Communicology Paradigm of Jiri Subrt in his Russian Writings

Author: Felix I. Sharkov

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.6
Sharkov Felix Izosimovich, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), Professor of the department of sociology at MGIMO. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av. 76. E-mail:

Abstract. Jiri Schubrt is a member of the editorial Board of the international scientific journal “Communicology”, a leading Czech sociologist, founder and head of the Department of historical sociology of the faculty of humanitarian studies of Charles University (Prague). He published numerous articles and works in Russian in the journals “Sociological research”, “Vestnik RUDN. Series: Sociology”, spoke at various conferences and is therefore well known to Russian-speaking readers and participants of scientific forums.
A wide range of scientific interests of I. Subrt is not limited to the study of the theoretical foundations of sociological thinking, the problems of collective memory, historical consciousness, identity. His works reveal the communicative components of this or that sphere of human activity.
His recently published monograph [Subrt, 2018: 280] is devoted to the problems of contemporary sociological theories. The author pays considerable attention to the theory of communicative action. Since 1990 Subrt consistently saturates communicology paradigm, even if sometimes fragmentary reflection of communication theories and concepts multiparadigm science ‘communicology’. Thus, it contributes to the development of the paradigm structure of rapidly developing communicology.

Keywords: interpersonal communication, media communication, communication of meaning, communication networks, communicative understanding, communication paradigm

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For citation: Sharkov F.I. Communicology paradigm of Jiri Subrt in his Russian writings. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No. 6. Р. 15–23. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-6-15-23.

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