Author: Osipov E.M., Khalikov M.S.
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.6
Osipov Egor Mikhailovich, at the department of public administration, MSU;
Khalikov Manir Saidovich, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), professor at the department of personnel management, RANEPA. Address: 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1. E-mail:;
Abstract. In this paper, social partnership is considered within the framework of the dialectical law of the unity of the struggle of opposites, according to which labor and capital are interconnected and represent a single entity in the capitalist economic system. The authors assert that social partnership is a condition and goal for the development of capitalist society. Condition – as it facilitates the implementation of the most rational and most effective forms of social interaction in society, as well as to overcome conflicts and alienation, thereby contributing to the stability of social relations. The goal is mentioned, because the institutionalization of social partnership serves as a criterion of social solidarity and integration of society. The authors lay emphasis on the new paradigm of social partnership development, which allows considering it not just as a way or technology to solve problems of social and labor relations in organizations, but as a social institution that ensures the development of the entire system of social and labor relations through cooperation and the search for mutually acceptable solutions.
Keywords: social partnership, social partnership institute, institutionalization, trade unions, employees, employers, state, capital, labor, intersecting interests, monopoly capitalism, small business
Text: PDF
For citation: Osipov E.M., Khalikov M.S. Social partnership as a new type of social relations. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No. 6. Р. 24–34. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-6-24-34.
Casey M. (2008). Partnership – success factors of inter-organizational relationships. Journal of Nursing Management, 16, 72–83. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2934.2007.00771.
Haken G. (1980). Synergetics. M.: Mir (In Rus.).
Hsieh H.-F., Shannon S.E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15 (9), 1277-1288. DOI: 10.1177/1049732305276687.
Kaminskiene L. (2008). Socialine partneryste mokyklineje profesinio rengimo sistemoje [Social partnership in school vocational training system]. Doctoral dissertation. Social sciences, educational science (07 S). Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University.
Khalikov M.S. (2016). Strategy of socio-economic development in the context of the inversion concept. Public Administration. No. 1 (In Rus.).
Kiselev V.N., Smolkov V.G. (2002). Social partnership in Russia. 2 ed., Moscow: Economics (In Rus.).
Koretsky V., Khalikov M.S. (2017). Sociology of global processes: Textbook. M.: Academic project (In Rus.).
Kunin E.V. (1968). Karl Marx and the English labour movement. Moscow (In Rus.).
Marshall A. (1993). Principles of economic science. M.: Progress. Vol. 2 (In Rus.).
Marx K., Engels F. (1956). From the early works. Moscow (In Rus.).
Marx K., Engels F. (1985). Feuerbach. The opposite of the materialist and idealistic views. In: Selected works. Vol. 2. M.: Politizdat (In Rus.).
Mill J.C. (1980). Fundamentals of political economy. Vol.3. M.: Science (In Rus.).
Osipov A.M., Karstanje P., Tumalev V.V., Zarubin V.G. (2009). On Social Partnership in the Sphere of Education. Russian Education and Society, 51(12), 81–95. DOI:10.2753/RES1060-9393511206. Retrieved from: 10.1080/10609393.2004.11056847.
Osipov E.M. (2018). Social partnership and Russian small business: state and development trends. M.: Academic project (In Rus.).
Reznik Y.M. (2007). The civil society as a phenomenon of civilization. Part II. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study. M.: Publishing house MGSU “Union” (In Rus.).
Rousseau J.J. (1961). Selected writings. Vol.1. Moscow (In Rus.).
Strizh E.M. (2003). Features of formation and development of social partnership in Russia.
Author’s abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of economic Sciences. Moscow (In Rus.).
Sukharev I. (2013). Sociology of social partnership. Sat. articles. Saransk (In Rus.). Turchynov I.K., Magomedov K.O., Kanonenko T.O. (2011). Sociological analysis of personnel policy and personnel management in Russian organizations. Moscow (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.6
Osipov Egor Mikhailovich, at the department of public administration, MSU;
Khalikov Manir Saidovich, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), professor at the department of personnel management, RANEPA. Address: 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1. E-mail:;
Abstract. In this paper, social partnership is considered within the framework of the dialectical law of the unity of the struggle of opposites, according to which labor and capital are interconnected and represent a single entity in the capitalist economic system. The authors assert that social partnership is a condition and goal for the development of capitalist society. Condition – as it facilitates the implementation of the most rational and most effective forms of social interaction in society, as well as to overcome conflicts and alienation, thereby contributing to the stability of social relations. The goal is mentioned, because the institutionalization of social partnership serves as a criterion of social solidarity and integration of society. The authors lay emphasis on the new paradigm of social partnership development, which allows considering it not just as a way or technology to solve problems of social and labor relations in organizations, but as a social institution that ensures the development of the entire system of social and labor relations through cooperation and the search for mutually acceptable solutions.
Keywords: social partnership, social partnership institute, institutionalization, trade unions, employees, employers, state, capital, labor, intersecting interests, monopoly capitalism, small business
Text: PDF
For citation: Osipov E.M., Khalikov M.S. Social partnership as a new type of social relations. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No. 6. Р. 24–34. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-6-24-34.
Casey M. (2008). Partnership – success factors of inter-organizational relationships. Journal of Nursing Management, 16, 72–83. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2934.2007.00771.
Haken G. (1980). Synergetics. M.: Mir (In Rus.).
Hsieh H.-F., Shannon S.E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15 (9), 1277-1288. DOI: 10.1177/1049732305276687.
Kaminskiene L. (2008). Socialine partneryste mokyklineje profesinio rengimo sistemoje [Social partnership in school vocational training system]. Doctoral dissertation. Social sciences, educational science (07 S). Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University.
Khalikov M.S. (2016). Strategy of socio-economic development in the context of the inversion concept. Public Administration. No. 1 (In Rus.).
Kiselev V.N., Smolkov V.G. (2002). Social partnership in Russia. 2 ed., Moscow: Economics (In Rus.).
Koretsky V., Khalikov M.S. (2017). Sociology of global processes: Textbook. M.: Academic project (In Rus.).
Kunin E.V. (1968). Karl Marx and the English labour movement. Moscow (In Rus.).
Marshall A. (1993). Principles of economic science. M.: Progress. Vol. 2 (In Rus.).
Marx K., Engels F. (1956). From the early works. Moscow (In Rus.).
Marx K., Engels F. (1985). Feuerbach. The opposite of the materialist and idealistic views. In: Selected works. Vol. 2. M.: Politizdat (In Rus.).
Mill J.C. (1980). Fundamentals of political economy. Vol.3. M.: Science (In Rus.).
Osipov A.M., Karstanje P., Tumalev V.V., Zarubin V.G. (2009). On Social Partnership in the Sphere of Education. Russian Education and Society, 51(12), 81–95. DOI:10.2753/RES1060-9393511206. Retrieved from: 10.1080/10609393.2004.11056847.
Osipov E.M. (2018). Social partnership and Russian small business: state and development trends. M.: Academic project (In Rus.).
Reznik Y.M. (2007). The civil society as a phenomenon of civilization. Part II. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study. M.: Publishing house MGSU “Union” (In Rus.).
Rousseau J.J. (1961). Selected writings. Vol.1. Moscow (In Rus.).
Strizh E.M. (2003). Features of formation and development of social partnership in Russia.
Author’s abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of economic Sciences. Moscow (In Rus.).
Sukharev I. (2013). Sociology of social partnership. Sat. articles. Saransk (In Rus.). Turchynov I.K., Magomedov K.O., Kanonenko T.O. (2011). Sociological analysis of personnel policy and personnel management in Russian organizations. Moscow (In Rus.).