Monitoring of Electoral Behavior: problems of measuring the communicative qualities of a politician

Author: Artem G.Grachev 

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Grachev Artem Georgievich, leading Manager on work with corporate clients of JSC ALFA-BANK. E-mail:

Abstract. Systematic measurement of electoral behavior is necessary in order to determine its condition and dynamics. Diagnostics of the state of the electorate before the monitoring must determine the commitment of political, ideological, economic, moral, religious and other views. We are talking about a clear allocation of groups from among persons who give the preference to the totality of the qualities of a politician. Technology and frequency of measurement of political preferences in the process of sociological monitoring vary depending on the situation. Monitoring of electoral behavior must be preceded by a segmentation of the electorate. Direct and/or indirect fixed signs related to the administrative performance of a political person should be criteria for selection of analysis units in its study.
The peculiarity of the qualities of political leaders lies in their mastery of methods of system approach to the analysis of professional activities, the organization of professional teams, increase of productivity of own activities, evaluation criteria of productive and unproductive solutions to political problems. Political and social maturity, moral stability, and professional competence – these are qualities of the politician, which should be systematically measured. Backbone, an integral indicator of the professionalism policy is productivity (efficiency) of use of his business skills in a specific field of political relations. The program of monitoring the behavior of political movements and parties is implemented in several stages. At each step, materials are collected, which allows to make a conclusion on a particular subject of study. The analysis of empirical indicators, the logical generalization of the results of research on political parties, movements and their leaders allows us not only to see a picture of the real state of the political object – the electorate – but also to develop concrete recommendations to improve the image of the political party that the politician represents, to significantly improve his administrative skills.

Keywords: electoral behavior, the quality of the business policy, image policy, sociological dimension, political preferences, social monitoring, diagnostics of the state of the electorate, professional activities, professional quality policy, segmentation of the political market

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For citation: Grachev A.G. Monitoring of electoral behavior: the problem of measurement of communicative qualities of the politician. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. S. 178-187 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-5-178-187

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