Sports Journalism in the System of Modern Media Communication

Author: Felix I. Sharkov, Vladimir V. Silkin, Renat A. Laishev

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.4
Felix Izosimovich Sharkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, vice-rector for science of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
Silkin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dr. Sc. (Pol.), professor, dean of the Faculty of journalism, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA;
Renat Alexeevich Laishev, Dr. Sc. (Ped.), honored coach of Russia, executive director of Center of Sports and Education “Sambo-70”. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail:

Abstract. Theoretical journalism is considered as a component institutionally included in the political system of mass media, and representing a socio-communicative mechanism of such multifunctional institutions of society as the press, television, radio, Internet and other media. From the standpoint of the interests of society journalism is considered as a mechanism of social management, designed to direct applied and scientific and practical knowledge to the formation of mass consciousness, contributing to the adoption of social groups of behaviors and in General. Sports journalism, as the subject of this research, is represented as a form of journalism that reports on sports topics and events. The importance of sports in Russia has increased dramatically in recent years, primarily due to the Olympics (2014) and the FIFA Cup (2018) in Russia. Sport has grown in its influence on social processes, has become stronger in the minds of people as a prestigious and attractive category. Accordingly, sports journalism began to develop actively.
Sports journalism is presented as a section of journalism, besides reflecting sports events and not limited to the analysis of sports, is an integral element of any organization, even at the social level. It includes theoretical and methodological analysis of the state of social processes related in any way to physical culture and sports and is considered (analyzed, highlighted) in the relationship of physical culture and sports.
Today’s sports journalism together with other areas of journalism entering the system of modern media implies the use of hypertext, multimedia and interactive technologies.

Keywords: media communication, media system, Internet journalism, sports journalism, sports media communication

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For citation: Sharkov F.I., Silkin V.V., Laishev R.A. Sports journalism in the system of modern media communication. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.4. P. 60-75. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-4-60-75.

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