Performance criteria of the state management as a mechanism of communication of authority and society

Author: Achkasov A.V.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
ACHKASOV Artem Vladimirovich, the graduate student of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Moscow, Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article considers the problem of criteria formation of the state management efficiency as the mechanism of communication of society and government. As the object of the study issues for legal requirement of criteria of efficiency were selected. The articlecontains the analysis of the possible structure of these criteria. Also identified are key risks in the process of sustainable development of the state, caused by the lack of uniform standards of efficiency of legislative activity, discusses the regulatory consolidation of these criteria. Performance criteria are universal channels of communication between government and society. On the one hand performance criteria are the expression of social interests of different social groups. On the other hand, performance criteria allow the authorities, based on the change of certain characteristics of performance evaluation, to adjust their activities, thereby increasing the stability of government institutions. The main criterion of the effectiveness of the legislature is the principle of professionalism in the implementation of the management. At the same time, in the system of government of the Russian Federation there are no mechanisms to enforce this principle, which in turn, creates risks for the normal functioning of channels of communication between government (the legislative) and society. The paper contains a proof of the thesis that the degree of efficiency of administrative activity of the legislature is directly dependent on the level of professionalism of the deputies. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of legislative bodies, there is an objective necessity to create a system of raising the level of professional development of the people’s representatives. The creation of such a system is possible by formation of special units in the structure of legislative bodies, whose tasks will include the organization of events to improve the professional level of deputies. Also, it is expedient the introduction of professional qualifications for the substitution of certain positions in the management
structure of the legislature. The process of introducing professional qualifications considered by the example of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: state management, professionalism, professional development, efficiency, efficiency criteria, the legislature.

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For citation: Achkasov A.V. Performance criteria of the state management as the mechanism of communication of authority and society. Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 209-219 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-209-219

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