Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
KORNILOVICH Vladimir Adamovich, Candidate of sociological sciences, doctoral candidate
of the Institute of sociology, Russian academy of sciences. Moscow, Russian Federation.
KHOLIN Alexander Nikolaevich, Candidate of technical sciences, doctoral candidate of the
Russian Presidential academy of national economy and public administration (RANEPA).
Abstract. Widespread global ICT paradigm in the practice of the government of Russia was reflected in the Informatization of the authorities and purposeful formation of a system of distributed situational centers (SC) as the management infrastructure intended for information and analytical support of managerial decisions. The authors indicate the presence of dysfunction in this infrastructure, significantly limiting the possibilities of use of situational centers in the development of strategies for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and its subjects with the involvement of a large number of expert groups. Theory of small groups explains the patterns of communication and interaction in small groups based on the communicative, interactive and perceptual processes, the mechanism of occurrence of group processes and their impact on individual members of the group. To control the communicative dynamics requires the adoption of converged solutions group on the basis of the consent of group members regarding the application of certain models for internal and external communications of the group and coordination of actions aimed at
timely adjustment methods, convergence of information and communication tools. The high dynamics of changes in the social, economic, political and spiritual spheres of life of Russian society greatly increases the degree of uncertainty in the adoption of state administrative decisions. A sociological approach to the justification of the activities of the expert groups in the information environment of the STS allowed the authors to develop a model of the stratification of specialists, rapid diagnosis, thereby attaining organic “connection” of hardware and software and expertise in solving management problems.
Keywords: group dynamics, communication dynamics, small group, communications area, communication management, expert-analytical technologies, informational support, group decision making, analysis of the complicated situation, information environment, management decisions, strategic management.
For citation: Kornilovich, V. A., Kholin A. N. Communication dynamics of small groups:
information support for management decisions (for example, group situational analysis) –
Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1.P.99–110 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-99–110
Text: PDF
1. Teoriya malyih grupp // Sotsiologicheskaya entsiklopediya. Tom 2. M., 2003. S.631. [Theory
of small groups //Sociological encyclopedia. Volume 2. Moscow, 2003. – P. 631]. (In Russ.).
2. Kornilovich V.A. Strategicheskoe upravlenie: sotsiologicheskiy podhod / V.A. Kornilovich. – M.,
2015. [Kornilovich V.A. Strategic Management: A Sociological Approach. Moscow. 2015]. (In Russ.).
3. Raykov A.N. Strategiya – v mig mezhdu proshlyim i buduschim / A.N. Raykov // Informatsiya
i biznes. 2001. N2. P. 30-33. [Raikov A.N. Strategy – in a moment between the past and the future /
A.N. Raikov // Informatsiya i biznes. 2001. No2. P. 30-33]. (In Russ.).
4. Metody i sredstva informatsionno-analiticheskoy podderzhki uchebnogo protsessa i nauchnyih
issledovaniy v situatsionnom tsentre RAGS / sost.: d.t.n., prof. Pavlov A.N. // Otchet po NIR kafedryi
informatizatsii struktur gosudarstvennoy sluzhbyi Rossiyskoy akademii gosudarstvennoy sluzhbyi pri
Prezidente RF. M.: RAGS, 2003. [Methods and means of information and analytical support of the
educational process and scientific research in the situation center RAGS / PhD.: prof. Pavlov A.N. //
Report on the research of the department of information structures of public service of the Russian
Presidential Academy of Public Service. Moscow. 2003].(In Russ.)
5. Raykov A.N. Konvergentnoe upravlenie i podderzhka resheniy. M., 2009. [Raikov A.N.
Convergent management and decision support. Moscow. 2009]. (In Russ.).
6. Bazhin I. Kultura sluzhaschih organov vlasti v osuschestvlenii sotsialnyih reform // Sotsiologiya
vlasti. 2008. N 6. S. 51-60. [Bazhin I.I. Culture of employees of authorities in implementation of social reforms //Sotsiologiya vlasti. 2008. No 6. P. 51-60]. (In Russ.).
7. Egorov A.I. Voprosyi podgotovki spetsialistov dlya informatsionno-analiticheskih podrazdeleniy
organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti i drugih organizatsiy // Situatsionnyie tsentryi 2009. Perspektivnyie
informatsionno-analiticheskie tehnologii podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy: Materialyi nauchno- prakticheskoy konferentsii RAGS. 14-15 aprelya 2009 goda / Pod obsch. red. A.N. Danchula. M., 2010. P. 379-384. [Egorov A.I. Questions of training for information-analytical departments of public
authorities and other organizations // Situational centers 2009. Forward-looking information and
analytical decision support technologies: Materials of scientifically-practical conference RAPS. April
14-15, 2009 / Ed. A.N. Danchul. Moscow. 2010. P. 379-384]. (In Russ.).
8. Eferina T., Matasova I. Ekspertnoe znanie v deyatelnosti situatsionnogo tsentra //
Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2011. N 4. P. 63-67. [Eferina T., Matasova I. Expert knowledge in the
activities of the situational center // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2011. No 4. P. 63-67]. (In Russ.).
9. Situatsionnyie tsentryi: modeli, tehnologii, opyit prakticheskoy realizatsii: Materialyi nauchno-
prakticheskoy konferentsii RAGS. 18-19 aprelya 2006 goda / Pod obsch. red. A.N. Danchula. M.,2007. P. 21-25. [Situational centers: models, technologies, experience of practical implementation:
Proceedings of the conference RAPS. April 18-19, 2006 / Ed. A.N. Danchul. Moscow. 2007, P. 21-25].(In Russ.).
10. Sovremennyie informatsionno-analiticheskie tehnologii podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy:
Materialyi nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. RAGS. 27-28 aprelya 2010 goda / Pod obsch.
red. A.N. Danchula. M., 2011. P. 94-105. [Modern information and analytical decision support
technologies: Materials of scientifically-practical conference. RAPS. 27-28 April 2010 / Ed.
A.N. Danchul. Moscow. 2011. P. 94-105]. (In Russ.).
11. Rakitov A.I. Sistemnyiy analiz i analiticheskie issledovaniya: rukovodstvo dlya professionalnyih
analitikov / A.I. Rakitov, D.A. Bondyaev, I.B. Romanov, S.V. Egerev, A.Yu. Scherbakov /otv. red.
A.I. Rakitov. M., 2009. [Rakitov A.I. System analysis and analytical research: a guide for professional analysts / A.I. Rakitov, D.A. Bondyaev, I.B. Romanov, S.V. Rangers, A.Y. Shcherbakov / Ed. A.I. Rakitov. Moscow, 2009]. (In Russ.).
12. Holin A.N. Ekspress-diagnostika uchastnikov gruppovyih rabot v situatsionnom tsentre /
A.N. Holin // Sistemyi upravleniya i informatsionnyie tehnologii. 2011. N 1.1(43). S. 184-188. [Kholin A.N. Express-diagnostics of participants of group work in the situation center / A.N. Kholin // Sistemyi upravleniya i informatsionnyie tehnologii. 2011. No 1.1 (43). P. 184-188]. (In Russ.).
13. Raikov, A. Convergent networked decision-making using group insights. Complex & Intelligent
Systems. Springer Open Access. 2016. P. 1-12.
14. Holin A.N., Kornilovich V.A. Situatsionnyiy tsentr: metodologiya i organizatsionnoe
obespechenie ekspertnogo upravleniya: monografiya / A.N. Holin, V.A. Kornilovich. – Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2012. 307 p. [Kholin A.N., Kornilovich V.A. Situation Centre: methodology and organizational provision of expert management: Monograph / A.N. Kholin, V.A. Kornilovich. – Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. 307 p]. (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
KORNILOVICH Vladimir Adamovich, Candidate of sociological sciences, doctoral candidate
of the Institute of sociology, Russian academy of sciences. Moscow, Russian Federation.
KHOLIN Alexander Nikolaevich, Candidate of technical sciences, doctoral candidate of the
Russian Presidential academy of national economy and public administration (RANEPA).
Abstract. Widespread global ICT paradigm in the practice of the government of Russia was reflected in the Informatization of the authorities and purposeful formation of a system of distributed situational centers (SC) as the management infrastructure intended for information and analytical support of managerial decisions. The authors indicate the presence of dysfunction in this infrastructure, significantly limiting the possibilities of use of situational centers in the development of strategies for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and its subjects with the involvement of a large number of expert groups. Theory of small groups explains the patterns of communication and interaction in small groups based on the communicative, interactive and perceptual processes, the mechanism of occurrence of group processes and their impact on individual members of the group. To control the communicative dynamics requires the adoption of converged solutions group on the basis of the consent of group members regarding the application of certain models for internal and external communications of the group and coordination of actions aimed at
timely adjustment methods, convergence of information and communication tools. The high dynamics of changes in the social, economic, political and spiritual spheres of life of Russian society greatly increases the degree of uncertainty in the adoption of state administrative decisions. A sociological approach to the justification of the activities of the expert groups in the information environment of the STS allowed the authors to develop a model of the stratification of specialists, rapid diagnosis, thereby attaining organic “connection” of hardware and software and expertise in solving management problems.
Keywords: group dynamics, communication dynamics, small group, communications area, communication management, expert-analytical technologies, informational support, group decision making, analysis of the complicated situation, information environment, management decisions, strategic management.
For citation: Kornilovich, V. A., Kholin A. N. Communication dynamics of small groups:
information support for management decisions (for example, group situational analysis) –
Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1.P.99–110 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-99–110
Text: PDF
1. Teoriya malyih grupp // Sotsiologicheskaya entsiklopediya. Tom 2. M., 2003. S.631. [Theory
of small groups //Sociological encyclopedia. Volume 2. Moscow, 2003. – P. 631]. (In Russ.).
2. Kornilovich V.A. Strategicheskoe upravlenie: sotsiologicheskiy podhod / V.A. Kornilovich. – M.,
2015. [Kornilovich V.A. Strategic Management: A Sociological Approach. Moscow. 2015]. (In Russ.).
3. Raykov A.N. Strategiya – v mig mezhdu proshlyim i buduschim / A.N. Raykov // Informatsiya
i biznes. 2001. N2. P. 30-33. [Raikov A.N. Strategy – in a moment between the past and the future /
A.N. Raikov // Informatsiya i biznes. 2001. No2. P. 30-33]. (In Russ.).
4. Metody i sredstva informatsionno-analiticheskoy podderzhki uchebnogo protsessa i nauchnyih
issledovaniy v situatsionnom tsentre RAGS / sost.: d.t.n., prof. Pavlov A.N. // Otchet po NIR kafedryi
informatizatsii struktur gosudarstvennoy sluzhbyi Rossiyskoy akademii gosudarstvennoy sluzhbyi pri
Prezidente RF. M.: RAGS, 2003. [Methods and means of information and analytical support of the
educational process and scientific research in the situation center RAGS / PhD.: prof. Pavlov A.N. //
Report on the research of the department of information structures of public service of the Russian
Presidential Academy of Public Service. Moscow. 2003].(In Russ.)
5. Raykov A.N. Konvergentnoe upravlenie i podderzhka resheniy. M., 2009. [Raikov A.N.
Convergent management and decision support. Moscow. 2009]. (In Russ.).
6. Bazhin I. Kultura sluzhaschih organov vlasti v osuschestvlenii sotsialnyih reform // Sotsiologiya
vlasti. 2008. N 6. S. 51-60. [Bazhin I.I. Culture of employees of authorities in implementation of social reforms //Sotsiologiya vlasti. 2008. No 6. P. 51-60]. (In Russ.).
7. Egorov A.I. Voprosyi podgotovki spetsialistov dlya informatsionno-analiticheskih podrazdeleniy
organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti i drugih organizatsiy // Situatsionnyie tsentryi 2009. Perspektivnyie
informatsionno-analiticheskie tehnologii podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy: Materialyi nauchno- prakticheskoy konferentsii RAGS. 14-15 aprelya 2009 goda / Pod obsch. red. A.N. Danchula. M., 2010. P. 379-384. [Egorov A.I. Questions of training for information-analytical departments of public
authorities and other organizations // Situational centers 2009. Forward-looking information and
analytical decision support technologies: Materials of scientifically-practical conference RAPS. April
14-15, 2009 / Ed. A.N. Danchul. Moscow. 2010. P. 379-384]. (In Russ.).
8. Eferina T., Matasova I. Ekspertnoe znanie v deyatelnosti situatsionnogo tsentra //
Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2011. N 4. P. 63-67. [Eferina T., Matasova I. Expert knowledge in the
activities of the situational center // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2011. No 4. P. 63-67]. (In Russ.).
9. Situatsionnyie tsentryi: modeli, tehnologii, opyit prakticheskoy realizatsii: Materialyi nauchno-
prakticheskoy konferentsii RAGS. 18-19 aprelya 2006 goda / Pod obsch. red. A.N. Danchula. M.,2007. P. 21-25. [Situational centers: models, technologies, experience of practical implementation:
Proceedings of the conference RAPS. April 18-19, 2006 / Ed. A.N. Danchul. Moscow. 2007, P. 21-25].(In Russ.).
10. Sovremennyie informatsionno-analiticheskie tehnologii podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy:
Materialyi nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. RAGS. 27-28 aprelya 2010 goda / Pod obsch.
red. A.N. Danchula. M., 2011. P. 94-105. [Modern information and analytical decision support
technologies: Materials of scientifically-practical conference. RAPS. 27-28 April 2010 / Ed.
A.N. Danchul. Moscow. 2011. P. 94-105]. (In Russ.).
11. Rakitov A.I. Sistemnyiy analiz i analiticheskie issledovaniya: rukovodstvo dlya professionalnyih
analitikov / A.I. Rakitov, D.A. Bondyaev, I.B. Romanov, S.V. Egerev, A.Yu. Scherbakov /otv. red.
A.I. Rakitov. M., 2009. [Rakitov A.I. System analysis and analytical research: a guide for professional analysts / A.I. Rakitov, D.A. Bondyaev, I.B. Romanov, S.V. Rangers, A.Y. Shcherbakov / Ed. A.I. Rakitov. Moscow, 2009]. (In Russ.).
12. Holin A.N. Ekspress-diagnostika uchastnikov gruppovyih rabot v situatsionnom tsentre /
A.N. Holin // Sistemyi upravleniya i informatsionnyie tehnologii. 2011. N 1.1(43). S. 184-188. [Kholin A.N. Express-diagnostics of participants of group work in the situation center / A.N. Kholin // Sistemyi upravleniya i informatsionnyie tehnologii. 2011. No 1.1 (43). P. 184-188]. (In Russ.).
13. Raikov, A. Convergent networked decision-making using group insights. Complex & Intelligent
Systems. Springer Open Access. 2016. P. 1-12.
14. Holin A.N., Kornilovich V.A. Situatsionnyiy tsentr: metodologiya i organizatsionnoe
obespechenie ekspertnogo upravleniya: monografiya / A.N. Holin, V.A. Kornilovich. – Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2012. 307 p. [Kholin A.N., Kornilovich V.A. Situation Centre: methodology and organizational provision of expert management: Monograph / A.N. Kholin, V.A. Kornilovich. – Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. 307 p]. (In Russ.).