Typical Signs of Ethnopolitical Communication in the North Caucasus

Author: Julieta S. Dzhanteeva

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.6
Janteeva Julieta Sultanovna, Cand.Sc. (Hist.), associate professor, manager of department of Sociological Research and Analysis Karachay-Cherkess institute of humanitarian research. Address: 369000, Russia, Cherkessk, Gorky st. 1A. E-mail: dchulyach@inbox.ru.

Abstract. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of ethno-political communications in the North Caucasus region and their common features. Within the framework of a polyparadigmatic concept based on a political and socio-cultural approach to the study of political actions and communication (H. Arendt, K.S. Gadzhiev, Y.A. Irkhin, A.I. Soloviev, etc.), ethnopolitical theories (Deutsch K. , Smith E., Shirokogorova S. M., and others), theories of intercultural communication (J. Mid., A.P. Sadokhin, S. Ting-Toumi et al.) and media communications (M. Castells, M. McLuhan et al.), the author differentiated the typical properties of ethnopolitical communications in the designated region. They are presented in the form of four pairs of antinomies: tradition and innovation; tolerance and intolerance; informality and institutionalism; ethnoideological and socio-political discourse. Revealed their regional features. The research methodology includes comparative historical, sociological and analytical methods that allow typology of the universals of ethno-political communications in the North Caucasus against the background of their theoretical reflection. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, based on the synthesis of theoretical approaches to the study of the phenomenon under consideration, the author has identified typical features of ethno-political communications in the North Caucasus region.

Keywords: ethnopolitical communications, the North Caucasus, traditionalism, tolerance, ethnic ideology, media

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For citation: Dzhanteeva J.S. Typical signs of ethnopolitical communication in the North Caucasus. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No. 6. Р. 36–47. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-6-36-47.

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