukhin, V.A. Lukov. M.: Drofa (In Rus.).
Mangusheva T.S. (2006). Social control of the organization in the context of democratization of managerial relations: dis. cand. sociol. sc. Saratov (In Rus.).
Markuze G. (2002). One-dimensional man. M.: ACT (In Rus.).
Parsons Т. (1969). The Social System. N.Y.: OUP, 1951.
Rosen F. (ed., 2007). Jeremy Bentham / ed. by Frederick Rosen. International Library of Series: Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought Edited by F. Rosen. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Sakovich S.M., Ivanova O.A. (2017). Indicators of monitoring the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education. In: Actual areas of fundamental and applied research materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Research Center “Academic”. P. 116-118 (In Rus.).
Trosheva A.I. (2008). Social control in deviation prevention practices. Sociological Studies. No. 2. P. 97-101 (In Rus.).
Trow M. (1973). Problems in the transition from elite to mass higher education. Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, Berkeley [el. source]: search/detailmini.
Zemskova O.A. (2008). The concept of public control and its modern interpretations [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Sakovich Svetlana Mikhailovna, Cand.Sc.(Soc.), associate prof. at the department of sociology, psychological and social technologies, Moscow City Pedagogical University. Address: 129226, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Agricultural Passage, 4/1.
Abstract. The article analyzes the problems of the higher education system in the context of public control. The communication tools used in the sphere of science and education are considered. The conclusion that the mechanism of public control contains the technological parameters of the control system, allowing to carry it out in practice, and includes methods, means and forms of public control influence in the sphere of interests of citizens and organizations. Based on generalization of the knowledge as represented in the scientific literature and results of sociological research the author offers new theoretical positions of public control at the higher school and provides practical recommendations on their implementation in social practice.
Keywords: higher education, social control, higher education system, human capital, problems of higher education, communicative tools
Text: PDF
For citation: Sakovich S.M. Communicative Tools of Public Control in Higher Education. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-77-86.
Becker G.S. (1993 (1987)). Economic analysis and human behavior. THESIS. Vol.1, No.1. P.38 (In Rus.).
Belinsky V.G. (1954). Full composition of writings. Vol. 5: Articles and reviews, 1841-1844. Moscow (In Rus.).
Belyaev V.P. (2006). Social control in modern Russia. Constitutional and municipal law. No. 6 (In Rus.).
Blaug M. (2009). 100 great economists after Keynes. SPb.: Ekonomikus. P. 363-365 (In Rus.). Bussel Y.N. (2014). Social and Economic Council of France: the role in the optimization of government programs [el. source]: articles_374.html (In Rus.).
Chatriot A. (2003). La démocratie sociale à la française : L’expérience du Conseil national économique, 1924-1940. Paris: La Découverte (In Fr.)
Cooley H.H. (2001). Human nature and social order / tranl. Smirnova N.M., Zotov O.A. [2nd ed.]. M.: Idea-Press (In Rus.).
Dahl R. (2006). A Preface to Democratic Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Dobrolyubov N.A. (1956). Writings in 2 vols. SPb (In Rus.).
Dobrynin N.M. (2005). Conceptual approaches to the evaluation of the mechanism of public control over the state public authority in the constitutional and legal reality of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics. No. 9 (In Rus.).
Durkheim E. (1991). On the division of social labor: The method of sociology / Ed. A.B. Hoffman. M.: Science (In Rus.).
Garnett J. (2001). Communicating for Results in Government: A Strategic Approach for Public
Managers (Jossey Bass Public Administration Series). 1st ed., Kindle Edition.
Grib V.V. (2010). Public Chamber of the Russian Federation as an organ of public control. Legal World. № 3. P. 32 -39 (In Rus.).
Kozhuhov A. (2002). On the way to the rule of law. Legal practice. No. 17 (227) (In Rus.).
Makarevich E.F. (2007). Social control of the masses: textbook / ed. E.F. Makarevich, O.I.
Karpukhin, V.A. Lukov. M.: Drofa (In Rus.).
Mangusheva T.S. (2006). Social control of the organization in the context of democratization of managerial relations: dis. cand. sociol. sc. Saratov (In Rus.).
Markuze G. (2002). One-dimensional man. M.: ACT (In Rus.).
Parsons Т. (1969). The Social System. N.Y.: OUP, 1951.
Rosen F. (ed., 2007). Jeremy Bentham / ed. by Frederick Rosen. International Library of Series: Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought Edited by F. Rosen. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Sakovich S.M., Ivanova O.A. (2017). Indicators of monitoring the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education. In: Actual areas of fundamental and applied research materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Research Center “Academic”. P. 116-118 (In Rus.).
Trosheva A.I. (2008). Social control in deviation prevention practices. Sociological Studies. No. 2. P. 97-101 (In Rus.).
Trow M. (1973). Problems in the transition from elite to mass higher education. Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, Berkeley [el. source]: search/detailmini.
Zemskova O.A. (2008). The concept of public control and its modern interpretations [el. source]: (In Rus.).