Media space as a social system and patterns of its development

Author: Ionova E.A.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
IONOVA Elena Aleksandrovna, postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration
and Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public
Administration (RANEPA), Chair of Public Relations and Media Policy. Moscow, Russian

Abstract: The article dwells on the development of media space as part of the social system. The author views social space as being configured by communication channels providing the exchange of information between its elements. It is pointed out that in the information space there are processes that take place due to new technological conditions. These processes are crucial to the development of civilization. In a given historical period of time generation, processing and transmission of information have become fundamental sources of productivity and power. The author emphasizes that the last information revolution resulted in the possibility of transmitting the information over long distances without the necessity for the participants of the communication process to change their location. It is noted that the information potential is spread over the territory of Russia unevenly. The author compares media space of Russia and China and expresses the idea that the key factor for the solution of state strategic and tactical problems is the existence of the core message that governs the information space. The conclusion is drawn that current Russian information space is still characterized by weak manageability, lack of control from the government, a great number of participants, variety of information processes, and uneven access to information technologies.

Keywords: management, state, social system model, an element, compound, configuration, structure, media space, the information revolution.

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For citation: Ionova E.A. Laws of development of media space as a social system and patterns of its development. Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. P. 38-49 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-38-49

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