Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
Prelikova Elena Anatolevna, teacher of faculty of protection of work and environment, Federal
state budget educational establishment of higher education “Southwest state university”.
Kursk, Russian Federation.

ZOTOV Vitaliy Vladimirovich, Doctor of sociological sciences, Professor, Pro-rector on
research and innovations, State educational independent establishment of higher education
“Kursk academy of a state and municipal service”.

Abstract. In the article the basic attention is given to consideration of the social communications as the forms stable, constantly generating social communications within the framework of local community and social trust as bases of the social communications. The local self-management is based on a local social generality and assumes not only social – geographical affinity, but also the presence of social activity and social trust, that allows to translate traditional subject-object of the communications in subject-subject. The results of researches of the authors have shown low social activity of the population in the decision of social problems of ability to live. In clause the analysis of social trust of the population to the representatives of the nearest environment and subjects of a local level is carried out. Is proved, that the social trust on individual and institutional a level has essential differences. At an individual level it is high enough, that allows to build the constructive attitudes with family, relatives, members of collective, friends, neighbors. On institutional a level social
trust to the representatives of local community and bodies of local self-management low, that requires special social technologies for organization of interaction. It requires creation new парадигмы of social management, which, in turn, is capable to generate social trust, as only actions, focused on mutual understanding, are connected to development of the social initiative and increase of a level of social participation.

Key words: communications, trust, activity, local community, management, interaction, attitude.

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For citation: Social trust as a basis of system of social communications in local community. –
Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P.121–133 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-121–133

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