Author: Aleksandr A. Yefanov
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Yefanov, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), Associate Professor of the Department of Public Relations and Journalism of Orenburg State University. Address: 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy ave, 13. E-mail:
Abstract. The article substantiates the phenomenon of media piarisation. The emphasis is on television and the Internet as multifunctional platforms for implementing PR technologies. There are two directions of media piarisation: political and ideological. It is emphasized, that two of these vectors do not exclude, but rather complement each other, having a number of common points of intersection. A set of methods is used: content analysis of information materials of federal television channels and online publications, discourse analysis of comments of users of social networks, secondary analysis of sociological data. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion, that media piarisation is an ambivalent process. On the one hand, communication channels and subjects of PR activity seek to attract attention, inspire resonance – social movements not only in virtual, but also social space (as a result – raising the ratings and direct monetization of ‘success’), on the other, – piarisation leads to discrediting media, when online publications and TV channels are beginning to be perceived as PR tools (which contradicts the canons of the media), as a result of which there is an increase in the ‘crisis of confidence’. In the current communication realities, the process of media piarisation is progressive and irreversible, and media relations are becoming a stable form of media functioning.
Keywords: media, television, Internet, PR, piarisation, politics, political communication, political show, show politics, ideology, scandal, social movements, rating, media relations, crisis of confidence
Text: PDF
For citation: Yefanov A.A. The Phenomena of Media Piarisation. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 34-40. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-34-40.
Bulavkina L.V. (2007). An ‘affair’ with the Media, or How to Succeed in PR without any Expenses. Marketing Communications. No. 2 (In Rus.).
Karpova A.Y. (2013). Show-policy or Show in Politics. Power. No. 8 (In Rus.).
Lenin V.I. (1905). Party Organization and Party Literature. New Life. No. 12 (In Rus.). Lobodenko L.K. (2015). Interaction of Journalism, Advertising and PR in the Media. Chelyabinsk: Cicero (In Rus.).
Melnik G.S. (2012). Interaction of PR Structures and Mass Media: Forms, Principles, Areas of Responsibility. Administrative Consulting. No. 4 (48) (In Rus.).
Obidina E.Y. (2007). Advertising and PR-communications in the Media. Izhevsk: Publishing House of the Udmurt State University (In Rus.).
Rusakova O.F. (2008). Discourse Show Policy. Without a Theme. No. 1 (In Rus.).
Rusakova O.F. (2009). Show Politics: Features of Discourse. Social Life and Power. No. 4 (In Rus.). Shestyorkina L.P., Lobodenko L.K. (2013). Structural-Content Transformation of the Interaction
of Journalism, Advertising and PR in Digital Media. Scientific Opinion. No. 3 (In Rus.).
Varustin L.E. (2006). PR and Mass Media in the Interaction System. Management Consulting. No. 1 (21) (In Rus.).
Wilcox D.L. (2004). How to Create PR Texts and Effectively Interact with the Media. Мoscow: IMAGE-Contact (In Rus.).
Yefanov A.A. (2017a). Media-representation of Protest Moods in the Mirror of Sociology. Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economy. Policy. No. 3 (In Rus.).
Yefanov A.A. (2017b). Political Program or Political Show? (To the Problem of Identification). Communicative Strategies of the Information Society: Proceedings of the IX sc.-theor. conf. October 26-27, 2017. SPb.: Publishing House of Polytechnic University (In Rus.).
Yefanov A.A. (2018). ‘Crisis of Trust’ to Television. Journalism in 2017: Creativity, Profession, Industry. Collection of Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow: MediaMir; Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Yefanov, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), Associate Professor of the Department of Public Relations and Journalism of Orenburg State University. Address: 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy ave, 13. E-mail:
Abstract. The article substantiates the phenomenon of media piarisation. The emphasis is on television and the Internet as multifunctional platforms for implementing PR technologies. There are two directions of media piarisation: political and ideological. It is emphasized, that two of these vectors do not exclude, but rather complement each other, having a number of common points of intersection. A set of methods is used: content analysis of information materials of federal television channels and online publications, discourse analysis of comments of users of social networks, secondary analysis of sociological data. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion, that media piarisation is an ambivalent process. On the one hand, communication channels and subjects of PR activity seek to attract attention, inspire resonance – social movements not only in virtual, but also social space (as a result – raising the ratings and direct monetization of ‘success’), on the other, – piarisation leads to discrediting media, when online publications and TV channels are beginning to be perceived as PR tools (which contradicts the canons of the media), as a result of which there is an increase in the ‘crisis of confidence’. In the current communication realities, the process of media piarisation is progressive and irreversible, and media relations are becoming a stable form of media functioning.
Keywords: media, television, Internet, PR, piarisation, politics, political communication, political show, show politics, ideology, scandal, social movements, rating, media relations, crisis of confidence
Text: PDF
For citation: Yefanov A.A. The Phenomena of Media Piarisation. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 34-40. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-34-40.
Bulavkina L.V. (2007). An ‘affair’ with the Media, or How to Succeed in PR without any Expenses. Marketing Communications. No. 2 (In Rus.).
Karpova A.Y. (2013). Show-policy or Show in Politics. Power. No. 8 (In Rus.).
Lenin V.I. (1905). Party Organization and Party Literature. New Life. No. 12 (In Rus.). Lobodenko L.K. (2015). Interaction of Journalism, Advertising and PR in the Media. Chelyabinsk: Cicero (In Rus.).
Melnik G.S. (2012). Interaction of PR Structures and Mass Media: Forms, Principles, Areas of Responsibility. Administrative Consulting. No. 4 (48) (In Rus.).
Obidina E.Y. (2007). Advertising and PR-communications in the Media. Izhevsk: Publishing House of the Udmurt State University (In Rus.).
Rusakova O.F. (2008). Discourse Show Policy. Without a Theme. No. 1 (In Rus.).
Rusakova O.F. (2009). Show Politics: Features of Discourse. Social Life and Power. No. 4 (In Rus.). Shestyorkina L.P., Lobodenko L.K. (2013). Structural-Content Transformation of the Interaction
of Journalism, Advertising and PR in Digital Media. Scientific Opinion. No. 3 (In Rus.).
Varustin L.E. (2006). PR and Mass Media in the Interaction System. Management Consulting. No. 1 (21) (In Rus.).
Wilcox D.L. (2004). How to Create PR Texts and Effectively Interact with the Media. Мoscow: IMAGE-Contact (In Rus.).
Yefanov A.A. (2017a). Media-representation of Protest Moods in the Mirror of Sociology. Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economy. Policy. No. 3 (In Rus.).
Yefanov A.A. (2017b). Political Program or Political Show? (To the Problem of Identification). Communicative Strategies of the Information Society: Proceedings of the IX sc.-theor. conf. October 26-27, 2017. SPb.: Publishing House of Polytechnic University (In Rus.).
Yefanov A.A. (2018). ‘Crisis of Trust’ to Television. Journalism in 2017: Creativity, Profession, Industry. Collection of Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow: MediaMir; Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University (In Rus.).