Author: Sergey A. Barkov, Vladimir I. Zubkov
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Sergey Aleksandrovich Barkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), Professor, head of e conomic sociology and management department, faculty of sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Vladimir Ivanovich Zubkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Public Administration and Social Technologies, Faculty of Engineering Economics and Humanitarian Sciences, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Address: 119234, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, Moscow State University, 1/33, Faculty of Sociology. E-mail:
Abstract. The study of the problem is built in the form of a dialogue between an adherent of postmodernism, advocating the equivalence of cognitive systems (mainly science and art), and an adherent of classic science, which considers it as the main cognitive system. The article deals with: the history of inseparability-isolation of cognitive systems; continuum natural sciences – social and human sciences – art; cognitive possibilities of visual and expressive arts; cognitive tools of art (artistic images) and capabilities of artistic works interpretation; cognitive methods of empathy, discovery of concrete facts and competency building; ways of changing the world by science and art. A reader is invited to sum up the arguments of the authors.
Keywords: modernism, postmodernism, deprivilege of science, cognitive systems, scientific method, cognitive methods of art
Text: PDF
For citation: Barkov S.A., Zubkov V.I. On Cognitive Systems Equality: a paradigm of communicative continuum. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 15-33. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-15-33.
Bakeeva E.V. (2014). Introduction to ontology: images of the world in European philosophy. Course of lectures. Ekaterinburg (In Rus.).
Comte A. (2016). The Positive Philosophy. Moscow (In Rus.).
Golitsyn G.A. (1979). Can everything be expressed in number? Coll. sc. papers, Issue 2. Moscow (In Rus.).
Hayek F. (2006). Competition as a Discovery Procedure. In: Hayek F. Law, Legislation and Freedom. Moscow. P. 389-391 (In Rus.).
Hegel G.V.F. (2016). Phenomenology of Spirit / Ed. And transl. M. Tereshina. Moscow (In Rus.). Isaacson W. (2015). The Innovators: how a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital revolution. Moscow: Corpus, AST (In Rus.).
Ivanova O.E. (2015). The influence of communication on the meaning: the paradigmatic approach. Diss. Dr. Sc. (Philos.). Chelyabinsk (In Rus.).
Kuhn T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions / Transl. I.E. Naletova [el. source]: http:// (In Rus.).
Kulikova E.G. (2013). Communicative Continuum: variant-invariant approach [el. source]: http:// (In Rus.).
Mamedov A.K. (2017). Epistemology of social cognition: monograph. Moscow (In Rus.). Russell B. (1998). Wisdom of the West: Historical research of Western philosophy in connection with social and political circumstances / Ed. eng. P. Fulkes; General. ed. V.A. Malinina. Moscow (In Rus.).
Ruzavin G.I. (1985). The problem of understanding and hermeneutics. Hermeneutics: history and modernity (critical essays). Moscow (In Rus.).
Snow C.P. (1973). The Two Сultures and the Scientific Revolution. Moscow (In Rus.).
Spinoza B. (2016). Ethics. Moscow (In Rus.).
Svasyan K.A. (2001). Philosophical worldview Goethe. Moscow (In Rus.).
Verhovin V.I. (2014). Economic Behavior in Russian Folklore // Business in Literature: sociological analysis / Ed. S.A. Barkov, V.I. Zubkov. P. 185-207 (In Rus.).
Yurasova M.V. (2014). Anti-entrepreneurship socialization and soviet art for children. In: Business in Literature: sociological analysis / Ed. S.A. Barkov, V.I. Zubkov. P. 169-182 (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Sergey Aleksandrovich Barkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), Professor, head of e conomic sociology and management department, faculty of sociology, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Vladimir Ivanovich Zubkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Public Administration and Social Technologies, Faculty of Engineering Economics and Humanitarian Sciences, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Address: 119234, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, Moscow State University, 1/33, Faculty of Sociology. E-mail:
Abstract. The study of the problem is built in the form of a dialogue between an adherent of postmodernism, advocating the equivalence of cognitive systems (mainly science and art), and an adherent of classic science, which considers it as the main cognitive system. The article deals with: the history of inseparability-isolation of cognitive systems; continuum natural sciences – social and human sciences – art; cognitive possibilities of visual and expressive arts; cognitive tools of art (artistic images) and capabilities of artistic works interpretation; cognitive methods of empathy, discovery of concrete facts and competency building; ways of changing the world by science and art. A reader is invited to sum up the arguments of the authors.
Keywords: modernism, postmodernism, deprivilege of science, cognitive systems, scientific method, cognitive methods of art
Text: PDF
For citation: Barkov S.A., Zubkov V.I. On Cognitive Systems Equality: a paradigm of communicative continuum. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 15-33. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-15-33.
Bakeeva E.V. (2014). Introduction to ontology: images of the world in European philosophy. Course of lectures. Ekaterinburg (In Rus.).
Comte A. (2016). The Positive Philosophy. Moscow (In Rus.).
Golitsyn G.A. (1979). Can everything be expressed in number? Coll. sc. papers, Issue 2. Moscow (In Rus.).
Hayek F. (2006). Competition as a Discovery Procedure. In: Hayek F. Law, Legislation and Freedom. Moscow. P. 389-391 (In Rus.).
Hegel G.V.F. (2016). Phenomenology of Spirit / Ed. And transl. M. Tereshina. Moscow (In Rus.). Isaacson W. (2015). The Innovators: how a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital revolution. Moscow: Corpus, AST (In Rus.).
Ivanova O.E. (2015). The influence of communication on the meaning: the paradigmatic approach. Diss. Dr. Sc. (Philos.). Chelyabinsk (In Rus.).
Kuhn T.S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions / Transl. I.E. Naletova [el. source]: http:// (In Rus.).
Kulikova E.G. (2013). Communicative Continuum: variant-invariant approach [el. source]: http:// (In Rus.).
Mamedov A.K. (2017). Epistemology of social cognition: monograph. Moscow (In Rus.). Russell B. (1998). Wisdom of the West: Historical research of Western philosophy in connection with social and political circumstances / Ed. eng. P. Fulkes; General. ed. V.A. Malinina. Moscow (In Rus.).
Ruzavin G.I. (1985). The problem of understanding and hermeneutics. Hermeneutics: history and modernity (critical essays). Moscow (In Rus.).
Snow C.P. (1973). The Two Сultures and the Scientific Revolution. Moscow (In Rus.).
Spinoza B. (2016). Ethics. Moscow (In Rus.).
Svasyan K.A. (2001). Philosophical worldview Goethe. Moscow (In Rus.).
Verhovin V.I. (2014). Economic Behavior in Russian Folklore // Business in Literature: sociological analysis / Ed. S.A. Barkov, V.I. Zubkov. P. 185-207 (In Rus.).
Yurasova M.V. (2014). Anti-entrepreneurship socialization and soviet art for children. In: Business in Literature: sociological analysis / Ed. S.A. Barkov, V.I. Zubkov. P. 169-182 (In Rus.).