Corporate culture of cosmetic companies in the digital sphere (on the example of L'Oreal company)

Author: Logvinovskaya V.D., Trubnikova N.V.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
LOGVINOVSKAYA Vladislava Dmitrievna – student of a Master`s program of the Institute of World Economy and Business (IWEB) Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), specialization «Advertising Management». Moscow, Russian Federation.

Trubnikova Nina Vadimovna – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, AssociateProfessor, Head of the department «Advertising Business Communications» Institute of World Economy and Business (IWEB) Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). Moscow, Russian Federation.

Annotation: This article considers the concept of the term “corporate culture” as an essential part of the company which development is the cornerstone of a tendency of cultural and socioeconomic processes of globalization of modern society in a century of digital technologies. Modern trends of business development of the worlds` leading cosmetic companies on the Internet in the XXI century are determined and analyzed. Possibilities of usage of the new communication channels efficiently influenced on development of the companies of the beauty-market are shown. Authors of the research focus on the conditions of globalization, importance of finding and researching new work approaches with consumers, effective support of digital communication channels for successful functioning
and development of leading cosmetic companies on the world beauty-market.

Keywords: social media, cosmetic companies, cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, corporate
culture, customer acquisition.

Text: PDF

For citation: Logvinovskaya V.D., Trubnikova N.V. Corporate culture of cosmetic companies
in the digital sphere (on the example of L’Oreal Company). Communicology. Volume 5. No.2.
P. 116-124 DOI 10.21453/2311– 3065-2017-5-2-116-124

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