The Enjoyment of Right to the City: data representation and rendering in urban information environment

Author: Natalia V. Kirillina

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.2
Natalia Vladimirovna Kirillina, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), associate professor at the department of public relations and media policy, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 82. E-mail: nata.

Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the influe nce of digital technologies and multimedia on the formation and development of the social space of a modern city. Digital reproduction of information, multireference of modern information systems exert an implicit influence on the formation of the urban environment and predetermine its perception by social actors – citizens and external audiences. In the context of the approach by A. Lefebvre (‘the right to the city’), information and its accessibility are treated as immanent to the life of a modern civilized city and constitutes the inalienable right of citizens. The author brings up the point of roles distribution in the communicative chain in urban spaces and the role of technical and technological mediators in this process: search engines, mobile operators, urban information resources and databases.

Keywords: informatization, urbanization, urban environment, social design of urban space, communication management

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For citation: Kirillina N.V. The Enjoyment of Right to the City: data representation and rendering in urban information environment. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.2. P. 116-123. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-2-116-123.

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