Author: Elvira A. Ilatovaskaya, Irina I. Leyman
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Elvira A. Ilatovaskaya, PhD (Polit.), Head, Division of Supporting the Activities of the Head of the Republic of Komi (Administration of the Head of the Republic of Komi; 9, Kommunisticheskaya St., Syktyvkar, 167000, Republic of Komi). Contacts:;
Irina I. Leyman, PhD (His.), Associate Professor, Head, Department of Public Relations and Advertisement, P. Sorokin SSU (P. Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education; 55, Oktyabrsky Prospect, Syktyvkar, 167000, Republic of Komi). Contacts:
Abstract. The article deals with the communicative and organizational aspects of the PR campaign to promote “PR movement” students’ PR projects contest. PR campaign took place in the Republic of Komi in November-December 2016. One of the important goals of the PR campaign was to create a positive image of the Republic of Komi. This goal became important considering the negative events in the political life of the region in 2015-2016. The article identifies four main stages of the PR campaign: the research stage, the planning stage, the implementation of the PR campaign (communication), and the performance evaluation stage. Each stage is reviewed in detail with an indication of its main actions and results. In the end, the results of the contest and PR campaign promotion are analyzed, and the prospects for further development of PR-movement in the Republic of Komi are described.
Keywords: contest, area image, PR campaign, PR movement
Text: PDF
For citation: Elvira A. Ilatovaskaya, Irina I. Leyman Regional PR Campaign Communicative and Organizational Aspect (example of “PR movement” students’ PR projects regional contest). Коммуникология: электронный научный журнал. Том 5. №4. С. 33-43 DOI
1. Vylegzhanin O.V. Investitsionnaya privlekatelnost I imidzh Udmurtskoj respubliki. Rezultaty issledovanija // URL: (reference date: July 26, 2017).
2. Eks-chinovnik administratsii glavy Komi zaderzhan po podozreniyu v rastrate 1 mln rublej // TASS. Informatsionno agentstvo Rossii URL: (reference date: July 26, 2017).
3. Sledy nefteproduktov obnaruzheny v rekakh pod Ukhtoj // Interfaks URL: http://www.interfax. ru/russia/539463 (reference date: July 26, 2017).
4. Sledstvie zavershilo rassledovanije dela eks-glavy Schetnoj palaty Komi // RIA Novosti URL: (reference date: July 26, 2017).
5. Sharkov F.I. Pablik rilejshnz. M.: ITK «Dashkov i K», 2013.
6. Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.A. Gosudarstvennyj PR: svyazi s obshestvennostju dlya gosudarstvennykh organizatsij i projektov. – M.: Infra-M, 2012.
7. Sergej Gaplikov: Organy vlasti dolzhny objedinit usiliya s obshestvennostju po sozdaniju maksimalno komfortnykh uslovij dlya zhitelej Respubliki Komi i privlecheniju novykh lyudej v region // Respublika Komi. Ofitsialnyj portal URL: (Reference date: July 27, 2017).
8. Rukovoditel regionalnogo izbirkoma vysoko otsenila konkurs PR-projektov «PRO-dvizhenije» SGU imeni Pitirima Sorokina // Izbiratelnaja komissija Respubliki Komi URL: http://www.izbirkom. (reference date: July 27, 2017).
9. V Komi startoval pervyj konkurs v oblasti razvitija obshhestvennykh svyazej «PR-dvizhenije» // URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
10. «Rostelekom» v Syktyvkare vystupil partnerom konkursa «PR-dvizhenije» // Rostelekom URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
11. Aviasalon «AVIAREGION – 2016» v Respublike Komi URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
12. PR-dvizhenije Respubliki Komi URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.4
Elvira A. Ilatovaskaya, PhD (Polit.), Head, Division of Supporting the Activities of the Head of the Republic of Komi (Administration of the Head of the Republic of Komi; 9, Kommunisticheskaya St., Syktyvkar, 167000, Republic of Komi). Contacts:;
Irina I. Leyman, PhD (His.), Associate Professor, Head, Department of Public Relations and Advertisement, P. Sorokin SSU (P. Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education; 55, Oktyabrsky Prospect, Syktyvkar, 167000, Republic of Komi). Contacts:
Abstract. The article deals with the communicative and organizational aspects of the PR campaign to promote “PR movement” students’ PR projects contest. PR campaign took place in the Republic of Komi in November-December 2016. One of the important goals of the PR campaign was to create a positive image of the Republic of Komi. This goal became important considering the negative events in the political life of the region in 2015-2016. The article identifies four main stages of the PR campaign: the research stage, the planning stage, the implementation of the PR campaign (communication), and the performance evaluation stage. Each stage is reviewed in detail with an indication of its main actions and results. In the end, the results of the contest and PR campaign promotion are analyzed, and the prospects for further development of PR-movement in the Republic of Komi are described.
Keywords: contest, area image, PR campaign, PR movement
Text: PDF
For citation: Elvira A. Ilatovaskaya, Irina I. Leyman Regional PR Campaign Communicative and Organizational Aspect (example of “PR movement” students’ PR projects regional contest). Коммуникология: электронный научный журнал. Том 5. №4. С. 33-43 DOI
1. Vylegzhanin O.V. Investitsionnaya privlekatelnost I imidzh Udmurtskoj respubliki. Rezultaty issledovanija // URL: (reference date: July 26, 2017).
2. Eks-chinovnik administratsii glavy Komi zaderzhan po podozreniyu v rastrate 1 mln rublej // TASS. Informatsionno agentstvo Rossii URL: (reference date: July 26, 2017).
3. Sledy nefteproduktov obnaruzheny v rekakh pod Ukhtoj // Interfaks URL: http://www.interfax. ru/russia/539463 (reference date: July 26, 2017).
4. Sledstvie zavershilo rassledovanije dela eks-glavy Schetnoj palaty Komi // RIA Novosti URL: (reference date: July 26, 2017).
5. Sharkov F.I. Pablik rilejshnz. M.: ITK «Dashkov i K», 2013.
6. Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.A. Gosudarstvennyj PR: svyazi s obshestvennostju dlya gosudarstvennykh organizatsij i projektov. – M.: Infra-M, 2012.
7. Sergej Gaplikov: Organy vlasti dolzhny objedinit usiliya s obshestvennostju po sozdaniju maksimalno komfortnykh uslovij dlya zhitelej Respubliki Komi i privlecheniju novykh lyudej v region // Respublika Komi. Ofitsialnyj portal URL: (Reference date: July 27, 2017).
8. Rukovoditel regionalnogo izbirkoma vysoko otsenila konkurs PR-projektov «PRO-dvizhenije» SGU imeni Pitirima Sorokina // Izbiratelnaja komissija Respubliki Komi URL: http://www.izbirkom. (reference date: July 27, 2017).
9. V Komi startoval pervyj konkurs v oblasti razvitija obshhestvennykh svyazej «PR-dvizhenije» // URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
10. «Rostelekom» v Syktyvkare vystupil partnerom konkursa «PR-dvizhenije» // Rostelekom URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
11. Aviasalon «AVIAREGION – 2016» v Respublike Komi URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).
12. PR-dvizhenije Respubliki Komi URL: (reference date: July 27, 2017).