Author: Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A.
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Rodionov Mihail Alexandrovich, Dr. Sc. (Milit.), professor at the department of national security, RANEPA;
Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, head of the legal support department, CJSC «Leader». Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av. 82.
Abstract. The article dwells upon the theory and practice of political communications in the modern conditions of the functioning of power elites, in conjunction with the dynamics of global geopolitical changes. Analyzing the transformation of political communications, we illustrate anti-crisis aspects, issues of information security as an integral part of national security, the processes of forming national identity, issues of competitiveness, coherence of political elites.
Keywords: political communication, political system, power elite, political elite, information security, national identity, competitiveness, coherence of political elites, crisis management, historical analysis
Text: PDF
For citation: Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. Transformation of Рolitical Сommunication in the Сontext of the Dynamics of Modern Power Elites. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-128-142.
Balz D., Guskin E. (2016). In Every State, Pessimism about Trump, Clinton and the Impact of the Election [access mode]:
Bernays E. (2016). Crystallization of public opinion. Per. from English M.: Williams (In Rus.).
Bodrunova S.S. (2010). Modern strategies of British political communication. M.: Partnership of scientific publications KMK (In Rus.).
Castells M. (2017). The power of communication / M. Castells; transl. N.M. Tylevich; per. from English foreword to ed. 2013 A.A. Arkhipova; 2nd ed. M.: Higher School of Economics (In Rus.).
Fukusaku K., Hirata А. (1995). OECD and ASEAN: Changing Economic Linkages and the Challenge of Policy Coherence’, in ‘OECD and the ASEAN Economies: the Challenge of Policy Coherence’. OECD.
Jackson D., Thorsen E., Wring D. (2016). EU Referendum Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Early reflections from leading UK academics. The Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community. Bournemouth University. Dorset Digital Print Ltd. P. 33.
Khakimzhanov S., Seytenova Ai-Gul S. (2013). In search of coherence: the trade and industrial policy of Kazakhstan. No. 18. Institute of Public Administration and Policy (In Rus.).
Krestinina E.S. (2011). Formation of European political identity in the context of European integration. // Identity as a subject of political analysis. Collection of articles on the results of the All-Russian Scientific-Theoretical Conference (IMEMO RAN, October 21-22, 2010). M., IMEMO RAN. P. 109-110 (In Rus.).
Larina E., Ovchinsky V. (2017). US intelligence: crime, terrorism and new technologies in the near future. The report of the US National Intelligence Council “Global trends: the paradoxes of progress” [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Prangishvili I.V. (2003). Entropy and other systemic laws: Questions of control of complex systems. Inst of problems of management. V.A. Trapeznikova. M.: Science. P. 105 (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A. (2009). Socio-political security of Russia. Tutorial. M.: RAGS (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. (2014). Political communications and power. Communicology. Vol.6, No. 4 (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. (2016). Political elite: history and modernity: Monograph. M.: Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. (2018). Political elites and national identity. Social and humanitarian knowledge. No.4. P. 126-137 (In Rus.).
Sanzharevsky I.I. (2004). Proportionality in modern socio-political relations / Ed. prof. V.M. Dol-gov. Saratov (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I., Silkin V.V., Abramova I.E., Kirillina N.V. (2018). Violation of Information Ecology in Media Space. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 18 (4), 765-775.
The foundations of the constitutional system of Russia: twenty years of development (2013). / Ed. A.N. Medushevsky. M.: Institute of Law and Public Policy (In Rus.).
Yasin E.G. (2005). Will take root democracy in Russia. M.: New Publishing (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.1
Rodionov Mihail Alexandrovich, Dr. Sc. (Milit.), professor at the department of national security, RANEPA;
Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, head of the legal support department, CJSC «Leader». Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av. 82.
Abstract. The article dwells upon the theory and practice of political communications in the modern conditions of the functioning of power elites, in conjunction with the dynamics of global geopolitical changes. Analyzing the transformation of political communications, we illustrate anti-crisis aspects, issues of information security as an integral part of national security, the processes of forming national identity, issues of competitiveness, coherence of political elites.
Keywords: political communication, political system, power elite, political elite, information security, national identity, competitiveness, coherence of political elites, crisis management, historical analysis
Text: PDF
For citation: Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. Transformation of Рolitical Сommunication in the Сontext of the Dynamics of Modern Power Elites. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.1. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-1-128-142.
Balz D., Guskin E. (2016). In Every State, Pessimism about Trump, Clinton and the Impact of the Election [access mode]:
Bernays E. (2016). Crystallization of public opinion. Per. from English M.: Williams (In Rus.).
Bodrunova S.S. (2010). Modern strategies of British political communication. M.: Partnership of scientific publications KMK (In Rus.).
Castells M. (2017). The power of communication / M. Castells; transl. N.M. Tylevich; per. from English foreword to ed. 2013 A.A. Arkhipova; 2nd ed. M.: Higher School of Economics (In Rus.).
Fukusaku K., Hirata А. (1995). OECD and ASEAN: Changing Economic Linkages and the Challenge of Policy Coherence’, in ‘OECD and the ASEAN Economies: the Challenge of Policy Coherence’. OECD.
Jackson D., Thorsen E., Wring D. (2016). EU Referendum Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Early reflections from leading UK academics. The Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community. Bournemouth University. Dorset Digital Print Ltd. P. 33.
Khakimzhanov S., Seytenova Ai-Gul S. (2013). In search of coherence: the trade and industrial policy of Kazakhstan. No. 18. Institute of Public Administration and Policy (In Rus.).
Krestinina E.S. (2011). Formation of European political identity in the context of European integration. // Identity as a subject of political analysis. Collection of articles on the results of the All-Russian Scientific-Theoretical Conference (IMEMO RAN, October 21-22, 2010). M., IMEMO RAN. P. 109-110 (In Rus.).
Larina E., Ovchinsky V. (2017). US intelligence: crime, terrorism and new technologies in the near future. The report of the US National Intelligence Council “Global trends: the paradoxes of progress” [el. source]: (In Rus.).
Prangishvili I.V. (2003). Entropy and other systemic laws: Questions of control of complex systems. Inst of problems of management. V.A. Trapeznikova. M.: Science. P. 105 (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A. (2009). Socio-political security of Russia. Tutorial. M.: RAGS (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. (2014). Political communications and power. Communicology. Vol.6, No. 4 (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. (2016). Political elite: history and modernity: Monograph. M.: Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (In Rus.).
Rodionov M.A., Volkova T.A. (2018). Political elites and national identity. Social and humanitarian knowledge. No.4. P. 126-137 (In Rus.).
Sanzharevsky I.I. (2004). Proportionality in modern socio-political relations / Ed. prof. V.M. Dol-gov. Saratov (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I., Silkin V.V., Abramova I.E., Kirillina N.V. (2018). Violation of Information Ecology in Media Space. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 18 (4), 765-775.
The foundations of the constitutional system of Russia: twenty years of development (2013). / Ed. A.N. Medushevsky. M.: Institute of Law and Public Policy (In Rus.).
Yasin E.G. (2005). Will take root democracy in Russia. M.: New Publishing (In Rus.).