‘The Via Dolorosa’ of Russian Orthodoxy in Ukraine in the Сonditions of Discriminatory Derusification and Russia Bashing

Author: Dmitriy N. Kravtsov 

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Dmitriy Nikolaevich Kravtsov, postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Av., 82. E-mail: dmitrykrav.row@gmail.com.

Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the research of state-confessional relations in Ukraine since the late 1980s till now. It represents theological and religious analysis of contemporary religious processes in Ukraine related to the policy of segregation of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to de-localize the local population and split the single spiritual space of Russia and Ukraine.
Orthodoxy is regarded as a cultural and state-forming religion of historical Russia. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the civilizational and national-mental unity of the triune people – Russians, Ukrainians and Byelorussians. In view of this, Russian Orthodoxy as a distinctive branch of the universal Orthodoxy, which has a thousand-year history of its “Via Dolorosa” and the world’s greatest spiritual heritage, is a significant consolidating factor in preserving the unity and conсiliarity of the triune Russian people. In this regard, one of the primary tasks of the West in organizing and conducting anti-Russian policy and propaganda in the post-Soviet space is the destabilization of the situation within Russian Orthodoxy, its institutional disorganization and social discredit with the use of political technologies.
In connection with the coming to power of the pro-western political regime in Ukraine, the implementation of the policy of limiting Russian influence has transformed into a full-fledged religion of believers who profess Russian Orthodoxy and are parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church. These discriminatory processes, associated with unreasonable interference of the state in internal church processes, grossly violate the human right to freedom of religion and demand condemnation from the progressive democratic international community.

Keywords: Russian Orthodoxy, Ukraine, Russian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, derusification, segregation, religion, Ukrainization

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For citation: Kravtsov D.N. ‘The Via Dolorosa’ of Russian Orthodoxy in Ukraine in the Conditions of Discriminatory Derusification and Russia Bashing. Communicology (Russia). Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 163-176 DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2017-5-5-163-176

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