Author: Yudina M.A.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
YUDINA Maria Alexandrovna, postgraduate student of the Faculty of public administration
of the Lomonosov State University of Moscow. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract. The article is devoted to sociological analysis of Internet of things, the latest technologies, which combine a variety of objects of the material world into a single interconnected network. In the paper the technologies are examined using actor-network theory, their place in the evolution of the Internet is evaluated as well as the existing methods of regulation of its work in developed countries and the role of non-profit associations market leaders of technology in the creation of a suitable ecosystem. The Internet of things will allow to minimize the downtime and harmful emissions, significantly improve efficiency and even bring back manufacturing to developed countries with a corresponding increase in the number of jobs in the innovation sector. Such a perspective has allowed the market leaders to convince the governments of many developed countries to reduce regulation of the nascent industry to a minimum. It is strategically dangerous, given the potential extent of technological unemployment, and serious problems with the security of personal information in a world where things will collect data about their owners. The Internet of things can form the basis of the fragmentation of society and at the same time to change our understanding of reality at the expense of equality of objects and people in many aspects. Such equality was proclaimed by supporters of the “turn to things”, convinced that sociology’s time to pay due attention to objects, and their significance in social interactions continues to grow, and with the development of technology of Internet of things and artificial intelligence comes on a fundamentally new level. In this regard, there is a need for serious state control over the development of technologies on the basis of the social assessment. The article also offers possible ways of involving civil society in the solution to the looming social problems associated with the implementation of the Internet of things.
Keywords: Internet of things (IoT), digital divide, technological unemployment, evolution of the internet, personal data, governmental regulations on technologies, social consequences of technical development, actor-network theory, digital detox.
Text: PDF
For citation: Yudina, M.A. Internet of things: problems of social expertise. Communicology.
Volume 5. No.2. Pp. 50-67 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-50-67
1. Aslanian A. Pravo na inrenet kak bazovoye pravo [Electronnyi resurs]. URL: http://ru.euronews.
com/2016/07/05/un-denounces-disruption-of-internet-access-as-human-rights-violation (data
obraschenia 18.01.2017) [Aslanian A. UN: The right on the Internet as a basic right for all
violation(accessed on 18.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
2. Patrick Wetterwald Internet Of Things: 10 years later. Facts and Vision (access on 21.01.2017).
3. Kevin Ashton That 'Internet of Things' Thing: In the real world, things matter more than ideas. (access on 19.01.2017).
4. Pasko I. Chto nuzhno znat ob Industrii 4.0 i Internete veschey // Informatsionnyiy resurs
theRunet, data publikatsii: 21.09.2015. URL: (data obrascheniya
21.12.2016) [Pasko I. What you need to know about Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things //
Information resource theRunet, publication date: 21.09.2015. URL:
(access on 21.12.2016)]. (In Russ.).
5. Standards and Architecture for the IoT. A path for convergence? Main outputs from the Workshop
on IoT Standardisation and Architecture
and (access on 22.01.2017).
6. Davos 2017 – Strategic Update: The Future of the Digital Economy
watch?v=atM7Q8aPRb4 время на видео 5:44 (access on 29.01.2017).
7. Internet veshey – mif ili realnost? (data obraschenia 17.01.2017) [The Internet of things –
myth or reality? (acces. 17.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
8. Nikifrov O.Yu. Podhody k ponimaniyu interneta veschey // Mezhdunarodnoe nauchnoe izdanie
Sovremennyie fundamentalnyie i prikladnyie issledovaniya #3(18) – 2015 [Nikiforov O. Y. Approaches to understanding the Internet of things // International scientific publication Modern fundamental and applied research No3(18) – 2015]. (In Russ.).
9. Yastreb N.A. Chetvertaya promyishlennaya revolyutsiya: globalnyie promyishlennyie seti i
internet veschey. Innovatsionnaya politika i ekonomika InVestRegion #4/2014 [Yastreb N.A. The
fourth industrial revolution: the global industrial network and the Internet of things. Innovation policy
and the economy Investregion No4/2014]. (In Russ.).
10. Sotsiologiya veschey. Sbornik statey pod redaktsiey V. Vahshtayna M.: Izdatelskiy dom
«Territoriya buduschego», 2006. [Sociology of things. A collection of articles edited by V. Vakhshtein M.: Publishing house «territory of the future», 2006.]. (In Russ.).
11. Baryshnikov P. Morphologia technologicheskoy skaski: internet veshey y socialnie distancii.
Sotsiologiya vlasti.Tom 27. No.1. [Baryshnikov P. Morphology of technological tales: the Internet of
things and social distance. Sotsiologiya vlasti. Volume 27 No 1 (2015)]. (In Russ.).
12. James Whittaker The Internet of Things
ci4kbCmEmOI&t=2695s время видео, когда звучит цитируемый текст 41:12 (дата обращения: 24.01.2017).
13. Social Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) – by Ahsan Zaman – Oxford University Lectures
Debate (дата обращениия: 26.01.2017).
14. Bauman Z. Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? Cambridge: Polity. 2013.
15. Davos 2016 – The Future of Growth: Technology-Driven, Human-Centred
QCvtv5VMskI?t=26m7s (дата обращения 25.01.2017).
16. Kornilov P. Kak perekhod pravitelstva v cifrovuyu ehpohu mozhet sehkonomit 70 milliardov
funtov sterlingov (data obraschenia 27.01.2017) [Kornilov P. As the transition of government in the digital age could save 70 billion pounds
pravitelstva-v-tsifrovuyu-epokhu-mozhet-sekonomit-70-milliardov-funtov-sterlingov (accessed on 27.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
17. Kornilov P. Federalnaya torgovaya komissiya SSHA vzyalas za internet veshchej (data
obraschenia 27.01.2017) [Kornilov P. Federal trade Commission took up the Internet of things http://
veshchej (accessed on 27.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
18. Internet of things: privacy and security in a connected world. FTC Staff report 2015
2013-workshop-entitled-internet-things-privacy/150127iotrpt.pdf (дата обращения: 27.01.2017).
19. The ‘Internet of Things’: Legal Challenges in an Ultra-connected World http://www.
20. The Internet of Things (дата
обращения 26.01.2017).
21. Definition of a Research and Innovation Policy Leveraging Cloud Computing and IoT Combination Page 79
innovation-policy-leveraging-cloud-computing-and-iot-combination (дата обращения 26.01.2017).
22. Maciej Kranz Digital Transformation. IoT Meets Standards, Driving Interoperability and Adoption – July 21, 2015
and-adoption (дата обращения 22.01.2017).
23. AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM и Intel сформировали Консорциум промышленного Интернета (дата обра-
щения: 25.01.2017).
24. Jennifer Warnick James Whittaker How to change the way people think in four easy steps (дата обращения: 23.01.2017).
25. Nikolaev K., Abdullaeva Sh. Intellektualnyiy insult. Kak v mire robotov ostatsya chelovekom
i ne poteryat sebya. M.: Izd. Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2016. [Nikolaev K., Abdullayev sh, Intellectual
stroke. In a world of robots remain human and not lose myself. M.: Izd. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016.].(In Russ.).
26. Tsifrovoy slovar. Kak internet i gadzhetyi menyayut nas. Kritika tsifrovogo detoksa — argumentyi kiberrealistov protiv otklyucheniya ot seti v teh usloviyah, kotoryie predlozhenyi polzovatelyam segodnya. (data obrascheniya: 18.01.2017) [The digital dictionary. As the Internet and gadgets change us. Criticism of the digital detox — the arguments against cyberrelated disconnect from the network in the conditions that offered to users today. http:// (access date 18.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
27. Sonia Bussu The Internet of Things: the case for public voice Sciencewise Expert resource
center July 2014 Стр. 4-5 (access data 27.01.2017).
28. Latur B. Nauka v deystvii: sleduya za uchenyimi i inzhenerami vnutri obschestva. Per. s angl.
K. Fedorovoy; nauch. red. S. Milyaeva. – SPb.: Izdatelstvo Evropeyskogo universiteta v Sankt-
Peterburge [Latour, Bruno. Science in action: how to follow scientists and engineers through society.
Translated from English by K. Fedorova; scientific. edited by S. Milyaeva. – SPb.: Publishing house
of the European University in Saint-Petersburg, 2013] .(In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
YUDINA Maria Alexandrovna, postgraduate student of the Faculty of public administration
of the Lomonosov State University of Moscow. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract. The article is devoted to sociological analysis of Internet of things, the latest technologies, which combine a variety of objects of the material world into a single interconnected network. In the paper the technologies are examined using actor-network theory, their place in the evolution of the Internet is evaluated as well as the existing methods of regulation of its work in developed countries and the role of non-profit associations market leaders of technology in the creation of a suitable ecosystem. The Internet of things will allow to minimize the downtime and harmful emissions, significantly improve efficiency and even bring back manufacturing to developed countries with a corresponding increase in the number of jobs in the innovation sector. Such a perspective has allowed the market leaders to convince the governments of many developed countries to reduce regulation of the nascent industry to a minimum. It is strategically dangerous, given the potential extent of technological unemployment, and serious problems with the security of personal information in a world where things will collect data about their owners. The Internet of things can form the basis of the fragmentation of society and at the same time to change our understanding of reality at the expense of equality of objects and people in many aspects. Such equality was proclaimed by supporters of the “turn to things”, convinced that sociology’s time to pay due attention to objects, and their significance in social interactions continues to grow, and with the development of technology of Internet of things and artificial intelligence comes on a fundamentally new level. In this regard, there is a need for serious state control over the development of technologies on the basis of the social assessment. The article also offers possible ways of involving civil society in the solution to the looming social problems associated with the implementation of the Internet of things.
Keywords: Internet of things (IoT), digital divide, technological unemployment, evolution of the internet, personal data, governmental regulations on technologies, social consequences of technical development, actor-network theory, digital detox.
Text: PDF
For citation: Yudina, M.A. Internet of things: problems of social expertise. Communicology.
Volume 5. No.2. Pp. 50-67 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-50-67
1. Aslanian A. Pravo na inrenet kak bazovoye pravo [Electronnyi resurs]. URL: http://ru.euronews.
com/2016/07/05/un-denounces-disruption-of-internet-access-as-human-rights-violation (data
obraschenia 18.01.2017) [Aslanian A. UN: The right on the Internet as a basic right for all
violation(accessed on 18.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
2. Patrick Wetterwald Internet Of Things: 10 years later. Facts and Vision (access on 21.01.2017).
3. Kevin Ashton That 'Internet of Things' Thing: In the real world, things matter more than ideas. (access on 19.01.2017).
4. Pasko I. Chto nuzhno znat ob Industrii 4.0 i Internete veschey // Informatsionnyiy resurs
theRunet, data publikatsii: 21.09.2015. URL: (data obrascheniya
21.12.2016) [Pasko I. What you need to know about Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things //
Information resource theRunet, publication date: 21.09.2015. URL:
(access on 21.12.2016)]. (In Russ.).
5. Standards and Architecture for the IoT. A path for convergence? Main outputs from the Workshop
on IoT Standardisation and Architecture
and (access on 22.01.2017).
6. Davos 2017 – Strategic Update: The Future of the Digital Economy
watch?v=atM7Q8aPRb4 время на видео 5:44 (access on 29.01.2017).
7. Internet veshey – mif ili realnost? (data obraschenia 17.01.2017) [The Internet of things –
myth or reality? (acces. 17.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
8. Nikifrov O.Yu. Podhody k ponimaniyu interneta veschey // Mezhdunarodnoe nauchnoe izdanie
Sovremennyie fundamentalnyie i prikladnyie issledovaniya #3(18) – 2015 [Nikiforov O. Y. Approaches to understanding the Internet of things // International scientific publication Modern fundamental and applied research No3(18) – 2015]. (In Russ.).
9. Yastreb N.A. Chetvertaya promyishlennaya revolyutsiya: globalnyie promyishlennyie seti i
internet veschey. Innovatsionnaya politika i ekonomika InVestRegion #4/2014 [Yastreb N.A. The
fourth industrial revolution: the global industrial network and the Internet of things. Innovation policy
and the economy Investregion No4/2014]. (In Russ.).
10. Sotsiologiya veschey. Sbornik statey pod redaktsiey V. Vahshtayna M.: Izdatelskiy dom
«Territoriya buduschego», 2006. [Sociology of things. A collection of articles edited by V. Vakhshtein M.: Publishing house «territory of the future», 2006.]. (In Russ.).
11. Baryshnikov P. Morphologia technologicheskoy skaski: internet veshey y socialnie distancii.
Sotsiologiya vlasti.Tom 27. No.1. [Baryshnikov P. Morphology of technological tales: the Internet of
things and social distance. Sotsiologiya vlasti. Volume 27 No 1 (2015)]. (In Russ.).
12. James Whittaker The Internet of Things
ci4kbCmEmOI&t=2695s время видео, когда звучит цитируемый текст 41:12 (дата обращения: 24.01.2017).
13. Social Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) – by Ahsan Zaman – Oxford University Lectures
Debate (дата обращениия: 26.01.2017).
14. Bauman Z. Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? Cambridge: Polity. 2013.
15. Davos 2016 – The Future of Growth: Technology-Driven, Human-Centred
QCvtv5VMskI?t=26m7s (дата обращения 25.01.2017).
16. Kornilov P. Kak perekhod pravitelstva v cifrovuyu ehpohu mozhet sehkonomit 70 milliardov
funtov sterlingov (data obraschenia 27.01.2017) [Kornilov P. As the transition of government in the digital age could save 70 billion pounds
pravitelstva-v-tsifrovuyu-epokhu-mozhet-sekonomit-70-milliardov-funtov-sterlingov (accessed on 27.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
17. Kornilov P. Federalnaya torgovaya komissiya SSHA vzyalas za internet veshchej (data
obraschenia 27.01.2017) [Kornilov P. Federal trade Commission took up the Internet of things http://
veshchej (accessed on 27.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
18. Internet of things: privacy and security in a connected world. FTC Staff report 2015
2013-workshop-entitled-internet-things-privacy/150127iotrpt.pdf (дата обращения: 27.01.2017).
19. The ‘Internet of Things’: Legal Challenges in an Ultra-connected World http://www.
20. The Internet of Things (дата
обращения 26.01.2017).
21. Definition of a Research and Innovation Policy Leveraging Cloud Computing and IoT Combination Page 79
innovation-policy-leveraging-cloud-computing-and-iot-combination (дата обращения 26.01.2017).
22. Maciej Kranz Digital Transformation. IoT Meets Standards, Driving Interoperability and Adoption – July 21, 2015
and-adoption (дата обращения 22.01.2017).
23. AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM и Intel сформировали Консорциум промышленного Интернета (дата обра-
щения: 25.01.2017).
24. Jennifer Warnick James Whittaker How to change the way people think in four easy steps (дата обращения: 23.01.2017).
25. Nikolaev K., Abdullaeva Sh. Intellektualnyiy insult. Kak v mire robotov ostatsya chelovekom
i ne poteryat sebya. M.: Izd. Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2016. [Nikolaev K., Abdullayev sh, Intellectual
stroke. In a world of robots remain human and not lose myself. M.: Izd. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016.].(In Russ.).
26. Tsifrovoy slovar. Kak internet i gadzhetyi menyayut nas. Kritika tsifrovogo detoksa — argumentyi kiberrealistov protiv otklyucheniya ot seti v teh usloviyah, kotoryie predlozhenyi polzovatelyam segodnya. (data obrascheniya: 18.01.2017) [The digital dictionary. As the Internet and gadgets change us. Criticism of the digital detox — the arguments against cyberrelated disconnect from the network in the conditions that offered to users today. http:// (access date 18.01.2017)]. (In Russ.).
27. Sonia Bussu The Internet of Things: the case for public voice Sciencewise Expert resource
center July 2014 Стр. 4-5 (access data 27.01.2017).
28. Latur B. Nauka v deystvii: sleduya za uchenyimi i inzhenerami vnutri obschestva. Per. s angl.
K. Fedorovoy; nauch. red. S. Milyaeva. – SPb.: Izdatelstvo Evropeyskogo universiteta v Sankt-
Peterburge [Latour, Bruno. Science in action: how to follow scientists and engineers through society.
Translated from English by K. Fedorova; scientific. edited by S. Milyaeva. – SPb.: Publishing house
of the European University in Saint-Petersburg, 2013] .(In Russ.).