The role of the elite in the formulation and implementation of the communication strategy of counteraction of corruption

Author: Averin A.N., Ponedelkov A.V, Magomedov K.O.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
AVERIN Alexander Nikolaevich, Professor, doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor of
philosophy at the ION Ranepa. Moscow, Russian Federation.

PONEDELKOV Alexander Vasilievich, doctor of political Sciences, Professor, honored
scientist of Russia, head of laboratory of the South-Russian Institute of management – branch
of Ranepa. Moscow, Russian Federation.

MAGOMEDOV Kerem Osmanovich – doctor of sociology, Professor of the Department of
personnel management IIPAM, Ranepa), Director of the sociological group. Moscow, Russian

Abstract: the paper considers the importance of communication in the sphere of counteraction of corruption and the role of the elite in communicative processes. Special attention is paid to the consideration of communication as the transmission and receipt of information on the incomes and expenditures of civil servants, persons holding or occupying public office, the relationship of information on combating corruption with information about the legalization of income obtained by criminal means.

Keywords: civil servant, income, information, communication, corruption, anti-corruption, information, notice, elite.

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For citation: Averin A.N., Ponedelkov A.V, Magomedov K.O. The role of the elite in the formulation and implementation of the communication strategy of counteraction of corruption. Communicology. Volume 5. No. 2. Pp. 29-37 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017- 5-2-29-37

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