Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
MAGOMEDOV Kerem Osmanovich, doctor of sociology, Professor of the Chair of personnel administration, Department of personnel management and public service, Institute for public service and management of the Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), head of the sociological group. Moscow, Russian Federation.

Abstract: the article, on materials of sociological research on topical problems of personnel policy and personnel management of organizations in different spheres of activity and forms of ownership in the Russian Federation, conducted by the sociological group IPAM Ranepa in 2015, discusses the formation and development of personnel potential of Russia, including such as: the effectiveness of the state and its role in these processes; assessment of the degree of readiness of the Russian legislation in the field of development and management of personnel potential of the country; determination of the nature of partnership relations of bodies of state power and administration, employers and trade unions in the implementation of state personnel policy and the prospects for its further improvement, finding solutions to conflicts on the basis of compromise.

Key words: human resources, state personnel policy, state regulation of personnel potential, social partnership, social interaction, social compromises.

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For citation: Magomedov K.O. Personnel potential of Russia: sociological analysis of problems of formation and development. – Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P.134–146 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-134–146

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