Author: Grigoryan D.K.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
GRIGORYAN David Kromvelovich – candidate of political Sciences, doctoral candidate,
Department of political science and ethnic policy of the South-Russian Institute of management – branch of the «Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation». Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article substantiates the necessity of specifying the basic constructs of modern political elitology based on the concept of «leadership-luxury positioning. This is due to the fact that the leader of a certain elite group is the main agent of implementation of its socio-political projects and represents this group in the socio-political system. There are two main types of representation: hierarchical and closed on polyarchical structure of power relations. In these processes the main role is played respectively executed resources of power and political will, the key elite actors is a political leader. Depending on the form of structuring power-political relations should highlight the authoritarian and democratic culture in the implementation of political will. You should consider to fend off pathology political will in the form of political utopianism and voluntarism, political akrasia, political externalism and conformity.
Keywords: political leader, political elite, political will, leadership, an elite positioning, hierarchical structures of power, polyarchies power structure, political culture, pathology of political will.
Text: PDF
For citation: Grigoryan D.K. Resources of implementation of political will in the context of a leadership-elite positioning in structure of power distribution. Communicology. – Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 201-207 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-20-17-5-2-201-207
1. Ponedelkov A.V., Starostin A.M. «Lidersko-jelitnaja proekcija politicheskih processov
sovremennoj Rossii: itogi issledovanij poslednego 20-letija (1994-2014 gg.)» Rostov-na-Donu, 2014
[Ponedelkov A. V., Starostin A. M. “Leader and elite projection of political processes of modern Russia: results of researches of the last 20 anniversary (1994-2014)” Rostov-on-Don, 2014].
2. Ponedelkov A.V., Starostin A.M., Shvec L.G. Lidersko-jelitnaja sostavljajushhaja politicheskih
processov v jekspertnom i massovom soznanii (regional’nyj aspekt) // Vestnik Moskovskogo
gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta (Jelektronnyj zhurnal) 2015. No2. http://vestnik-mgou.
ru/Articles/View/657. [Ponedelkov A. V., Starostin A. M., Shvets L. G. A leader and elite component of political processes in expert and mass consciousness (regional aspect)//the Bulletin of the Moscow
state regional university (Online magazine) 2015. No. 2.]
3. Usova Ju.V. Politicheskie jelity sovremennoj Rossii: dinamika i pozicionirovanie. Avtoref. diss.
... dokt.. polit. nauk. Vladikavkaz, 2014. [Usova Yu. V. Political elite of modern Russia: dynamics and positioning. Avtoref. Doct. Diss. Vladikavkaz, 2014].
4. Usova Ju.V. Politicheskie jelity sovremennoj Rossii: dinamika i pozicionirovanie. – Vladikavkaz.
2013. [Usova Yu. V. Political elite of modern Russia: dynamics and positioning. Vladikavkaz. 2013].
5. Dahl, R. Power as the Control of Behaviour / Edited by Steven Lukes. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. P. 44
6. Kostin A.V., Burkovskij I.V. Nesilovye resursy politicheskoj vlasti // Vestnik Rossijskogo novogo
universiteta. 2010, No1, S. 19. [Kostin A. V., Burkovsky I. V. Not power resources of the political power // Bulletin of the Russian new university. 2010, No. 1, P. 19].
7. Ledjaev V.G. Vlast’: konceptual’nyj analiz. M., 2001, S. 215. [Ledyaev V. G. Power: conceptual
analysis. Moscow, 2001, p. 215].
8. Morozova E.A. Resursy politicheskoj vlasti: institucional’nyj analiz. Avtoref. diss. .... kand.
polit. nauk. Rostov-na-Donu, 2010. [Morozova E. A. Resources of the political power: institutional
analysis. Avtoref. Doct. Diss. Rostov-on-Don, 2010].
9. Prigozhin A.N. Patologija politicheskogo liderstva v Rossii // Obshhestvennye nauki
i sovremennost’, 1996 No3. [Prigozhin A. N. Pathology of political leadership in Russia//
Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 1996 No. 3].
10. Starostin A.M. Effektivnost’ gosudarstvennogo upravlenija v kontekste sovremennyh
kraticheskih modelej // Starostin A.M. Filosofskie innovacii: koncepcija i osnovnye sfery projavlenija. Rostov n/D, 2009, s. 150 – 177. [Starostin A. M. Efficiency of public administration in the context of modern the kraticheskikh of models//Starostin A. M. Philosophical innovations: concept and main spheres of manifestation. Rostov-on-Don, 2009, pp. 150 – 177].
11. Glebova I.I. Obrazy proshlogo v strukture politicheskoj kul’tury Rossii. Avtoref. diss. .... dokt.
polit. nauk. – M., 2007. [Glebova I. I. Images of the past in structure of political culture of Russia. Avtoref. Doct. Diss. Moscow, 2007].
12. Samygin S.I., Vereshhagina A.V. Informacionnye aspekty obespechenija nacional’noj
bezopasnosti Rossii // Gumanitarnye, social’no-ekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. 2014. No4.
S. 92-95. [Samygin S. I., Vereshchagina A. V. Information aspects of ensuring national security of
Russia// Gumanitarnye, social’no-ekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. 2014. No. 4. Pp. 92-95].
13. Medushevskij A.N. Stalinizm kak model’. Obozrenie izdatel’skogo proekta «ROSSPJeN»
«Istorija stalinizma» // Vestnik Evropy. 2011. No30. [Medushevsky A. N. Stalinism as model. Review
of the publishing ROSSPEN project “Stalinism history”//Bulletin of Europe. 2011. No. 30].
14. Snegovaja M. Nesmenjaemye nachal’niki // Vedomosti. 2015. 29 maja. [Snegovaya M.
Constant chiefs// Vedomosti. 2015. May 29].
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
GRIGORYAN David Kromvelovich – candidate of political Sciences, doctoral candidate,
Department of political science and ethnic policy of the South-Russian Institute of management – branch of the «Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation». Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation.
Abstract: The article substantiates the necessity of specifying the basic constructs of modern political elitology based on the concept of «leadership-luxury positioning. This is due to the fact that the leader of a certain elite group is the main agent of implementation of its socio-political projects and represents this group in the socio-political system. There are two main types of representation: hierarchical and closed on polyarchical structure of power relations. In these processes the main role is played respectively executed resources of power and political will, the key elite actors is a political leader. Depending on the form of structuring power-political relations should highlight the authoritarian and democratic culture in the implementation of political will. You should consider to fend off pathology political will in the form of political utopianism and voluntarism, political akrasia, political externalism and conformity.
Keywords: political leader, political elite, political will, leadership, an elite positioning, hierarchical structures of power, polyarchies power structure, political culture, pathology of political will.
Text: PDF
For citation: Grigoryan D.K. Resources of implementation of political will in the context of a leadership-elite positioning in structure of power distribution. Communicology. – Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 201-207 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-20-17-5-2-201-207
1. Ponedelkov A.V., Starostin A.M. «Lidersko-jelitnaja proekcija politicheskih processov
sovremennoj Rossii: itogi issledovanij poslednego 20-letija (1994-2014 gg.)» Rostov-na-Donu, 2014
[Ponedelkov A. V., Starostin A. M. “Leader and elite projection of political processes of modern Russia: results of researches of the last 20 anniversary (1994-2014)” Rostov-on-Don, 2014].
2. Ponedelkov A.V., Starostin A.M., Shvec L.G. Lidersko-jelitnaja sostavljajushhaja politicheskih
processov v jekspertnom i massovom soznanii (regional’nyj aspekt) // Vestnik Moskovskogo
gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta (Jelektronnyj zhurnal) 2015. No2. http://vestnik-mgou.
ru/Articles/View/657. [Ponedelkov A. V., Starostin A. M., Shvets L. G. A leader and elite component of political processes in expert and mass consciousness (regional aspect)//the Bulletin of the Moscow
state regional university (Online magazine) 2015. No. 2.]
3. Usova Ju.V. Politicheskie jelity sovremennoj Rossii: dinamika i pozicionirovanie. Avtoref. diss.
... dokt.. polit. nauk. Vladikavkaz, 2014. [Usova Yu. V. Political elite of modern Russia: dynamics and positioning. Avtoref. Doct. Diss. Vladikavkaz, 2014].
4. Usova Ju.V. Politicheskie jelity sovremennoj Rossii: dinamika i pozicionirovanie. – Vladikavkaz.
2013. [Usova Yu. V. Political elite of modern Russia: dynamics and positioning. Vladikavkaz. 2013].
5. Dahl, R. Power as the Control of Behaviour / Edited by Steven Lukes. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. P. 44
6. Kostin A.V., Burkovskij I.V. Nesilovye resursy politicheskoj vlasti // Vestnik Rossijskogo novogo
universiteta. 2010, No1, S. 19. [Kostin A. V., Burkovsky I. V. Not power resources of the political power // Bulletin of the Russian new university. 2010, No. 1, P. 19].
7. Ledjaev V.G. Vlast’: konceptual’nyj analiz. M., 2001, S. 215. [Ledyaev V. G. Power: conceptual
analysis. Moscow, 2001, p. 215].
8. Morozova E.A. Resursy politicheskoj vlasti: institucional’nyj analiz. Avtoref. diss. .... kand.
polit. nauk. Rostov-na-Donu, 2010. [Morozova E. A. Resources of the political power: institutional
analysis. Avtoref. Doct. Diss. Rostov-on-Don, 2010].
9. Prigozhin A.N. Patologija politicheskogo liderstva v Rossii // Obshhestvennye nauki
i sovremennost’, 1996 No3. [Prigozhin A. N. Pathology of political leadership in Russia//
Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 1996 No. 3].
10. Starostin A.M. Effektivnost’ gosudarstvennogo upravlenija v kontekste sovremennyh
kraticheskih modelej // Starostin A.M. Filosofskie innovacii: koncepcija i osnovnye sfery projavlenija. Rostov n/D, 2009, s. 150 – 177. [Starostin A. M. Efficiency of public administration in the context of modern the kraticheskikh of models//Starostin A. M. Philosophical innovations: concept and main spheres of manifestation. Rostov-on-Don, 2009, pp. 150 – 177].
11. Glebova I.I. Obrazy proshlogo v strukture politicheskoj kul’tury Rossii. Avtoref. diss. .... dokt.
polit. nauk. – M., 2007. [Glebova I. I. Images of the past in structure of political culture of Russia. Avtoref. Doct. Diss. Moscow, 2007].
12. Samygin S.I., Vereshhagina A.V. Informacionnye aspekty obespechenija nacional’noj
bezopasnosti Rossii // Gumanitarnye, social’no-ekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. 2014. No4.
S. 92-95. [Samygin S. I., Vereshchagina A. V. Information aspects of ensuring national security of
Russia// Gumanitarnye, social’no-ekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. 2014. No. 4. Pp. 92-95].
13. Medushevskij A.N. Stalinizm kak model’. Obozrenie izdatel’skogo proekta «ROSSPJeN»
«Istorija stalinizma» // Vestnik Evropy. 2011. No30. [Medushevsky A. N. Stalinism as model. Review
of the publishing ROSSPEN project “Stalinism history”//Bulletin of Europe. 2011. No. 30].
14. Snegovaja M. Nesmenjaemye nachal’niki // Vedomosti. 2015. 29 maja. [Snegovaya M.
Constant chiefs// Vedomosti. 2015. May 29].