Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
BOGOVA Hristina, Doctor of philosophy, Lecturer on European communication practice, Persuasive communication, Organization and management of social processes at the University of Library Studies and information technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
GLINSKAYA Irina Yurievna, Doctor of political sciences, Associate Professor of advertising and public relations department of the World economy and business Institute of RUDN University. Moscow, Russian Federation.
KIRILLOVA Ekaterina Andreevna, student of advertising and public relations department of the World economy and business Institute of RUDN University.
Abstract. Nowadays the trend, which becomes more and more evident exists in the world: parents have less time they can dedicate to their children. That is why they appoint the development of their kid to market of children’s goods. This trend was the boost for children’s goods manufacturers that motivated them to draw attention to niche of children’s developing products. Right now this field is free for entrance, but not every trademark can hold its own for a long time. That is why manufacturers try to create a truly attractive and thoroughly thought-out brand for children who can take and hold a position on the market. Nevertheless it is not enough to create an accurate brand to live up to children’s expectations. It is necessary to build a specific system of marketing communication, which will infatuate target and contact audiences. The authors of this article examine the toolkit with the help of which children’s developing goods manufacturers can compete for consumers.
Keywords: advertising, branding, marketing communications, competitiveness, market of children’s goods, children’s developing products.
Text: PDF
For citation: Glinskaya I.Y., Kirillova E.A. The role of marketing communications in promotion of children’s developing products. – Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P.164–177 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-164–177
1. Aker D., Iohimshtailer A. Brend-liderstvo: novaya contseptsiya brendinga. M., 2003. S. 29-40.
[Aker D., Iohimshtailer A. Brand leadership: new concept of branding. Moscow, 2003. P. 29-40].
(In Russ.).
2. Sorochenko V. Detskaya reklama // Reklamodatel: teoriya i praktika. No6. 2008. P. 10-19.
[Sorochenko V. Advertizing for children. Reklamodatel: teoriya i praktika. No6. 2008. P. 10-19].
(In Russ.).
3. Brend bistrogo rosra, ili Detskaya neozhidannost. Available online at: ((In Russ.).
4. Children watch nearly 90% of TV live, finds TeleScope 2014. Available online at: http://www.
5. Detskiy marketing: nravitsya rebenku, vizivaet doverie u roditelei. Available online at: http:// (In Russ.).
6. STEM toys – What are they? Why are they important. Available online at: http://www.toybliss.
7. Perspectives: global trends in stem toys. Available online at: http://www.toyassociation.
8. How to Promote Engineering for Girls in STEM. Available online at: [
9. Elektronnaya enciklopedia «Akademik». Available online at: nsf/ruwiki/1828063. [Electronic Encyclopedia “Akademik”. URL:
ruwiki/1828063 (In Russ.).
10. Disney Launches Imagicacademy Learning Apps for Students, Parents. Available online at: students-parents-1065770421
11. Learning is fun: Waterman Primary School students get introduced to Goldie Blox, Snap Circuits Jr». Available online at:
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
BOGOVA Hristina, Doctor of philosophy, Lecturer on European communication practice, Persuasive communication, Organization and management of social processes at the University of Library Studies and information technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
GLINSKAYA Irina Yurievna, Doctor of political sciences, Associate Professor of advertising and public relations department of the World economy and business Institute of RUDN University. Moscow, Russian Federation.
KIRILLOVA Ekaterina Andreevna, student of advertising and public relations department of the World economy and business Institute of RUDN University.
Abstract. Nowadays the trend, which becomes more and more evident exists in the world: parents have less time they can dedicate to their children. That is why they appoint the development of their kid to market of children’s goods. This trend was the boost for children’s goods manufacturers that motivated them to draw attention to niche of children’s developing products. Right now this field is free for entrance, but not every trademark can hold its own for a long time. That is why manufacturers try to create a truly attractive and thoroughly thought-out brand for children who can take and hold a position on the market. Nevertheless it is not enough to create an accurate brand to live up to children’s expectations. It is necessary to build a specific system of marketing communication, which will infatuate target and contact audiences. The authors of this article examine the toolkit with the help of which children’s developing goods manufacturers can compete for consumers.
Keywords: advertising, branding, marketing communications, competitiveness, market of children’s goods, children’s developing products.
Text: PDF
For citation: Glinskaya I.Y., Kirillova E.A. The role of marketing communications in promotion of children’s developing products. – Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P.164–177 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-164–177
1. Aker D., Iohimshtailer A. Brend-liderstvo: novaya contseptsiya brendinga. M., 2003. S. 29-40.
[Aker D., Iohimshtailer A. Brand leadership: new concept of branding. Moscow, 2003. P. 29-40].
(In Russ.).
2. Sorochenko V. Detskaya reklama // Reklamodatel: teoriya i praktika. No6. 2008. P. 10-19.
[Sorochenko V. Advertizing for children. Reklamodatel: teoriya i praktika. No6. 2008. P. 10-19].
(In Russ.).
3. Brend bistrogo rosra, ili Detskaya neozhidannost. Available online at: ((In Russ.).
4. Children watch nearly 90% of TV live, finds TeleScope 2014. Available online at: http://www.
5. Detskiy marketing: nravitsya rebenku, vizivaet doverie u roditelei. Available online at: http:// (In Russ.).
6. STEM toys – What are they? Why are they important. Available online at: http://www.toybliss.
7. Perspectives: global trends in stem toys. Available online at: http://www.toyassociation.
8. How to Promote Engineering for Girls in STEM. Available online at: [
9. Elektronnaya enciklopedia «Akademik». Available online at: nsf/ruwiki/1828063. [Electronic Encyclopedia “Akademik”. URL:
ruwiki/1828063 (In Russ.).
10. Disney Launches Imagicacademy Learning Apps for Students, Parents. Available online at: students-parents-1065770421
11. Learning is fun: Waterman Primary School students get introduced to Goldie Blox, Snap Circuits Jr». Available online at: