Author: Rustam M. Khairullin
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Khairullin Rustam Minhaidarovich, PhD student of the Center for Advanced Economic Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, e-mail:
Abstract. The paper reveals the communication processes between representatives of different religions as a basis for interconfessional interaction and preservation of tolerance. The author represents theoretical-methodological analysis of different points of view on the understanding of the terms ‘represented religious tolerance’ and ‘intolerance’; carries out conditional separation of different approaches to the study of religious tolerance into three groups. The emphasis lays on the study of religious tolerance as a system of views aimed at the representative of one religion or another, and containing their assessment.
This paper represents materials that demonstrate the manifestation of tolerance in different spheres of human life. It is based on the results of author’s sociological research held in 2016 in the form of questionnaire: there has been interviewed 1,500 people living in the Republic of Tatarstan with the use of a quota sampling based on gender, age, place of residence and religious affiliation of the respondents. Sampling error does not exceed 5%. The survey rates various agents of socialization (family, Institute, school, media) that are involved in the formation of ideas about religion, norms of tolerance and attitudes towards different faiths. The results include the appraisal of communication between people of diverse religions, which takes place in different spheres of social interaction. The analysis included such areas of interaction as family, friendships and employment, a comparative analysis of which demonstrates the tendency of tolerance and intolerance. In each of the areas specific characteristics have been reviewed and identified: in family – the choice of a marriage partner, in professional area – the attitude to the top manager when the letter represents another religion, among friends – possibility of higher level of conflict communication processes. The paper discusses such negative aspects of interreligious communication interaction as a dismissive attitude that is expressed in attitudes, tone of conversation and the looks, the ridicule, the verbal statements. It represents the destructive aspects such as the religious conflicts and demands to change one’s religion.
Keywords: communication, tolerance, intolerance, religious affiliation, religion
Text: PDF
For citation: Khairullin R.M. Communication of Representatives of Various Religions: experience of sociological study of tolerance issues. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. 2017. P. 106-115
Belozerova A.S. (2010). Religioznaya tolerantnost' v obshchestve social'nogo tranzita [Religious Tolerance in the Society of Social Transit]. In: Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series: Humanities and Social Sciences. No. 3. P. 38-41]. (In. Russ.).
Bulatova T.A. (2010). Problema religioznoj tolerantnosti v tomskih SMI [The Problem of Religious Tolerance in Tomsk Media]. In: Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. No. 12 (127). P. 208-214. (In. Russ.).
Drobizheva L.M. (2017). Obscherossiyskaya identichnost i uroven mezhnatsionalnogo soglasiya kak otrazhenie vektora konsolidatsionnyih protsessov [All-Russian identity and the level of interethnic harmony as a reflection of the vector of consolidation processes]. In: Sociological research. No. 1. P. 25-36. (In Russ.).
Vinichenko V.A. (2009). Formirovanie mezhetnicheskoy tolerantnosti u studentov v protsesse profilnogo obucheniya [Formation of interethnic tolerance among students in the process of profile training]. In: YSU Bulletin. No. 3. P. 76-81. (In Russ.).
Zhukov A.V. (2007). Tolerantnost' zhitelej g. Chity [Tolerance of Chita residents]. In: News of the Irkutsk State University. Series: Political science. Religious studies. No. 1. P. 237-244. (In. Russ.).
Kovalchuk O.V. (2012). Dialog sovetskogo i religioznogo i tolerantnost’ v srednevekovoj kul’ture Zapadnoj Evropy [Dialogue between Soviet and Religious and Tolerance in the Medieval Culture of Western Europe]. In: Scientific Bulletins of Belgorod State University. Series: Philosophy. Sociology. Law. No. 19. P. 330-338. (In. Russ.).
Koltsova E.Yu. (2003). Izmerenie tolerantnosti [Measurement of Tolerance]. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Vol. 6. No. 4. P.11-15. (In. Russ.).
Kuzmicheva A.A. (2014). Problemy religioznoj tolerantnosti rossijskogo obshchestva (na primere pravoslavnogo raskola XVII veka) [Problems of Religious Tolerance of Russian Society (on the Example of the Orthodox Schism of the XVII Century)]. In: Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. No. 12. P. 408-413. (In. Russ.).
Masychev P.V. (2012). Reprezentacii problem tolenatnosti i intolerantnosti v sovremennom religioznom diskurse [Representations of Tolenality and Intolerance Problems in Contemporary Religious Discourse]. In: Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. No. 18 (272). P. 26-32. (In. Russ.).
Makhiyanova A.V. (2011). Zhiznennyie tsennosti sovremennoy lichnosti: sostoyanie i rol agentov sotsializatsii v ih formirovanii [Vital values of modern personality: the state and role of agents of socialization in their formation]. In: Bulletin of Vyatka State Humanitarian University. Philosophy and sociology; Culturology. Science Magazine. No. 1 (4). P. 99-102. (In Russ.).
Mahiyanova A.V. (2012). Internalizacionnyj krizis v processe socializacii: ponyatie i ehmpiricheskoe obosnovanie [The internalization crisis in the process of socialization: concept and empirical justification]. In: Bulletin of Buryat State University. Philosophy, sociology, political science, culturology. Issue 14. P. 88-93. (In Russ.).
Makhiyanova A.V. (2015). Metodika sostavleniya sotsialnogo portreta naseleniya [Methods of drawing up a social portrait of the population] / Ed. By A.V. Makhiyanova. In: Electronic economic bulletin of Tatarstan. No. 1. P. 77-81. (In Russ.).
Mahiyanova A.V. (2003). Faktory stabil’nosti sem’i kak instituta vosproizvodstva duhovnoj zhizni obshchestva [Factors of family stability as an institution for the reproduction of the spiritual life of society]. Dis. ... cand. sociol. sciences: 22.00.06. Kazan. 182 p. (In Russ.).
Mukomel V.I. (2005). Grani intolerantnosti (migranto-fobii, etnofobii). [The borders of intolerance (migrant-phobia, ethnophobia)] / Ed. By V.I. Mukomel. In: Sociological research. No. 2. P. 56-66. (In Russ.).
Pobeda H.A. (2007). Tolerantnost’: soderzhatel’nye smysly i sociologicheskaya interpretaciya [Tolerance: meaningful meanings and sociological interpretation]. In: Sociological research. No. 6. P. 16. (In Russ.).
Rabochaya kniga sotsiologa (2006) / pod obsch. red. i s predisl. G.V. Osipova [Workbook of the sociologist] / Ed. and pref. G.V. Osipova]. 4th ed., M.: KomKniga. 480 p. (In Russ.).
Sagalakova G.A. (2008). Problema tolerantnosti i intolerantnosti v sovremennoy Rossii [The Problem of Tolerance and Intolerance in Modern Russia]. In: Izvestiya of Altai State University. No. 4-5. P. 269-276. (In Russ.).
Selyukova E.A. (2008). Tolerantnost' i intolerantnost' kak metodologicheskoe osnovanie mezhehtnicheskogo vzaimodejstviya [Tolerance and intolerance as a methodological basis for interethnic interaction]. In: Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. No. 3. P. 114-115. (In Russ.).
Skrynnik V.N. (2017). Tolerantnost’ i ksenofobiya. Smysl i real’nost’ [Tolerance and xenophobia. The meaning and reality]. In: Bulletin of Udmurt University. Vol. 27, No. 1. P. 26-33. (In Russ.).
Tishkov V.A. (2006). Chto provociruet neterpimost’ [What provokes intolerance]. In: The Strategy of Russia. No. 5. P. 22-29. (In Russ.).
Tolerantnost v mezhkulturnom dialoge [Tolerance in intercultural dialogue]. (2005) / Ed. by N.M. Lebedeva. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. 365
p. (In Russ.).
Fedorova M.V. (2014). Religioznaya kommunikatsiya: suschnost i spetsifika sovremennogo sostoyaniya [Religious communication: the essence and specificity of the current state]. In: Electronic Journal “Science Time”: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference for April 2014 / Ed. by S.V. Kuzmina. Kazan, 2014. P. 230-240. URL: religioznaya-kommunikatsiya-suschnost-i-spetsifika-sovremennogo-sostoyaniya (reference date: 01/18/2017) (In Russ.).
Shabanov L.V. (2009). Para «tolerantnost’ – intolerantnost’» kak regulyator vzaimootnoshenij ehtnicheskih subkul’tur [Pair ‘tolerance – intolerance’ as a regulator of the interrelationships of ethnic subcultures]. In: Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. No. 2. P. 100-109. (In Russ.).
Sharkov F.I. (2016). Faktory garmonizacii ehtnokonfessional’nyh kommunikacij v sovremennoj Rossii [Factors of harmonization of ethnoconfessional communications in modern Russia]. In: Islam in the modern world. Vol. 12. No. 4. P.171-182. (In Russ.).
Yadov V.A. (1999). Strategiya sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya. Opisanie, ob’yasnenie, ponimanie sotsialnoy realnosti [Strategy of sociological research. Description, explanation, understanding of social reality] / Ed. By V.A. Yadov. Moscow: Dobrosovet. 596 p. (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Khairullin Rustam Minhaidarovich, PhD student of the Center for Advanced Economic Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, e-mail:
Abstract. The paper reveals the communication processes between representatives of different religions as a basis for interconfessional interaction and preservation of tolerance. The author represents theoretical-methodological analysis of different points of view on the understanding of the terms ‘represented religious tolerance’ and ‘intolerance’; carries out conditional separation of different approaches to the study of religious tolerance into three groups. The emphasis lays on the study of religious tolerance as a system of views aimed at the representative of one religion or another, and containing their assessment.
This paper represents materials that demonstrate the manifestation of tolerance in different spheres of human life. It is based on the results of author’s sociological research held in 2016 in the form of questionnaire: there has been interviewed 1,500 people living in the Republic of Tatarstan with the use of a quota sampling based on gender, age, place of residence and religious affiliation of the respondents. Sampling error does not exceed 5%. The survey rates various agents of socialization (family, Institute, school, media) that are involved in the formation of ideas about religion, norms of tolerance and attitudes towards different faiths. The results include the appraisal of communication between people of diverse religions, which takes place in different spheres of social interaction. The analysis included such areas of interaction as family, friendships and employment, a comparative analysis of which demonstrates the tendency of tolerance and intolerance. In each of the areas specific characteristics have been reviewed and identified: in family – the choice of a marriage partner, in professional area – the attitude to the top manager when the letter represents another religion, among friends – possibility of higher level of conflict communication processes. The paper discusses such negative aspects of interreligious communication interaction as a dismissive attitude that is expressed in attitudes, tone of conversation and the looks, the ridicule, the verbal statements. It represents the destructive aspects such as the religious conflicts and demands to change one’s religion.
Keywords: communication, tolerance, intolerance, religious affiliation, religion
Text: PDF
For citation: Khairullin R.M. Communication of Representatives of Various Religions: experience of sociological study of tolerance issues. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. 2017. P. 106-115
Belozerova A.S. (2010). Religioznaya tolerantnost' v obshchestve social'nogo tranzita [Religious Tolerance in the Society of Social Transit]. In: Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series: Humanities and Social Sciences. No. 3. P. 38-41]. (In. Russ.).
Bulatova T.A. (2010). Problema religioznoj tolerantnosti v tomskih SMI [The Problem of Religious Tolerance in Tomsk Media]. In: Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. No. 12 (127). P. 208-214. (In. Russ.).
Drobizheva L.M. (2017). Obscherossiyskaya identichnost i uroven mezhnatsionalnogo soglasiya kak otrazhenie vektora konsolidatsionnyih protsessov [All-Russian identity and the level of interethnic harmony as a reflection of the vector of consolidation processes]. In: Sociological research. No. 1. P. 25-36. (In Russ.).
Vinichenko V.A. (2009). Formirovanie mezhetnicheskoy tolerantnosti u studentov v protsesse profilnogo obucheniya [Formation of interethnic tolerance among students in the process of profile training]. In: YSU Bulletin. No. 3. P. 76-81. (In Russ.).
Zhukov A.V. (2007). Tolerantnost' zhitelej g. Chity [Tolerance of Chita residents]. In: News of the Irkutsk State University. Series: Political science. Religious studies. No. 1. P. 237-244. (In. Russ.).
Kovalchuk O.V. (2012). Dialog sovetskogo i religioznogo i tolerantnost’ v srednevekovoj kul’ture Zapadnoj Evropy [Dialogue between Soviet and Religious and Tolerance in the Medieval Culture of Western Europe]. In: Scientific Bulletins of Belgorod State University. Series: Philosophy. Sociology. Law. No. 19. P. 330-338. (In. Russ.).
Koltsova E.Yu. (2003). Izmerenie tolerantnosti [Measurement of Tolerance]. In: Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Vol. 6. No. 4. P.11-15. (In. Russ.).
Kuzmicheva A.A. (2014). Problemy religioznoj tolerantnosti rossijskogo obshchestva (na primere pravoslavnogo raskola XVII veka) [Problems of Religious Tolerance of Russian Society (on the Example of the Orthodox Schism of the XVII Century)]. In: Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University. No. 12. P. 408-413. (In. Russ.).
Masychev P.V. (2012). Reprezentacii problem tolenatnosti i intolerantnosti v sovremennom religioznom diskurse [Representations of Tolenality and Intolerance Problems in Contemporary Religious Discourse]. In: Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. No. 18 (272). P. 26-32. (In. Russ.).
Makhiyanova A.V. (2011). Zhiznennyie tsennosti sovremennoy lichnosti: sostoyanie i rol agentov sotsializatsii v ih formirovanii [Vital values of modern personality: the state and role of agents of socialization in their formation]. In: Bulletin of Vyatka State Humanitarian University. Philosophy and sociology; Culturology. Science Magazine. No. 1 (4). P. 99-102. (In Russ.).
Mahiyanova A.V. (2012). Internalizacionnyj krizis v processe socializacii: ponyatie i ehmpiricheskoe obosnovanie [The internalization crisis in the process of socialization: concept and empirical justification]. In: Bulletin of Buryat State University. Philosophy, sociology, political science, culturology. Issue 14. P. 88-93. (In Russ.).
Makhiyanova A.V. (2015). Metodika sostavleniya sotsialnogo portreta naseleniya [Methods of drawing up a social portrait of the population] / Ed. By A.V. Makhiyanova. In: Electronic economic bulletin of Tatarstan. No. 1. P. 77-81. (In Russ.).
Mahiyanova A.V. (2003). Faktory stabil’nosti sem’i kak instituta vosproizvodstva duhovnoj zhizni obshchestva [Factors of family stability as an institution for the reproduction of the spiritual life of society]. Dis. ... cand. sociol. sciences: 22.00.06. Kazan. 182 p. (In Russ.).
Mukomel V.I. (2005). Grani intolerantnosti (migranto-fobii, etnofobii). [The borders of intolerance (migrant-phobia, ethnophobia)] / Ed. By V.I. Mukomel. In: Sociological research. No. 2. P. 56-66. (In Russ.).
Pobeda H.A. (2007). Tolerantnost’: soderzhatel’nye smysly i sociologicheskaya interpretaciya [Tolerance: meaningful meanings and sociological interpretation]. In: Sociological research. No. 6. P. 16. (In Russ.).
Rabochaya kniga sotsiologa (2006) / pod obsch. red. i s predisl. G.V. Osipova [Workbook of the sociologist] / Ed. and pref. G.V. Osipova]. 4th ed., M.: KomKniga. 480 p. (In Russ.).
Sagalakova G.A. (2008). Problema tolerantnosti i intolerantnosti v sovremennoy Rossii [The Problem of Tolerance and Intolerance in Modern Russia]. In: Izvestiya of Altai State University. No. 4-5. P. 269-276. (In Russ.).
Selyukova E.A. (2008). Tolerantnost' i intolerantnost' kak metodologicheskoe osnovanie mezhehtnicheskogo vzaimodejstviya [Tolerance and intolerance as a methodological basis for interethnic interaction]. In: Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. No. 3. P. 114-115. (In Russ.).
Skrynnik V.N. (2017). Tolerantnost’ i ksenofobiya. Smysl i real’nost’ [Tolerance and xenophobia. The meaning and reality]. In: Bulletin of Udmurt University. Vol. 27, No. 1. P. 26-33. (In Russ.).
Tishkov V.A. (2006). Chto provociruet neterpimost’ [What provokes intolerance]. In: The Strategy of Russia. No. 5. P. 22-29. (In Russ.).
Tolerantnost v mezhkulturnom dialoge [Tolerance in intercultural dialogue]. (2005) / Ed. by N.M. Lebedeva. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. 365
p. (In Russ.).
Fedorova M.V. (2014). Religioznaya kommunikatsiya: suschnost i spetsifika sovremennogo sostoyaniya [Religious communication: the essence and specificity of the current state]. In: Electronic Journal “Science Time”: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference for April 2014 / Ed. by S.V. Kuzmina. Kazan, 2014. P. 230-240. URL: religioznaya-kommunikatsiya-suschnost-i-spetsifika-sovremennogo-sostoyaniya (reference date: 01/18/2017) (In Russ.).
Shabanov L.V. (2009). Para «tolerantnost’ – intolerantnost’» kak regulyator vzaimootnoshenij ehtnicheskih subkul’tur [Pair ‘tolerance – intolerance’ as a regulator of the interrelationships of ethnic subcultures]. In: Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. No. 2. P. 100-109. (In Russ.).
Sharkov F.I. (2016). Faktory garmonizacii ehtnokonfessional’nyh kommunikacij v sovremennoj Rossii [Factors of harmonization of ethnoconfessional communications in modern Russia]. In: Islam in the modern world. Vol. 12. No. 4. P.171-182. (In Russ.).
Yadov V.A. (1999). Strategiya sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya. Opisanie, ob’yasnenie, ponimanie sotsialnoy realnosti [Strategy of sociological research. Description, explanation, understanding of social reality] / Ed. By V.A. Yadov. Moscow: Dobrosovet. 596 p. (In Russ.).