Author: Safronov O. I.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
SAFRONOV Oleg Ivanovich – postgraduate student of the Department of national and
Federative relations of the Institute of state service and administration of Russian presidential
Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian
Federation (RANEPA). Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article is primarily concerned with the media role of «the Islamic state» (the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation) in development of the political radicalism in the
context of globalization. Currently ISIS's proponents have realized the relevance of «the soft power». Constantly they work on outreach, they have an impact on the behavior attitudes and political consciousness. The combination of these factors leads to involvement of young people to participate in destructive organizations. ISIS's outreach is qualitatively different from messages of other terror organizations. In its form it is similar to mass-media culture. The article considers the innovational technology of the control of human's mind. The article discriminates the continuum of research of mass-media role in escalation of Islamic radicalism. Also the article considers the main ISIS media.
Keywords: radicalism, Islamism, media, propaganda, information war.
Text: PDF
For citation: Safronov O.I. The media role of ISIS in development of political radicalism in the context of globalization. Communicology. – Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 69-77 DOI 10.21453/2311- 3065-2017-5-2-69-77
1. Zhil K. Dzhikhad. Ekspansiya i zakat islamizma. Izdatelskiy dom: Ladomir. 2004.– S. 19.
[K. Gilles, Jihad. Expansion and decline of Islamism. Publishing house: Ladomir. 2004. Р. 19].
2. Maklyuen M. Ponimanie Media: vneshnie rasshireniya cheloveka / perevod s angliyskogo
V.G. Nikolaeva. — M.: Giperboreya; Kuchkovo pole, 2007. S. 464 ). [McLuhan M. Understanding
Media: external expansion of human / English translation by V. G. Nikolaev. — M.: Hyperborea;
Kuchkovo pole, 2007. Р. 464].
3. Kopylov V.A. Informacionnoe pravo: Uchebnik. M., 2004. S. 20-21). [Kopylov V. A. Informational law: the Textbook. M., 2004. P.20-21]. (In Russ.). Trachtman J.P. ‘Cyberspace, Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and Modernism’ // Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 1998. Vol. 5. Issue 2. P. 580. [ J. P. Trachtman ‘Cyberspace, Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and Modernism’ // Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 1998. Vol. 5. Issue 2. P. 580]. Kostin A.I., Izotov B.C. Posledstviya mirovogo krizisa: politologicheskiy analiz vzaimozavisimykh riskov. // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 12. Politicheskie nauki. – 2012. – No4. – S. 8. [ Kostin A. I., Izotov B. C. the effects of the global crisis: a political analysis of interdependent risks. // The Moscow University Herald. Episode 12. Political science. – 2012. – No. 4. – P. 8].
6. Panarin I.N. «SMI, propaganda i informacionnye voyny»: Pokolenie; M., 2012, S. 3. [Panarin
I.N. “Media, propaganda and the information war”: the Generation; M., 2012, P.3]. (In Russ.).
7. Vays M., Khasan Kh. Islamskoe gosudarstvo. Armiya terrora. – M.: ANF, 2016. – S. 25. [Weiss
M., Hassan H. the Islamic state. The army of terror. – M.: ANF, 2016. – P. 25].
8. The Return of Khilafah» Dabik, Issue 1, July, 2014 //
files/09-2014/isis-isil-islamik-state-magazine-Issue-1-the-return-of-khilafah.pdf). [The Return of Khilafah” Dabik, Issue 1, July, 2014, access Mode: // media/
9. Doktrina informacionnoy bezopasnosti RF. Rossiyskaya gazeta 6 dekabrya 2016 g. Rezhim
dostupa: // [The information
security doctrine of the Russian Federation. Rossiyskaya Gazeta 6 December 2016 access Mode: //].(In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
SAFRONOV Oleg Ivanovich – postgraduate student of the Department of national and
Federative relations of the Institute of state service and administration of Russian presidential
Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian
Federation (RANEPA). Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article is primarily concerned with the media role of «the Islamic state» (the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation) in development of the political radicalism in the
context of globalization. Currently ISIS's proponents have realized the relevance of «the soft power». Constantly they work on outreach, they have an impact on the behavior attitudes and political consciousness. The combination of these factors leads to involvement of young people to participate in destructive organizations. ISIS's outreach is qualitatively different from messages of other terror organizations. In its form it is similar to mass-media culture. The article considers the innovational technology of the control of human's mind. The article discriminates the continuum of research of mass-media role in escalation of Islamic radicalism. Also the article considers the main ISIS media.
Keywords: radicalism, Islamism, media, propaganda, information war.
Text: PDF
For citation: Safronov O.I. The media role of ISIS in development of political radicalism in the context of globalization. Communicology. – Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 69-77 DOI 10.21453/2311- 3065-2017-5-2-69-77
1. Zhil K. Dzhikhad. Ekspansiya i zakat islamizma. Izdatelskiy dom: Ladomir. 2004.– S. 19.
[K. Gilles, Jihad. Expansion and decline of Islamism. Publishing house: Ladomir. 2004. Р. 19].
2. Maklyuen M. Ponimanie Media: vneshnie rasshireniya cheloveka / perevod s angliyskogo
V.G. Nikolaeva. — M.: Giperboreya; Kuchkovo pole, 2007. S. 464 ). [McLuhan M. Understanding
Media: external expansion of human / English translation by V. G. Nikolaev. — M.: Hyperborea;
Kuchkovo pole, 2007. Р. 464].
3. Kopylov V.A. Informacionnoe pravo: Uchebnik. M., 2004. S. 20-21). [Kopylov V. A. Informational law: the Textbook. M., 2004. P.20-21]. (In Russ.). Trachtman J.P. ‘Cyberspace, Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and Modernism’ // Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 1998. Vol. 5. Issue 2. P. 580. [ J. P. Trachtman ‘Cyberspace, Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and Modernism’ // Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 1998. Vol. 5. Issue 2. P. 580]. Kostin A.I., Izotov B.C. Posledstviya mirovogo krizisa: politologicheskiy analiz vzaimozavisimykh riskov. // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 12. Politicheskie nauki. – 2012. – No4. – S. 8. [ Kostin A. I., Izotov B. C. the effects of the global crisis: a political analysis of interdependent risks. // The Moscow University Herald. Episode 12. Political science. – 2012. – No. 4. – P. 8].
6. Panarin I.N. «SMI, propaganda i informacionnye voyny»: Pokolenie; M., 2012, S. 3. [Panarin
I.N. “Media, propaganda and the information war”: the Generation; M., 2012, P.3]. (In Russ.).
7. Vays M., Khasan Kh. Islamskoe gosudarstvo. Armiya terrora. – M.: ANF, 2016. – S. 25. [Weiss
M., Hassan H. the Islamic state. The army of terror. – M.: ANF, 2016. – P. 25].
8. The Return of Khilafah» Dabik, Issue 1, July, 2014 //
files/09-2014/isis-isil-islamik-state-magazine-Issue-1-the-return-of-khilafah.pdf). [The Return of Khilafah” Dabik, Issue 1, July, 2014, access Mode: // media/
9. Doktrina informacionnoy bezopasnosti RF. Rossiyskaya gazeta 6 dekabrya 2016 g. Rezhim
dostupa: // [The information
security doctrine of the Russian Federation. Rossiyskaya Gazeta 6 December 2016 access Mode: //].(In Russ.).