Author: Platonov K.A., Burchakova M.A.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
PLATONOV Kirill Alexandrovich, magister of advertising and public relations department of the Institute of World Economy and Business (International School of Business) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Moscow, Russian Federation.
BURCHAKOVA Marina Anatolievna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Institute of World Economy and Business (International School of Business) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article analyzes the most actual aspects of the theory and practice of celebrity marketing in the banking sector of Russia. There are various approaches and effective mechanisms of realization of the advertising campaign with the stars. It is established that degree of confidence in the “star” is among consumers is growing steadily. Today every fifth consumer in the world trusts the ads featuring famous athletes, actors and musicians. Celebrities are involved in 10% of advertising companies around the world, and the amount of celebrity advertising on TV is 25%. Celebrity marketing is a set of actions of an organization aimed at transforming the needs of consumers into the company’s revenues by attracting various “stars”. Describes in detail the peculiarities of interaction between brands and celebrities top film stars, athletes, famous idols of show business. Special attention is given to identifying features of celebrity marketing in the advertising campaign of commercial banks. The article also considers the effectiveness of attracting stars to the promotion of banking products and services, the interaction between domestic banking and international brands,
the influence of mass media on the formation factors of the value of celebrities for brands, etc. The article evaluates the economic efficiency of the advertising campaign with the participation of world “stars” as the image of persons of credit institutions; the recommendations are given for the advertising departments of commercial banks to optimize their advertising budgets.
Keywords: celebrity marketing, “star” efficiency, advertising campaign, commercial bank,
the cost of advertising, image of the stars, bank’s image, advertising budget of the bank.
Text: PDF
For citation: Platonov K.A., Burchakova M.A. Features of celebrity marketing in the banking sector.
Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. P. 108-115 DOI 10.21453/2311– 3065-2017-5-2-108-115
1. Otsenka effektivnosti reklamnoj kampanii. Internet-proekt [Electronnyi resurs].
URL: [Evaluation of the
effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Internet project [Electronic resource] URL:] (In Russ.).
2. Vadim Kormilicyn. Istinnaja prichina pokupki est’ jemocija. Biznes-shkola RMA [Electronnyi
resurs]. URL: (data obraschenia: 16.10.2012) [Vadim Kormilitsyn.
The real reason for the purchase is emotion. The RMA business school [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed on: 16.10.2012)]. (In Russ.).
3. Anzhelika Tihonova. Zvezdy zarabotajut na reklame “dokrizisnye” million. Zhurnal «Delovoj
Peterburg» [Electronnyi resurs]. URL:
rekl (data obraschenia: 22.09.2011) [Anzhelika Tikhonova. The stars earn on advertising “pre-crisis” millions. The magazine “Business Petersburg” [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. ]. (In Russ.).
4. Anzhelika Tihonova. Neodnoznachnyj rynok reklamy so zvezdami. Zhurnal «Delovoj Peterburg».
URL: (data obraschenia: 8.05.2013) [Anzhelika
Tikhonova. Mixed advertising market with the stars. The magazine “Business Petersburg” [Electronic
resource]. URL: ]. (In Russ.).
5. Dina Bogdashova. Skol’ko zvezdy zarabatyvajut na prodvizhenii brendov. Kompanija Rusbase
[Electronnyi resurs]. URL:
foto-video/6695087.html (data obraschenia: 12.05.2011) [Dina Bogdashova. How many stars
earned in the promotion of brands. The company Rusbase. URL:
zarabatyvayut-na-prodvijenii-brendov-foto-video/6695087.html (accessed on: 12.05.2011)].(In Russ.).
6. Ponjavina M.B. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po povysheniju uznavaemosti brenda posredstvom
privlechenija znamenitostej v reklamnye kampanii. Internet-zhurnal «Naukoveden’e», 2014. No2
(22) [Electronnyi resurs] URL: [Ponyavina M. B.
Methodical recommendations on increasing brand recognition by involving celebrities in advertising
campaigns. Internet-journal “science of Science”, 2014. No2 (22) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://]. (In Russ.).
7. Vadim Kormilicyn. Kak Bank «TRAST» oboshel konkurentov: cifry i fakty. Blog Vadima Kormilicyna[Electronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obr.: 24.07.2012) [Vadim Kormilitsyn. As the Bank “TRUST” has bypassedcompetitors: facts and figures. Blog Vadim Kormilitsyna. URL: (accessed on: 24.07.2012)]. (In Russ.).
8. Matkovskaja Ya. S. Marketingovye kommunikacii bankov: komparativnyj analiz i mnogo-
urovnevyj metod ocenki ih jeffektivnosti. Marketing i marketingovye issledovanija. 2015. No 2.
S. 128-141. [Electronnyi resurs]. URL: [Matkovskaya Y. S.
Marketing communications of banks: comparative analysis and layered approach to evaluating their
effectiveness. Marketing and marketing research. 2015. No. 2. S. 128-141. [Electronic resource].
URL:]. (In Russ.).
9. Ksenija Voznyuk, Natal’ja Malyutina, El’dar Sokolov. BBDO suditsja s «Trastom» iz-za Uillisa.
Informacionno-analiticheskij portal [Electronnyi resurs]. URL:
publication/bbdo-suditsya-s-trastom-iz-za-uillisa-1749.html (data obraschenia: 04.03.2013)
[Kseniya Voznyuk, Natalia Malyutina, Eldar Falcons. BBDO suing the “Trust” of Willis”. Information-analytical portal [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed on: 04.03.2013)]. (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
PLATONOV Kirill Alexandrovich, magister of advertising and public relations department of the Institute of World Economy and Business (International School of Business) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Moscow, Russian Federation.
BURCHAKOVA Marina Anatolievna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Institute of World Economy and Business (International School of Business) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article analyzes the most actual aspects of the theory and practice of celebrity marketing in the banking sector of Russia. There are various approaches and effective mechanisms of realization of the advertising campaign with the stars. It is established that degree of confidence in the “star” is among consumers is growing steadily. Today every fifth consumer in the world trusts the ads featuring famous athletes, actors and musicians. Celebrities are involved in 10% of advertising companies around the world, and the amount of celebrity advertising on TV is 25%. Celebrity marketing is a set of actions of an organization aimed at transforming the needs of consumers into the company’s revenues by attracting various “stars”. Describes in detail the peculiarities of interaction between brands and celebrities top film stars, athletes, famous idols of show business. Special attention is given to identifying features of celebrity marketing in the advertising campaign of commercial banks. The article also considers the effectiveness of attracting stars to the promotion of banking products and services, the interaction between domestic banking and international brands,
the influence of mass media on the formation factors of the value of celebrities for brands, etc. The article evaluates the economic efficiency of the advertising campaign with the participation of world “stars” as the image of persons of credit institutions; the recommendations are given for the advertising departments of commercial banks to optimize their advertising budgets.
Keywords: celebrity marketing, “star” efficiency, advertising campaign, commercial bank,
the cost of advertising, image of the stars, bank’s image, advertising budget of the bank.
Text: PDF
For citation: Platonov K.A., Burchakova M.A. Features of celebrity marketing in the banking sector.
Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. P. 108-115 DOI 10.21453/2311– 3065-2017-5-2-108-115
1. Otsenka effektivnosti reklamnoj kampanii. Internet-proekt [Electronnyi resurs].
URL: [Evaluation of the
effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Internet project [Electronic resource] URL:] (In Russ.).
2. Vadim Kormilicyn. Istinnaja prichina pokupki est’ jemocija. Biznes-shkola RMA [Electronnyi
resurs]. URL: (data obraschenia: 16.10.2012) [Vadim Kormilitsyn.
The real reason for the purchase is emotion. The RMA business school [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed on: 16.10.2012)]. (In Russ.).
3. Anzhelika Tihonova. Zvezdy zarabotajut na reklame “dokrizisnye” million. Zhurnal «Delovoj
Peterburg» [Electronnyi resurs]. URL:
rekl (data obraschenia: 22.09.2011) [Anzhelika Tikhonova. The stars earn on advertising “pre-crisis” millions. The magazine “Business Petersburg” [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www. ]. (In Russ.).
4. Anzhelika Tihonova. Neodnoznachnyj rynok reklamy so zvezdami. Zhurnal «Delovoj Peterburg».
URL: (data obraschenia: 8.05.2013) [Anzhelika
Tikhonova. Mixed advertising market with the stars. The magazine “Business Petersburg” [Electronic
resource]. URL: ]. (In Russ.).
5. Dina Bogdashova. Skol’ko zvezdy zarabatyvajut na prodvizhenii brendov. Kompanija Rusbase
[Electronnyi resurs]. URL:
foto-video/6695087.html (data obraschenia: 12.05.2011) [Dina Bogdashova. How many stars
earned in the promotion of brands. The company Rusbase. URL:
zarabatyvayut-na-prodvijenii-brendov-foto-video/6695087.html (accessed on: 12.05.2011)].(In Russ.).
6. Ponjavina M.B. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po povysheniju uznavaemosti brenda posredstvom
privlechenija znamenitostej v reklamnye kampanii. Internet-zhurnal «Naukoveden’e», 2014. No2
(22) [Electronnyi resurs] URL: [Ponyavina M. B.
Methodical recommendations on increasing brand recognition by involving celebrities in advertising
campaigns. Internet-journal “science of Science”, 2014. No2 (22) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://]. (In Russ.).
7. Vadim Kormilicyn. Kak Bank «TRAST» oboshel konkurentov: cifry i fakty. Blog Vadima Kormilicyna[Electronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obr.: 24.07.2012) [Vadim Kormilitsyn. As the Bank “TRUST” has bypassedcompetitors: facts and figures. Blog Vadim Kormilitsyna. URL: (accessed on: 24.07.2012)]. (In Russ.).
8. Matkovskaja Ya. S. Marketingovye kommunikacii bankov: komparativnyj analiz i mnogo-
urovnevyj metod ocenki ih jeffektivnosti. Marketing i marketingovye issledovanija. 2015. No 2.
S. 128-141. [Electronnyi resurs]. URL: [Matkovskaya Y. S.
Marketing communications of banks: comparative analysis and layered approach to evaluating their
effectiveness. Marketing and marketing research. 2015. No. 2. S. 128-141. [Electronic resource].
URL:]. (In Russ.).
9. Ksenija Voznyuk, Natal’ja Malyutina, El’dar Sokolov. BBDO suditsja s «Trastom» iz-za Uillisa.
Informacionno-analiticheskij portal [Electronnyi resurs]. URL:
publication/bbdo-suditsya-s-trastom-iz-za-uillisa-1749.html (data obraschenia: 04.03.2013)
[Kseniya Voznyuk, Natalia Malyutina, Eldar Falcons. BBDO suing the “Trust” of Willis”. Information-analytical portal [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed on: 04.03.2013)]. (In Russ.).