Author: Gubanov A.V.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
GUBANOV Alexander Vladimirovich, postgraduate student, specialty «Sociology of Management», State educational Autonomous institution of higher education «Kursk Academy of state and municipal services». Kursk, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article analyzes in detail established practice and especially the use of multimedia web platforms for example, social networking sites, in the activities of state and municipal authorities, as well as an assessment of the degree of the potential implementation of these technologies at different levels of management. Relevance of the research substantiates the high popularity of social media in Russia, active introduction of modern information technology in government agencies online, the need to develop and consolidate the normative indicators to objectively assess the social networking features implemented in the state and municipal employees. Social networks are considered as multimedia online services, forming and reflecting social interactions on the Internet. The potential use of special network technology will create entirely new channels of interaction between government and society, to do the work of state- power structures more open to develop relevant criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the activities of state and municipal authorities for each individual direction. The key problem in this area is the virtual absence of the regulatory tools and indicators set out, on the basis of which it is possible to analyze the effectiveness of the implemented features. This factor casts doubt on the overall feasibility of the use of additional resources, as the final results will be purely subjective. On this basis, the study makes recommendations and suggests some methods have already received practical reinforcement and tailored management.
Key words: public service, municipal service, public administration, management, social network, efficiency, performance evaluation, analysis, Central Black Earth region.
Text: PDF
For citation: Gubanov A.V. The practice of application of social network in the activities of bodies of state and municipal authorities (on the example of the Central Black earth region). Communicology. Volume 5. No.2. P. 220-230 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-220-230
1. Zotov V.V. Informacionno-kommunikacionnye osnovy dialoga vlasti i oshhestva (stat’ya) //
Kommunikologiya. Tom 2. No2. 2013. С.66-76. [Zotov V. V. Information and communication bases
of dialogue of government and society (article) // Communicology. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 2. P. 66-76.]
(In Russ.).
2. Sharkov F.I. Informacionno-analiticheskij factor razvitiya rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti //
Paradigmalnye osnovaniya gosudarstvennogo upravleniya: sravnitelnyj analiz opyta regionov stran
SNG. V 2 ch. Ch. 2: sbornik nauchnyh statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii / pod obshhej red. V.V. Zotova. – Kursk: Izdat-vo Akademiya gossluzhby, 2015. 264 s. [Sharkov F. I. Information-analytical factor in the development of Russian statehood // Paradigmatic basis of public administration: a comparative analysis of the experience of CIS countries. In 2 hours Part 2: collection of scientific articles of international scientific conference / under the General editorship of V. V. Zotov. Kursk. 2015. 264 P.]. (In Russ.).).
3. Levashov V.K., Sar’yan V.K., Nazarenko A.P., Novozhenina O.P., Toshchenko I.ZH.,
SHushpanova I.S., Salomatina E.V. Razvitie informacionno-kommunikacionnyh tekhnologij i
perspektivy grazhdanskogo obshchestva // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2016. No 9 (389).
S. 13-20. [Levashov V. K., Tumanyan V. K., Nazarenko A. P., Novozenina O. P., Toshchenko J. J.,
shushpanova I. S., Salomatina E. V. development of information and communication technologies
and the prospects for civil society // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2016. No. 9 (389). P. 13-20].
(In Russ.).
4. Onlajn-praktiki rossiyan: social’nye seti [EHlektronnyj resurs] / Opros nedel’noj auditorii
internet-pol’zovatelej. 15–19 yanvarya 2016 goda. // Fond «Obshchestvennoe mnenie» – URL: http:// [Online practices of Russians: social networking [Electronic resource] /
Survey weekly audience of Internet users. 15-19 January 2016. // The Fund “Public opinion” – URL:] (In Russ.).
5. Mihaylovina E. Skol’ko vremeni rossiyane provodyat v social’nyh setyah [Elektronnyj resurs] //
Gorodskoj internet-sajt The Village – URL:
sotsialnye-seti. [Mihailovna E. How much time Russians spend in social networks [Electronic resource] // City website village – URL:]. (In Russ.).
6. Matveeva Yu. V Rossii na obshchenie v social’nyh setyah tratyat tret’ svoego vremeni [Elektronnyj resurs] // Informacionno-novostnoj portal RosRegistr – URL: [Matveyeva Yu. In Russia they spend a third of time on the social network. [Electronic resource] // information-news portal of Rosreestr – URL:]. (In Russ.).
7. Abramov R.N. Setevye struktury i formirovanie informacionnogo obshchestva //
Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2002. No 3. S. 133-140. [Abramov R.N. Network structure and the
formation of information society // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2002. No. 3. P. 133-140]. (In Russ.).
8. Alagi Yorro Jallow. The Emerging of Global Journalism and Social Media [Electronic resource] //
Global Media Journal. 2015. B. 13. E. 25. URL:
the-emerging-of-global-journalism-and-social-media.php?aid=64437 [Date of access 26.12.16].
9. Iosifidis.P., Wheeler.M. The Public Sphere and Network Democracy: Social movements and
Political Change? [Electronic resource] // Global Media Journal. 2015. B. 13. E. 25. URL:
movements-and-political-change.php?aid=64445 [Date of access 26.12.16].
10. Zotov V.V., Harchenko T.V. Vlast’ i obshchestvo v informacionno-kommunikacionnoj srede:
mekhanizmy vzaimodejstviya // Vlast’ i obshchestvo: praktiki vzaimodejstviya i konflikty. Materialy
Devyatoj regional’noj nauchnoj konferencii (g. Voronezh, 2 fevralya 2015 g.) / Pod obshch. red.
V.N. Glaz’eva. Voronezh, 2015. S.383-387. [Zotov V. V., Kharchenko T.EdV. Power and society in
the information and communication environment: mechanisms of interaction // Power and society:
practices of interaction and conflict. The Ninth regional conference (Voronezh, February 2, 2015)
Ed. V.N. Glazyev. Voronezh, 2015. P. 383-387]. (In Russ.).
11. Reyting social’no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya regionov [Elektronnyj resurs] / Vestnik
Credinform 07.04.2016 // Informacionnoe agentstvo Credinform – URL:
ru-RU/herald/details/19c92def28d9. [Rating of social economic development of regions. Vestnik
Credinform 07.04.2016] (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
GUBANOV Alexander Vladimirovich, postgraduate student, specialty «Sociology of Management», State educational Autonomous institution of higher education «Kursk Academy of state and municipal services». Kursk, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article analyzes in detail established practice and especially the use of multimedia web platforms for example, social networking sites, in the activities of state and municipal authorities, as well as an assessment of the degree of the potential implementation of these technologies at different levels of management. Relevance of the research substantiates the high popularity of social media in Russia, active introduction of modern information technology in government agencies online, the need to develop and consolidate the normative indicators to objectively assess the social networking features implemented in the state and municipal employees. Social networks are considered as multimedia online services, forming and reflecting social interactions on the Internet. The potential use of special network technology will create entirely new channels of interaction between government and society, to do the work of state- power structures more open to develop relevant criteria for a comprehensive assessment of the activities of state and municipal authorities for each individual direction. The key problem in this area is the virtual absence of the regulatory tools and indicators set out, on the basis of which it is possible to analyze the effectiveness of the implemented features. This factor casts doubt on the overall feasibility of the use of additional resources, as the final results will be purely subjective. On this basis, the study makes recommendations and suggests some methods have already received practical reinforcement and tailored management.
Key words: public service, municipal service, public administration, management, social network, efficiency, performance evaluation, analysis, Central Black Earth region.
Text: PDF
For citation: Gubanov A.V. The practice of application of social network in the activities of bodies of state and municipal authorities (on the example of the Central Black earth region). Communicology. Volume 5. No.2. P. 220-230 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-220-230
1. Zotov V.V. Informacionno-kommunikacionnye osnovy dialoga vlasti i oshhestva (stat’ya) //
Kommunikologiya. Tom 2. No2. 2013. С.66-76. [Zotov V. V. Information and communication bases
of dialogue of government and society (article) // Communicology. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 2. P. 66-76.]
(In Russ.).
2. Sharkov F.I. Informacionno-analiticheskij factor razvitiya rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti //
Paradigmalnye osnovaniya gosudarstvennogo upravleniya: sravnitelnyj analiz opyta regionov stran
SNG. V 2 ch. Ch. 2: sbornik nauchnyh statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii / pod obshhej red. V.V. Zotova. – Kursk: Izdat-vo Akademiya gossluzhby, 2015. 264 s. [Sharkov F. I. Information-analytical factor in the development of Russian statehood // Paradigmatic basis of public administration: a comparative analysis of the experience of CIS countries. In 2 hours Part 2: collection of scientific articles of international scientific conference / under the General editorship of V. V. Zotov. Kursk. 2015. 264 P.]. (In Russ.).).
3. Levashov V.K., Sar’yan V.K., Nazarenko A.P., Novozhenina O.P., Toshchenko I.ZH.,
SHushpanova I.S., Salomatina E.V. Razvitie informacionno-kommunikacionnyh tekhnologij i
perspektivy grazhdanskogo obshchestva // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2016. No 9 (389).
S. 13-20. [Levashov V. K., Tumanyan V. K., Nazarenko A. P., Novozenina O. P., Toshchenko J. J.,
shushpanova I. S., Salomatina E. V. development of information and communication technologies
and the prospects for civil society // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2016. No. 9 (389). P. 13-20].
(In Russ.).
4. Onlajn-praktiki rossiyan: social’nye seti [EHlektronnyj resurs] / Opros nedel’noj auditorii
internet-pol’zovatelej. 15–19 yanvarya 2016 goda. // Fond «Obshchestvennoe mnenie» – URL: http:// [Online practices of Russians: social networking [Electronic resource] /
Survey weekly audience of Internet users. 15-19 January 2016. // The Fund “Public opinion” – URL:] (In Russ.).
5. Mihaylovina E. Skol’ko vremeni rossiyane provodyat v social’nyh setyah [Elektronnyj resurs] //
Gorodskoj internet-sajt The Village – URL:
sotsialnye-seti. [Mihailovna E. How much time Russians spend in social networks [Electronic resource] // City website village – URL:]. (In Russ.).
6. Matveeva Yu. V Rossii na obshchenie v social’nyh setyah tratyat tret’ svoego vremeni [Elektronnyj resurs] // Informacionno-novostnoj portal RosRegistr – URL: [Matveyeva Yu. In Russia they spend a third of time on the social network. [Electronic resource] // information-news portal of Rosreestr – URL:]. (In Russ.).
7. Abramov R.N. Setevye struktury i formirovanie informacionnogo obshchestva //
Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2002. No 3. S. 133-140. [Abramov R.N. Network structure and the
formation of information society // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 2002. No. 3. P. 133-140]. (In Russ.).
8. Alagi Yorro Jallow. The Emerging of Global Journalism and Social Media [Electronic resource] //
Global Media Journal. 2015. B. 13. E. 25. URL:
the-emerging-of-global-journalism-and-social-media.php?aid=64437 [Date of access 26.12.16].
9. Iosifidis.P., Wheeler.M. The Public Sphere and Network Democracy: Social movements and
Political Change? [Electronic resource] // Global Media Journal. 2015. B. 13. E. 25. URL:
movements-and-political-change.php?aid=64445 [Date of access 26.12.16].
10. Zotov V.V., Harchenko T.V. Vlast’ i obshchestvo v informacionno-kommunikacionnoj srede:
mekhanizmy vzaimodejstviya // Vlast’ i obshchestvo: praktiki vzaimodejstviya i konflikty. Materialy
Devyatoj regional’noj nauchnoj konferencii (g. Voronezh, 2 fevralya 2015 g.) / Pod obshch. red.
V.N. Glaz’eva. Voronezh, 2015. S.383-387. [Zotov V. V., Kharchenko T.EdV. Power and society in
the information and communication environment: mechanisms of interaction // Power and society:
practices of interaction and conflict. The Ninth regional conference (Voronezh, February 2, 2015)
Ed. V.N. Glazyev. Voronezh, 2015. P. 383-387]. (In Russ.).
11. Reyting social’no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya regionov [Elektronnyj resurs] / Vestnik
Credinform 07.04.2016 // Informacionnoe agentstvo Credinform – URL:
ru-RU/herald/details/19c92def28d9. [Rating of social economic development of regions. Vestnik
Credinform 07.04.2016] (In Russ.).