Author: Felix I. Sharkov, Alexander M. Gorokhov
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.2
Felix Izosimovich Sharkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), professor, head of department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA;
Alexander Mikhaylovich Gorokhov, postgraduate student at the department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 82. E-mail:
Abstract. Contemporary sociology aims at enriching the research potential of information and expanding the communication capabilities of localization of unjustified information standoff. The elaboration of information imperatives for communication as generally valid moral norms is a definition of a set of requirements; the set of requirements of the global community to a new models of international or intergovernmental communications, with the help of which the influence on the ongoing global processes in the conditions of information confrontation and standoff would be possible.
Information reaction and counteraction as a hole affects the use of the information environment, information of individuals and organizations, information circulating in social networks. This does not stay without influencing the life of a certain community, making political or military decisions. Information confrontation does not go without consulting and coordination of the any stakeholders activities which producing and/or using information. Such standoff will certainly force its participants to analyze the consequences of their actions and reactions of opponents.
Social technologies of information impact are aimed at preserving the stability of the individual information and communication environment. It is possible through making competent administrative decisions in the conditions of information confrontation or even information warfare.
Keywords: human, communication, information, information confrontation, social technology
Text: PDF
For citation: Sharkov F.I., Gorokhov A.M. Application of Social Technologies in the Study of Information Imperatives of Communication (on the example of information confrontation). Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.2. P. 105-115. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-2-105-115.
Bissett A. (2002). Education for Ethics: C.P. Snow's 'Two Cultures' Forty Years On [el. source]:
Facer K., Furlong R. (2001). Beyond the myth of the 'cyberkid': young people at the margins of the information revolution. J. Youth Stud. Vol. 4. No.4. P. 451-469.
Fligsteen N. (2013). The architecture of markets: the economic sociology of capitalist societies of the 21st century. Higher School of Economics. Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics. P. 23-59 (In Rus.).
Giddens A. (1984). The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge: Polity. Technology in Society 25 (2003). P. 99-116.
Gorokhov A.M., Sharkov F.I. (2016). Gagarin Readings – 2016: XLII International Youth Scientific Conference: Proceedings of theses: Vol. 2: Moscow: Mos. Aviation Institute (National Research University). P. 210-211 (In Rus.).
Gorokhova E.Y. (2013). Social technology of knowledge management in a multinational organization. Moscow: Editus (In Rus.).
Johnson O. (2012) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) roadmap in Nigeria. A speech delivered by the Honorable Minister of Communication Technology at presentation of policy draft on ICT in Nigeria. December 15.
Kozyrev G.I. (2016). Communication of cooperation, rivalry, enmity in the modern world. Communicology. Vol.4. No.1. P. 106-115 (In Rus.).
Kravtsov D.N. (2017). Information and psychological weapons as a means of ensuring the protection of national interests of the state. Communicology. Vol.5. No. 3. P. 78-89 (In Rus.).
Kryanev Y.V., Motorina L.E., Pavlova T.P. (2012). Philosophy of information and communication systems. Moscow: MAI (In Rus.).
Markov B.V. (1997). Philosophical anthropology: essays of history and theory. SPb.: Publishing house ‘Lan’. P. 76-94 (In Rus.).
Nura T.A. (2008). Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Northern Nigeria: The Constraints. Department of Innovation Technology, Jigawa State Institute of Information Technology, Kazaure, Jigawa State, Nigeria.
Oji-Okoro M. (2006). Mobile telephony and sustainable livelihoods in Nigeria: Case studies from south east Nigeria. In: Iyoha, C.C. (Ed.). Mobile telephony: leveraging strengths and opportunities for socio-economic transformation in Nigeria. Lagos: Ezcell Communications Ltd. P. 53-56.
Oketunji I. (2000). Computer applications in libraries. A compendium of papers presented at the 39th National Annual Conference of the Nigerian Library Association. Owerri. P. 2-4.
Patrushev V.I., Ivanov V.N. (1999). Social technologies: the course of lectures. Moscow: MSSU Publishing House ‘Soyuz’ (In Rus.).
Popov Y.N., Grishina Т.V. (2017). Socio-cultural communication as a factor of global socioeconomic management. Communicology. Vol.5. No. 1. P. 19-21 (In Rus.).
Romanenko V.N., Nikitina G.V (2011). General technologies. SPb .: IVESEP. P. 245-247 (In Rus.). Selwyn N. (2002). Defining the digital divide: developing a theoretical understanding of inequalities
in the information age. Occasional paper 49, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
Sharkov F.I, Gorokhov A.M. (2016). Social technologies of communication management of in professional activity. Communicology: electronic scientific journal. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 63-64 (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2013). Communicology: The fundamentals of the theory of communication. M.: Publishing house ‘Dashkov & Co.’ (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I., Baranov A.V., Gaidenko S.P. (2018). Consolidating role of sociocultural communication imperatives of global governance. Science and education: economy and economics; entrepreneurship; law and management. No. 4 (95). P. 113-117 (In Rus.).
Sheremetiev D.V. (2017). Evolution of the European security and defense policy in the context of globalization: monograph. M.: International relations (In Rus.).
Toshchenko Z.T. (2011). Sociology of management. Textbook. Moscow: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing (In Rus.).
Ursul A.D. (2010). Nature of information. Philosophical essay. Russian State Trade and Economic University. Center for Global Processes and Sustainable Development. Chelyabinsk (In Rus.).
Zhurkin V.V. (2014). The military policy of the European Union. Institute of Europe RAS. P. 203-210 (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.2
Felix Izosimovich Sharkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), professor, head of department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA;
Alexander Mikhaylovich Gorokhov, postgraduate student at the department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 82. E-mail:
Abstract. Contemporary sociology aims at enriching the research potential of information and expanding the communication capabilities of localization of unjustified information standoff. The elaboration of information imperatives for communication as generally valid moral norms is a definition of a set of requirements; the set of requirements of the global community to a new models of international or intergovernmental communications, with the help of which the influence on the ongoing global processes in the conditions of information confrontation and standoff would be possible.
Information reaction and counteraction as a hole affects the use of the information environment, information of individuals and organizations, information circulating in social networks. This does not stay without influencing the life of a certain community, making political or military decisions. Information confrontation does not go without consulting and coordination of the any stakeholders activities which producing and/or using information. Such standoff will certainly force its participants to analyze the consequences of their actions and reactions of opponents.
Social technologies of information impact are aimed at preserving the stability of the individual information and communication environment. It is possible through making competent administrative decisions in the conditions of information confrontation or even information warfare.
Keywords: human, communication, information, information confrontation, social technology
Text: PDF
For citation: Sharkov F.I., Gorokhov A.M. Application of Social Technologies in the Study of Information Imperatives of Communication (on the example of information confrontation). Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.2. P. 105-115. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-2-105-115.
Bissett A. (2002). Education for Ethics: C.P. Snow's 'Two Cultures' Forty Years On [el. source]:
Facer K., Furlong R. (2001). Beyond the myth of the 'cyberkid': young people at the margins of the information revolution. J. Youth Stud. Vol. 4. No.4. P. 451-469.
Fligsteen N. (2013). The architecture of markets: the economic sociology of capitalist societies of the 21st century. Higher School of Economics. Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics. P. 23-59 (In Rus.).
Giddens A. (1984). The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge: Polity. Technology in Society 25 (2003). P. 99-116.
Gorokhov A.M., Sharkov F.I. (2016). Gagarin Readings – 2016: XLII International Youth Scientific Conference: Proceedings of theses: Vol. 2: Moscow: Mos. Aviation Institute (National Research University). P. 210-211 (In Rus.).
Gorokhova E.Y. (2013). Social technology of knowledge management in a multinational organization. Moscow: Editus (In Rus.).
Johnson O. (2012) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) roadmap in Nigeria. A speech delivered by the Honorable Minister of Communication Technology at presentation of policy draft on ICT in Nigeria. December 15.
Kozyrev G.I. (2016). Communication of cooperation, rivalry, enmity in the modern world. Communicology. Vol.4. No.1. P. 106-115 (In Rus.).
Kravtsov D.N. (2017). Information and psychological weapons as a means of ensuring the protection of national interests of the state. Communicology. Vol.5. No. 3. P. 78-89 (In Rus.).
Kryanev Y.V., Motorina L.E., Pavlova T.P. (2012). Philosophy of information and communication systems. Moscow: MAI (In Rus.).
Markov B.V. (1997). Philosophical anthropology: essays of history and theory. SPb.: Publishing house ‘Lan’. P. 76-94 (In Rus.).
Nura T.A. (2008). Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Northern Nigeria: The Constraints. Department of Innovation Technology, Jigawa State Institute of Information Technology, Kazaure, Jigawa State, Nigeria.
Oji-Okoro M. (2006). Mobile telephony and sustainable livelihoods in Nigeria: Case studies from south east Nigeria. In: Iyoha, C.C. (Ed.). Mobile telephony: leveraging strengths and opportunities for socio-economic transformation in Nigeria. Lagos: Ezcell Communications Ltd. P. 53-56.
Oketunji I. (2000). Computer applications in libraries. A compendium of papers presented at the 39th National Annual Conference of the Nigerian Library Association. Owerri. P. 2-4.
Patrushev V.I., Ivanov V.N. (1999). Social technologies: the course of lectures. Moscow: MSSU Publishing House ‘Soyuz’ (In Rus.).
Popov Y.N., Grishina Т.V. (2017). Socio-cultural communication as a factor of global socioeconomic management. Communicology. Vol.5. No. 1. P. 19-21 (In Rus.).
Romanenko V.N., Nikitina G.V (2011). General technologies. SPb .: IVESEP. P. 245-247 (In Rus.). Selwyn N. (2002). Defining the digital divide: developing a theoretical understanding of inequalities
in the information age. Occasional paper 49, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
Sharkov F.I, Gorokhov A.M. (2016). Social technologies of communication management of in professional activity. Communicology: electronic scientific journal. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 63-64 (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I. (2013). Communicology: The fundamentals of the theory of communication. M.: Publishing house ‘Dashkov & Co.’ (In Rus.).
Sharkov F.I., Baranov A.V., Gaidenko S.P. (2018). Consolidating role of sociocultural communication imperatives of global governance. Science and education: economy and economics; entrepreneurship; law and management. No. 4 (95). P. 113-117 (In Rus.).
Sheremetiev D.V. (2017). Evolution of the European security and defense policy in the context of globalization: monograph. M.: International relations (In Rus.).
Toshchenko Z.T. (2011). Sociology of management. Textbook. Moscow: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing (In Rus.).
Ursul A.D. (2010). Nature of information. Philosophical essay. Russian State Trade and Economic University. Center for Global Processes and Sustainable Development. Chelyabinsk (In Rus.).
Zhurkin V.V. (2014). The military policy of the European Union. Institute of Europe RAS. P. 203-210 (In Rus.).