Museum Communication: models and their approbation within the branding of a small town

Author: Tatiana А. Ladygina 

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.5
Tatiana Аnatolievna Ladygina, specialist of municipal budgetary institution «Krasnoufimsk Local History Museum». Address: 623300, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Krasnoufimsk, st. Sovietskaya, 42. E-mail:

Abstract. The information society is featured by an increasing interest in communication issues in general, and in particular in museum communications. The paper is dedicated to the models of museum communications (cognitive, sign, dialogue, etc.) and represents the experience of its testing as a tool for promoting historical and cultural heritage and creating to create a unique image of territory (using the example of the city of Krasnoufimsk). Besides, the author identifies the role of the local history museum in this process. The author believes that geo-branding is one of the current areas of development of the Russian hinterland, increasing the competitiveness of individual rural and urban areas, and presumes that museum communications can play an important role in this process by implementing online and offline dialog forms of interaction with the local community.

Keywords: museum communications, museum of local lore, historical and cultural heritage, geo-branding, brand of a small town

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For citation: Ladygina T.A. Museum Communication: models and their approbation within the branding of a small town. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.5. P. 155-162. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-5-155-162.

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