Author: Vladimir V. Silkin, Alina Y. Suvorova
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.5
Silkin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dr. Sc. (Pol.), Professor, Dean of faculty of journalism, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA; Alina Yurievna Suvorova, postgraduate student, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail:
Abstract. Sport as a social institution for constant development has always needed a constant interchange of achievements from practical experience in theory and back. An important part of the system that provided such circulation and supported the life activity of the sports sphere since 19th century was Russian sports journalism, which initially developed in general publications in the form of separate articles or sections. Further expansion of the number of sports activities, the increase of its role and importance in the life of society has required the emergence of special periodical press. Before the revolution, a unified typological group of sports publications has crystallized as part of specialized journalism, united by purpose, audience, object of reflection, integrity and structuring, general functions, among which the main ones were educational, propaganda and organizational. In post-revolutionary Russia, special attention was paid to the creation of a history of the development of sports and physical culture. The sport was elevated to the level of international politics.
In recent years, attention to sports has been reviving. The heroism of sport is displayed in new domestic feature films and talented journalistic works. In connection with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and the 2014 FIFA World Cup and a number of other international sporting events, Russia has faced the global task of creating a holistic system of physical education that covers wide circles. By the impact of convergence and expansion of multimedia, some sports editions have become unique entities combining several media channels in one, and attracting new audiences to the topic of sports. Thus, sports mass media today is visibly on the upgrade as even more interesting, professional, competitive and promising.
Keywords: sports journalism, sports media communication
Text: PDF
For citation: Silkin V.V., Suvorova A.Y. Sports journalism in the system of modern media communications. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.5. P. 15-23.
DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-5-15-23.
Alekseev K. (2008). Sports press of Russia XIX - early XX centuries: historical and typological analysis. Diss. Thesis Cand.Sc. (Philos.) SPb. (In Rus.).
Alekseyev K. A., Gromova L.P. and Silantev K.V. (2016). European influence on Sport and Sport Press Formation and Development in Russia. Global Media Journal. S3: 01 P. 1-7.
Baranov V., Shustin B. (2008). The main directions of research and doctoral dissertations in the field of physical culture and sports. M.: World of athletes. (In Rus.).
Chistyakov A.A. (1999). Emergence and ways of development of sports clubs and societies of the Russian Empire: socio-pedagogical aspect (doctoral diss.). Moscow: Moscow state Academy of physical culture (In Rus.).
Combeau-Mari E. (2006). Sport in the French colonies (1880-1962): a case study. Journal of Sport History, 33: 27-57.
Demeter G. (2005). Essays on the history of Russian physical culture and the Olympic movement. M: Soviet Sport. (In Rus.).
Dietschy P. (2011). French Sport: Caught between Universalism and Exceptionalism. European Review 19: 509-525.
Duperron G. (1915). Bibliography of sports and physical development: systematic painting of all books, brochures, magazines published in Russia up to 1913 / G. Duperron. PG, [4], VII (In Rus.).
Hilbrenner A, Lenz B. (2011). Looking at European Sports from an Eastern European Perspective: Football in the Multi-ethnic Polish Territories. European Review, 19: 595-610.
Imhoof D. (2009). The game of political change: sports in Gttingen during the Weimar and Nazi eras. German History, 27: 374-394.
Lisowski N.M. (1915). Bibliography of the Russian periodical press in 1703-1900: (materials for the history of Rus. journalism) / comp. and ed. N. M. Lisowski. Pg.: Type. JSC Printing business [8], XVI (In Rus.).
Lopez B. (2010). Sport, media, politics and nationalism on the eve of the Spanish Civil War: the first Vuelta Ciclista a Espana (1935). International Journal of the History of Sport, 27: 635-657.
Mikhailov V.V. (2018). Totalitarian state and its socio-cultural policy in the field of physical culture. Monograph [access mode]: www:https://kartaslov.EN.
Myagkov V.V. (2010). Participation of officers in the development of sports movement in the Russian language in the second half of XIX - early XX century (doctoral diss.). M.: Russian state University of physical culture, sport and tourism (In Rus.).
Orlov S.I. (1974). Russian pre-revolutionary sports journalism. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. UN-TA, (In Rus.). Pfister G. (2003). Cultural confrontations: German Turnen, Swedish gymnastics and English sport – European diversity in physical activities from a historical perspective. Culture, Sport, Society, 6: 61-91.
Tolstoy S. (2009). State power and mass sports in the USSR: the example of the history of Soviet football in the period from 1930 to 1950. Diss. Dr.Sc. Russian state University of tourism and service. M: Russia (In Rus.).
Tomlinson A., Young C. (2011). Towards a New History of European Sport. European Review, 19: 487-507.
Voytik E.A. (2014). Sports media communication in Russia: evolution and current state. Diss. Cand. Sc. (Philos.). SPb. (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.5
Silkin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dr. Sc. (Pol.), Professor, Dean of faculty of journalism, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA; Alina Yurievna Suvorova, postgraduate student, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail:
Abstract. Sport as a social institution for constant development has always needed a constant interchange of achievements from practical experience in theory and back. An important part of the system that provided such circulation and supported the life activity of the sports sphere since 19th century was Russian sports journalism, which initially developed in general publications in the form of separate articles or sections. Further expansion of the number of sports activities, the increase of its role and importance in the life of society has required the emergence of special periodical press. Before the revolution, a unified typological group of sports publications has crystallized as part of specialized journalism, united by purpose, audience, object of reflection, integrity and structuring, general functions, among which the main ones were educational, propaganda and organizational. In post-revolutionary Russia, special attention was paid to the creation of a history of the development of sports and physical culture. The sport was elevated to the level of international politics.
In recent years, attention to sports has been reviving. The heroism of sport is displayed in new domestic feature films and talented journalistic works. In connection with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and the 2014 FIFA World Cup and a number of other international sporting events, Russia has faced the global task of creating a holistic system of physical education that covers wide circles. By the impact of convergence and expansion of multimedia, some sports editions have become unique entities combining several media channels in one, and attracting new audiences to the topic of sports. Thus, sports mass media today is visibly on the upgrade as even more interesting, professional, competitive and promising.
Keywords: sports journalism, sports media communication
Text: PDF
For citation: Silkin V.V., Suvorova A.Y. Sports journalism in the system of modern media communications. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.5. P. 15-23.
DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-5-15-23.
Alekseev K. (2008). Sports press of Russia XIX - early XX centuries: historical and typological analysis. Diss. Thesis Cand.Sc. (Philos.) SPb. (In Rus.).
Alekseyev K. A., Gromova L.P. and Silantev K.V. (2016). European influence on Sport and Sport Press Formation and Development in Russia. Global Media Journal. S3: 01 P. 1-7.
Baranov V., Shustin B. (2008). The main directions of research and doctoral dissertations in the field of physical culture and sports. M.: World of athletes. (In Rus.).
Chistyakov A.A. (1999). Emergence and ways of development of sports clubs and societies of the Russian Empire: socio-pedagogical aspect (doctoral diss.). Moscow: Moscow state Academy of physical culture (In Rus.).
Combeau-Mari E. (2006). Sport in the French colonies (1880-1962): a case study. Journal of Sport History, 33: 27-57.
Demeter G. (2005). Essays on the history of Russian physical culture and the Olympic movement. M: Soviet Sport. (In Rus.).
Dietschy P. (2011). French Sport: Caught between Universalism and Exceptionalism. European Review 19: 509-525.
Duperron G. (1915). Bibliography of sports and physical development: systematic painting of all books, brochures, magazines published in Russia up to 1913 / G. Duperron. PG, [4], VII (In Rus.).
Hilbrenner A, Lenz B. (2011). Looking at European Sports from an Eastern European Perspective: Football in the Multi-ethnic Polish Territories. European Review, 19: 595-610.
Imhoof D. (2009). The game of political change: sports in Gttingen during the Weimar and Nazi eras. German History, 27: 374-394.
Lisowski N.M. (1915). Bibliography of the Russian periodical press in 1703-1900: (materials for the history of Rus. journalism) / comp. and ed. N. M. Lisowski. Pg.: Type. JSC Printing business [8], XVI (In Rus.).
Lopez B. (2010). Sport, media, politics and nationalism on the eve of the Spanish Civil War: the first Vuelta Ciclista a Espana (1935). International Journal of the History of Sport, 27: 635-657.
Mikhailov V.V. (2018). Totalitarian state and its socio-cultural policy in the field of physical culture. Monograph [access mode]: www:https://kartaslov.EN.
Myagkov V.V. (2010). Participation of officers in the development of sports movement in the Russian language in the second half of XIX - early XX century (doctoral diss.). M.: Russian state University of physical culture, sport and tourism (In Rus.).
Orlov S.I. (1974). Russian pre-revolutionary sports journalism. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. UN-TA, (In Rus.). Pfister G. (2003). Cultural confrontations: German Turnen, Swedish gymnastics and English sport – European diversity in physical activities from a historical perspective. Culture, Sport, Society, 6: 61-91.
Tolstoy S. (2009). State power and mass sports in the USSR: the example of the history of Soviet football in the period from 1930 to 1950. Diss. Dr.Sc. Russian state University of tourism and service. M: Russia (In Rus.).
Tomlinson A., Young C. (2011). Towards a New History of European Sport. European Review, 19: 487-507.
Voytik E.A. (2014). Sports media communication in Russia: evolution and current state. Diss. Cand. Sc. (Philos.). SPb. (In Rus.).