Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
OKHOTSKY Evgeny Vasilievich, doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of public administration and law faculty of public administration, MGIMO University, Advisor of the diplomatic service of the second class. Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract: the author attempts a theoretical-methodological analysis of the nature of “information power”, its distinctive features, goals, objectives and priorities; to present the main directions, challenges and problems of information support of state management activities; to determine the degree of effectiveness of modern information flows on the structure of the state apparatus and mass consciousness, to harmonize the interaction of government institutions, municipal authorities and civil society institutions. In the same context examines the main components of state policy in the sphere of Informatization of the management processes. Also presents a very general assessment of Russia’s successes, identified some of the difficulties and the influence of new information technologies and Institute of e-government on the quality and efficiency of administrative processes.

Key words: power, state, state government, Internet, information, information, information society, information security, social networking, e-democracy, e-government, e-services, efficiency.

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For citation: Okhotskiy E.F. Information and communication technologies in public administration: condition, plans, prospects. – Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P. 195–203 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-195–203

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