Communication Consulting in the System of Socio-Information Security: sociological analysis

Author: Olga F. Kireeva 

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Kireeva Olga Feliksovna, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), associate professor of the chair of business and commodity science, Cheboksary Cooperative Institute of Russian University of Cooperation. E-mail:

Abstract. The article considers the problem of relevance of researching the communications consulting as a means of ensuring socio-information security companies. In modern conditions of rapid development of information techniques and technologies, increase of information flow increases the influence of conscious informational influence. Information danger for any system may experience unpredictable and cause the uncertainty when making managerial decisions. The fact of the systematic danger in the information field of a particular object means the lack of a reliable system to ensure its information security. To ensure information security actors of different communities requires the creation of qualitative models of foreseeing the possible variants of occurrence of information risk, which in turn requires a new level of information and communicative competence of managers. Socioinformation security can act as interventions and technologies with the aim of neutralization and prevention of dysfunctional destructive impact of information on social relations of any individual, organization, and state and society as a whole. Communication consulting is perceived as a an important regulatory mechanism aimed at reducing risks and providing social information security. В качестве одного из важных регулятивных механизмов управления, направленного на снижение рисков и обеспечение социально-информационной безопасности, предлагается отнести коммуникационный консалтинг.

Keywords: consulting, communication consulting, information-communication environment, a manipulative and destructive influence, influence, security, information security, social media security.

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For citation: Kireeva O.F. Communication Consulting in the System of Socio-Information Security. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 96-104 DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2017-5-5-96-104

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