Identity and Identification in Social Networks

Author: Alexander A. Startsev, Nikita V. Grishanin, Natalia V. Kirillina

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.4
Alexander Alekseevich Startsev, postgraduate student of the North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA;
Nikita Vladimirovich Grishanin, Cand. Sc. (Cult.), associate professor of the Department of Public Relations and Social Technologies of the North-West Institute of Management, RANEPA;
Natalia Vladimirovna Kirillina, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), associate professor at the department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA. Address: 199178, Russia, St. Petersburg, Sredny prospect, 57. E-mail:

Abstract. The paper represents the study of the issue of identity and identification of individuals on the Internet in conditions of rapid development of virtual  communication on the basis of social networks. Internet is described as part of a postmodern culture with an inherent attitude to the personality and the formation of an individuality that is not identical to itself. The authors describe the process of identity formation in the social Internet space, which is connected with its virtualization through various tools of Internet communication. It is shown that the identification process is conditioned by the level of development of the society and should be characterized by gradation from complete anonymity and confidentiality of participants in virtual communication during the initial period of the formation of social networks to the actual identification of the person at the present time. The text gives the description of this process by stages. The conclusions highlight the influence of this process on the formation of marketing communications technologies, such as social media marketing, viral technologies, augmented reality.
The authors of the manuscript continue the research of Runet by S.N. Makeev and N.A. Senchenko and rely on the terminology developed in their research.

Keywords: Internet, network communication, social network, personality, self-expression, identification, user, communication, contacts

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For citation: Startsev A.A., Grishanin N.V., Kirillina N.V. Identity and Identification in Social Networks. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.4. P. 76-87. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-4-76-87.

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